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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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man....i still have alad v's message, did plenty corpus runs after that, till today...no harvy still.....is this a joke...or maybe a serious curse after all...by RNG...


Its impossible for me to get barrel or receiver anymore...i think RNG is saying me to quit WF, cuz i am already mastery rank 14, and got  few stuffs to lvl and that's all i have to do...no need of detron.... :(

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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Got a suspicious email from Alad V which said this (don't remember exactly, but I'll try to remember to the best of my ability):


"Tenno, thank you for participating in my latest Zanuka project."



that's your harvy deathmark mate,dont wait, support grineer in their invasions against corpus or try doing any corpus mission and hope for harvy spawn :D

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I'm wondering if the mark is given only during the first invasions or what: I got the message, the invasion is over and I start farming for Harvester; now that a new invasion is on, can I do 5 mission on it without losing the chance of getting a new Harvester mark from that specific invasion in case I get a spawn before it's over?


I mean, do you think mark works like:

- Obtained doing invasion, randomly given from run 1 to run 10(example)


- After mark is consumed, get a new one on any inavsion, always between 1 and 10 runs, but it can be from run 45 to 55 of that specific invasion

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Ok i didnt read any of the other comments but someone might have said this already. I dont mean to cause more confusion with this topic but i have supported corpus 100% since gravidus event no matter the invasion reward or anything i always side corpus,


After the update i wanted to get the catylist so i sided with corpus once again as i always do.


I played 1 mission sided WITH the corpus and i got the death mark in my inbox from allad.


I guess my point is the confirmation of siding with grineer just because they said it in the live stream doesnt make it a FACT.  As we all know DE sometimes has a tendency to muddy up small details from time to time.


Just fyi i am 100% possitive about how i went about getting my death mark. I am a founder a veteran player of over 1200 hours so i know what im talking about when it comes to this game.


There is a 0% chance i miskewed any information in my head on this topic. Just reassurance that im not some scrub who just thought they remembered what happened.


With that being said i have been 0 for 200+ on corpus missions when it comes to trying to draw the harvester out.


i do agree that RNG and the law of Fish-itivity could have big part in this.



Law of Fish-itivity: ANY AND ALL THINGS IN LIFE you either want to happen, AND/or think is going to happen, the inevitable oposite result, good or (usually) bad, will 100% of the time be the end result. Why? because Reality is nothing but an internet troll.



T1 surv. trying to get mag prime blue print for friend(common drop)


50 min and we got 2 full formas. 2 forma blueprints. glaive prime blade. latron prime blueprint. Rare mag prime part drop and credits or something like that.


Example 2:

I played 1 mission sided WITH the corpus and i got the death mark in my inbox from allad.


The Law Of Fish-itivity Never Fails.

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I'm wondering if the mark is given only during the first invasions or what: I got the message, the invasion is over and I start farming for Harvester; now that a new invasion is on, can I do 5 mission on it without losing the chance of getting a new Harvester mark from that specific invasion in case I get a spawn before it's over?


I mean, do you think mark works like:

- Obtained doing invasion, randomly given from run 1 to run 10(example)


- After mark is consumed, get a new one on any invasion, always between 1 and 10 runs, but it can be from run 45 to 55 of that specific invasion

not sure, i still have alad v's message and never gotten any harvy spawn yet...did recent 5 or 6 vs corpus invasion and no spawns..nor any extra alad 's message that would give me clue for another mark or anything such..

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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I logged in around 30 mins earlier. Supported my first mission the Grineer with 3 other ppl.

After mission was cleared we all received a msg from Alad V. We then played one more round and Harvester spawned and dropped the Detron BP.

not the end yet my friend, you still have to farm for barrel and receiver, but Gratz for getting the detron bp at least.

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Ok i didnt read any of the other comments but someone might have said this already. I dont mean to cause more confusion with this topic but i have supported corpus 100% since gravidus event no matter the invasion reward or anything i always side corpus,


After the update i wanted to get the catylist so i sided with corpus once again as i always do.


I played 1 mission sided WITH the corpus and i got the death mark in my inbox from allad.


I guess my point is the confirmation of siding with grineer just because they said it in the live stream doesnt make it a FACT.  As we all know DE sometimes has a tendency to muddy up small details from time to time.


Just fyi i am 100% possitive about how i went about getting my death mark. I am a founder a veteran player of over 1200 hours so i know what im talking about when it comes to this game.


There is a 0% chance i miskewed any information in my head on this topic. Just reassurance that im not some scrub who just thought they remembered what happened.


With that being said i have been 0 for 200+ on corpus missions when it comes to trying to draw the harvester out.


i do agree that RNG and the law of Fish-itivity could have big part in this.



Law of Fish-itivity: ANY AND ALL THINGS IN LIFE you either want to happen, AND/or think is going to happen, the inevitable oposite result, good or (usually) bad, will 100% of the time be the end result. Why? because Reality is nothing but an internet troll.



