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New Warframe: The Titan


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i do like those stats, does balance him out more. but thats more of what you should being doing instead of poking holes. yes there are flaws with my design, but instead of doing nothing but pointing them out, try and be constructive like other people. Just do what you just did, offer something that helps make the idea better, or ideas of your own.

You didn't read the FIRST LINE did you? You also mentioned that I should be more 'constructive like other people' instead of 'pointing out flaws'. If you actually read any of the other concepts, you should see how others take the fixes 'the flaws which were pointed out' not go




the fact that I'm pointing out flaws is already considered 'constructive' as I'm telling you what to fix, just not telling you how to fix it, since this is YOUR idea, not mine. Your current action is like, 'I started off a time bomb, someone told me that it's dangerous but since they didn't tell me how to turn it off, I'm going to say that they are wrong and it's not dangerous'


and you haven't seen any real 'non-constructive comments' have you? common examples will be things like 'G*y', 'Sh*t', 'you suck', etc (I've been a subject to many of these, so you don't even understand true 'useless comments' which you keep mentioning). My comments may seem as if I'm trying to sink your idea, but what I'm actually doing is telling you which part of your 'boat' has holes which needs to be covered up without giving you and materials, since you should procure your own material, not beg/leech off others.


p.s you do know that you can edit your post, so you can change your stats, not leave it at those ridiculous numbers

Edited by mhyr1104
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You didn't read the FIRST LINE did you? You also mentioned that I should be more 'constructive like other people' instead of 'pointing out flaws'. If you actually read any of the other concepts, you should see how others take the fixes 'the flaws which were pointed out' not go




the fact that I'm pointing out flaws is already considered 'constructive' as I'm telling you what to fix, just not telling you how to fix it, since this is YOUR idea, not mine. Your current action is like, 'I started off a time bomb, someone told me that it's dangerous but since they didn't tell me how to turn it off, I'm going to say that they are wrong and it's not dangerous'


and you haven't seen any real 'non-constructive comments' have you? common examples will be things like 'G*y', 'Sh*t', 'you suck', etc (I've been a subject to many of these, so you don't even understand true 'useless comments' which you keep mentioning). My comments may seem as if I'm trying to sink your idea, but what I'm actually doing is telling you which part of your 'boat' has holes which needs to be covered up without giving you and materials, since you should procure your own material, not beg/leech off others.


p.s you do know that you can edit your post, so you can change your stats, not leave it at those ridiculous numbers

...it only says delete? eh, whatever. i'm leavin git XD. the gravity warframe is a good concept, but clearly i've kinda sunk the whole ability and stats page. no big. I'm focusing more on my infected idea, but now i can go and edit that first post so people understand it better, thanks :)

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