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Physx Effects Are Too Repetitive And Shiny, Some Suggestions.


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Just for reference, here are PhysX effects in other games

Debris, sparks, liquids, cloth which you can rip - 

Volumetric smoke (smoke moves away as you move trough it and so on) - 

Debris and all sorts of large mechanical chunks and parts - 


while Warframe only uses turbulence physX which are most of the time out of place (in the middle of fire blast for example) and sometimes same overly glowing particles from explosions and stomps. 

I think glowing particles should be implemented for various plasma explosions, skills like rhino stomp, sonic boom, Volt's skills. But currently it just feels like they needed to shove enough of them so player get's to see them every minute, even though it feels very out of place. (again, particles in the middle of fire blast make no sense at all, they should be spinning like a tornado instead across the entire radius)


- Why dissolving infested is releasing so many overly glowing particles that create huge lights with bloom on? Why can't it be just some red particles spilling when they dissolve?

- Why slash dash has to create sooo much glowing stuff? I think something less vibrant and light (so it stays in the air) would look much better.

- Why vauban bastille just has to make every enemy poop so much glowing stuff that it makes our eyes hurt?

I could keep going on, but you get the idea. Most of the time PhysX shouldn't even be so shiny, it could simply be some tiny debris scattering after something, or just less vibrant and glowing.

Edited by Aure7
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PhysX creates some really interesting and good-looking VFX, but I wouldn't be able to tell, since I've never been able to use it. The only nVidia GPU I had was an old GTS 250, which caused atrocious framerates when I turned PhysX on.


Anyway, seems to me it just creates a lot of (not really useless, but not needed at this time) eye candy. For the last year or so, I've been playing every game on minimal settings, and it's not as horrible as you'd think. You focus on other elements (gameplay, story) more, I guess, though playing w/o AA absolutely kills edges. All the edges. In Warframe, the only thing I hate is the constant glow on everything. Even with bloom and colour correction off, everything is so damn bright. Or is it just me? What breakes immersion for me is animation. Some of them just look off.

Edited by doom.
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