T1 surv. trying to get mag prime blue print for friend(common drop)


50 min and we got 2 full formas. 2 forma blueprints. glaive prime blade. latron prime blueprint. Rare mag prime part drop and credits or something like that.


Example 2:

I played 1 mission sided WITH the corpus and i got the death mark in my inbox from allad.


The Law Of Fish-itivity Never Fails.

You mean everything in one Simple word - RNG

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not the end yet my friend, you still have to farm for barrel and receiver, but Gratz for getting the detron bp at least.

Yeah, i know :D but that's my first drop from 3 harvester kills.

But idk if my Deathmark is removed, because i wasn't the one who got the msg from the harvester..?!?!?

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Yeah, i know :D but that's my first drop from 3 harvester kills.

But idk if my Deathmark is removed, because i wasn't the one who got the msg from the harvester..?!?!?

hmm, about that, i am not sure whether everyone loses harvy deathmark if he spawns or mostly it would be the targeted player to lose the deathmark but not the others, i am not sure though, i just havent gotten any harvy spawn since hotfix 11.5...i am stuck with detron bp forever....( i can at least tell you that if you get another message from alad v again, then that should be an indication of new deathmark )

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...yeah, that's a good question. 


I presume that it hasn't been removed. You could find out for sure by supporting Grineer in the current invasion. If you get a love note, then clearly you lose the death mark even if Harvey is targeting someone else in your squad. If no note- you still are marked.

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I recieved an email from alad v saying he was glad i volunteered for the zanuka project....happened immediately after i supported corpus in a invasion

others are receiving the message similarly by helping corpus,...hmm....something isn't right.....Investigation must be done...alad v  is sending message after helping corpus...doesnt make sense! We need a detective !!!

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others are receiving the message similarly by helping corpus,...hmm....something isn't right.....Investigation must be done...alad v  is sending message after helping corpus...doesnt make sense! We need a detective !!!

if you watch the stream...de steve says corpus first then greneer....or vice versa..would have to watch it again but that part stuck in my head because it gave me the impression he was saying one thing and meaning the other....like he wasn't supposed to give that info away so tried to cover it up.

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if you watch the stream...de steve says corpus first then greneer....or vice versa..would have to watch it again but that part stuck in my head because it gave me the impression he was saying one thing and meaning the other....like he wasn't supposed to give that info away so tried to cover it up.

it sounds to me that, helping corpus against grineer does seem possible getting deathmarks as well, if that's what he was trying to mean as well or somethin' like that, although if he did try to cover up,...i am not sure what to guess more about the part on corpus since evryone's have their minds on grineer support only and same for me, well i am not good at guessing and if there is any suspicion on the least of what he was going to say, then probably it has to do something with corpus for sure then, but i am not good at guesses, and i suck at it, so this is all i can say pretty much. 


Although from what i am trying to guess more, if they don't fix the deathmark after supporting corpus against grineer invasion in next update/hotfix, then lets keep the suspicions to ourselves on addition and think on something alternate after that i guess.

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I think it's pretty clear now that invasions trigger the Harvester, no matter the side.

Afterall, Alad is not on Corpus side anymore, so it makes sense.


Point is that you cannot give you a moment to be happy for triggering him, cause you have suddenly to think about ho many runs it may take to have the spawn, and even if you have the spawn it may be a useless one.

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it sounds to me that, helping corpus against grineer does seem possible getting deathmarks as well, if that's what he was trying to mean as well or somethin' like that, although if he did try to cover up,...i am not sure what to guess more about the part on corpus since evryone's have their minds on grineer support only and same for me, well i am not good at guessing and if there is any suspicion on the least of what he was going to say, then probably it has to do something with corpus for sure then, but i am not good at guesses, and i suck at it, so this is all i can say pretty much.

My suggestion..run some experiments...get a couple friends together...on set supports corpus...the other set supports greneer and find out who gets the email faster...that will give you the answer you need.  Look at it this way...you are helping the corpus...so you are tech volunteering for the zanuka project by helping them.

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I think it's pretty clear now that invasions trigger the Harvester, no matter the side.

Afterall, Alad is not on Corpus side anymore, so it makes sense.


Point is that you cannot give you a moment to be happy for triggering him, cause you have suddenly to think about ho many runs it may take to have the spawn, and even if you have the spawn it may be a useless one.

that's even demotivating me further :(

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I am go killing some grineer.

I smell guts guts everywhere blood will drop tonight.

Gl mate, hope you do find him, i will be stuck here forever with the bp.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................detron........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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OK seriously....we have all the info we need to figure out how to get flagged if you sit down and think about it.  The email we get is Alad V saying "Volunteer".  If you help the corpus, you are volunteering yourself.  If you help the greneer, you are not volunteering yourself as you are fighting AGAINST them (being corpus).  


Now if i remember right, DE steve mentioned that the harvester spawns on corpus tile sets or has a higher chance to spawn on those tile sets (really need to re watch that to analyze it better as I'm going off of memory) so it would seem we have all the info we really need we just have to hope the RNG gods are with us (spec since they said the harvester wasn't meant to be farmed).


Just my two cents on the matter.

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