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Item: A New Sight Type, Maybe A New Crewtype.


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While playing Warframe lately I have started using the codex scanner to find enemies and objectives.

I love this feature for its usefulness, but its ugly and very clumsy when trying to fight with guns.

The codex scanner currently;

Can detect enemies very far away.

Can sea crates, some objectives, and sea regulators.

Is great for spotting groups when im defending and for the knowing best placement of my nova ult.

I would want Warframe to implement one of these ideas.

An item that becomes a full scanner HUD mod, the entire vision is sonar.

This can be used in dark locations for full sight (rather then only where your flashlight points, if it even activates...),

used to sea enemies through walls, and to sea invisible units.

It would be like the codex scanner but doesn't prevent weapon usage, and is not consumable.

This would not be annoying because it can be turned off and on whenever.

Having this item in the gear slot, you could use the gear keybind to toggle activate on it.

This vision should not show color, texture, or lighting.


A scanner Warframe mod.

Every 3, 2.5, 2, 2.5, 1 seconds a low pulse is fired from your character that scans the area for movement.

It reveals all enemies.

This is good for finding Grineer regulators, bugged enemies, groups of enemies coming from a direction.

But as best as possible to not be annoying, and is why its a low pulse/wave noise, not annoying or high pitched.

(Halo: Reach forge noise is an example of a bad noise)

You can have the mod at a level you prefer, from 3 -1 second pulses.

EDIT: And marks them on the minimap.....

Quick, easy, or effective ways to implement the graphical effects.

- Use banshees effect as the only way to sea.

- Have all saturation removed and then a light codex graphical effect used on enemies.

- This one sounds fun, and is based on the sound vision detecting and recording movement.

Have all enemies leave a small ghostly trail behind them and you can sea this trail through walls.

(regulators spin, which would leave a trail.)

- Enemies are highlighted through walls, like the codex.

( I do not like this one, as its not as immersive or realistic)

- Or of course you can make a whole new graphical effect that, removes everything besides edges,

and highlights enemies that move. (and walls have a slight distortion effect on them)



This idea led me to another idea, invisible assassins, as a slightly rare crewtype.

Invisible, melee, burst, squishy.

Wait behind walls, and then use a slow charge attack on Warframes. (This does not not reveal them)

This would help encourage grouping, and playing cautiously

This would not be another Grineer shotty problem

because they are counterable (mainly from scanners)

Assassins could be an event type swarm similar to the stalker. or ice levels.

which would spawn 5-10 random invisible assassins throughout the map.

(banshee could spot them)(they could be 1-5% visible, max)

EDIT: This Reminds me of the invisible elite from halo.

Edited by scaleblue
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+1 for taking the time to do some mockups. Can really help in seeing what you have in mind.


Although I can see that this might be useful, I think it would be best if it were a toggle. Having to play an entire mission with my game looking like that would be... not fun.

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Supporting the following, with a minor change.


A scanner Warframe mod.

  Every 3, 2.5, 2, 2.5, 1 seconds a low pulse is fired from your character that scans the area for movement.

  It reveals all enemies, highlighting moving enemies.


Invisible / revealable assassins as a mission type sounds interesting. Probably more so when player stealth becomes a real thing. I wouldn't even refer to ice levels when making suggestions, though.

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This was very confusing for me and I had to read it out loud -.-

An item that becomes a full scanner HUD mod, the entire vision is sonar.

  This can be used in dark locations for full sight (rather then only where your flashlight points, if it even activates...), 
    used to sea enemies through walls, and to sea invisible units.
  It would be like the codex scanner but doesn't prevent weapon usage, and is not consumable.
  This would not be annoying because it can be turned off and on whenever.
  Having this item in the gear slot, you could use the gear keybind to toggle activate on it.
  This vision should not show color, texture, or lighting.

I.....don't know. Not against it but not supporting it either...because I think it's game breaking: Codex Scanner is enough for this (and you've got melee anyway)

 A scanner Warframe mod.

  Every 3, 2.5, 2, 2.5, 1 seconds a low pulse is fired from your character that scans the area for movement.
  It reveals all enemies.
  This is good for finding Grineer regulators, bugged enemies, groups of enemies coming from a direction.
  But as best as possible to not be annoying, and is why its a low pulse/wave noise, not annoying or high pitched.
   (Halo: Reach forge noise is an example of a bad noise)
  You can have the mod at a level you prefer, from 3 -1 second pulses. 

Erm, we already have Enemy Radar/Sense mods which do just this, and display them on minimap.

This is actually a worse version.

Quick, easy, or effective ways to implement the graphical effects.

- Use banshees effect as the only way to sea.
- Have all saturation removed and then a light codex graphical effect used on enemies.
- This one sounds fun, and is based on the sound vision detecting and recording movement.
   Have all enemies leave a small ghostly trail behind them and you can sea this trail through walls.
   (regulators spin, which would leave a trail.)
- Enemies are highlighted through walls, like the codex.
   ( I do not like this one, as its not as immersive or realistic)
- Or of course you can make a whole new graphical effect that, removes everything besides edges, 
   and highlights enemies that move. (and walls have a slight distortion effect on them)



Although it would be pretty cool to be able to switch between viewtypes (toggling), e.g. X ray, thermal.

I prefer my enemy tagging suggestion, partly because I'm self biased but it's also not very OP in my eyes (pun intended)

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+1 for taking the time to do some mockups. Can really help in seeing what you have in mind.


Although I can see that this might be useful, I think it would be best if it were a toggle. Having to play an entire mission with my game looking like that would be... not fun.

In the keybindings settings, there is currently hotkeys that can be bound to gear slots.


"This would not be annoying because it can be turned off and on whenever.
  Having this item in the gear slot, you could use the gear keybind to toggle activate on it."

So Not only did I think of this^ many different ways...

But I have played very many games only using thermal/sound vision the entire game.

Games like Tom clancy/metroid prime.

Some areas it wasnt very effective, kinda like night vision in daylight. 

But the main problem with most games using another sight, is the background noise.

Good vision changes should be simple, smooth, and clear.

Some games choose to implement heavy film grain, blurred images, and static, and with those I can agree about it being annoying.

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This was very confusing for me and I had to read it out loud -.-

I.....don't know. Not against it but not supporting it either...because I think it's game breaking: Codex Scanner is enough for this (and you've got melee anyway)

Erm, we already have Enemy Radar/Sense mods which do just this, and display them on minimap.

This is actually a worse version.

Although it would be pretty cool to be able to switch between viewtypes (toggling), e.g. X ray, thermal.

I prefer my enemy tagging suggestion, partly because I'm self biased but it's also not very OP in my eyes (pun intended)

You say its " Potentially game breaking" I will agree that this outright added to the game would be op, but i expected it too be balanced mostly with a very hard too find and Expensive blue print.


The codex is already in the game, to make the codex toggle on, and not encumber your weapon would not be difficult.

If it was a mod, which the reason why I suggested that was because I wanted players to make a sacrifice to gain it, so it wasnt a buff to the game, it was just a choice.

I Added my Ability as marking them on the map, so now its only better..

As an item it can take up the slots that no one uses and you gain a buff, which I dont feel is the right thing to do, if it cost 100k+ and wasnt purchasable through plat or credits then I could sea it being fair. As A hidden void blueprint for A toggle on/off sight ability.


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YOU say its " Potentially game breaking" yet later on you say its "not very op in my eyes"

Way to take the pronoun out of context.

"It's potentially game breaking" - your suggestion for free toggling codex-esque vision with no hindrance on normal gunfire.

"it's not very op in my eyes" - referring to my enemy tagging suggestion, not yours.


The codex is already in the game, to make the codex toggle on, and not encumber your weapon would not be difficult.

The codex is fine; having it replace your gun is fair to me, in addition to the need to zoom in to use it (although you can just zoom out instantly for byakugan-style vision, or use the client glitch -  I still occasionally do this since I can't use my weapon, nor move like I normally would). Having it not encumber your weapon gun is what feels OP to me - especially if it replaces/enhances regular third person perspective. Basically it just feels like an enhancement with absolutely no drawback/cost.


If it was a mod, which the reason why I suggested that was because I wanted players to make a sacrifice to gain it, so it wasnt a buff to the game, it was just a choice.

I Added my Ability as marking them on the map, so now its only better..

So what you meant was something like Thief's wit, but acting on enemies?

THIS, I approve highly of (depending on starting range, and maxed rank/range), since it has the cost of being a mod.

(Actually, now that I think about it.....codex highlights containers and enemies, but thief's wit only highlights mods and containers......hmmmm)

As an item it can take up the slots that no one uses and you gain a buff, which I dont feel is the right thing to do, if it cost 100k+ and wasnt purchasable through plat or credits then I could sea it being fair. As A hidden void blueprint for A toggle on/off sight ability.

Hmm...orokin goggles...INTERESTING.

There're hardly any gear items, so that's really just a benefit for the sake of gear variety.

If it were a gear item though......for it to be togglable but have some cost..perhaps make it have durability when used?

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Way to take the pronoun out of context.

"It's potentially game breaking" - your suggestion for free toggling codex-esque vision with no hindrance on normal gunfire.

"it's not very op in my eyes" - referring to my enemy tagging suggestion, not yours.


The codex is fine; having it replace your gun is fair to me, in addition to the need to zoom in to use it (although you can just zoom out instantly for byakugan-style vision, or use the client glitch -  I still occasionally do this since I can't use my weapon, nor move like I normally would). Having it not encumber your weapon gun is what feels OP to me - especially if it replaces/enhances regular third person perspective. Basically it just feels like an enhancement with absolutely no drawback/cost.


So what you meant was something like Thief's wit, but acting on enemies?

THIS, I approve highly of (depending on starting range, and maxed rank/range), since it has the cost of being a mod.

(Actually, now that I think about it.....codex highlights containers and enemies, but thief's wit only highlights mods and containers......hmmmm)

Hmm...orokin goggles...INTERESTING.

There're hardly any gear items, so that's really just a benefit for the sake of gear variety.

If it were a gear item though......for it to be togglable but have some cost..perhaps make it have durability when used?



Btw I tried very fast to correct my mistakes in the last post.. but i was too late.

Why dont u go play a game with codex mainly.

Durability when used?           I......... hate......you.....   :D 

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Btw I tried very fast to correct my mistakes in the last post.. but i was too late.

Why dont u go play a game with codex mainly.

Durability when used?           I......... hate......you.....   :D 

I've played many games with just the codex. Solo, mind you.

They were quite fun. Stealth killing is awesome.


(Oh no you hate me now, lemme kill you before you activate that control console ❀‿❀)

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