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Warframe Concept: Thandega, The Movement Master


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Thandega is a mostly unique warframe what reacts on the movement able to smash pieces a target with a high speed dash or move freely in air. Smash in a high speed a like a meteor or reinforce your armor to incoming fire or those who are seeking to harm within a melee range.

Ability set:

1st: Jet jump

Thandega turns on his jet pack allowing a flight for somewhat long time for raining down death or taking short cut. While on flight Valkyr Ripline causes that Valkyr gets pulled towards Thandega or even further from him switch teleport or Teleport will only teleport to him and drop down after player who teleported Thandega gets enough of hanging around on air with Thandega.

2nd: Blade skin

Thandega super sharpens his armor to become a living blade mass incoming ranged fire has chance to be reflected back to shooter melee strikes by enemies on this state will cause automatically bleed and receive the melee strike damage two times back to attacker without Thandega takes damage from it. Remember to avoid toxics even if your berserker and blade demon looking like appearance should be terror and fear bringing. Enemy will not back out.

3rd: Arrow Dash

Thandega sharpens his body and dashes forward like a flying arrow enemies who attempts to stop Thandega will be impaled to several limbs and blood will be left. Shortly Thandega dashes forwards like an fired arrow from the bow capable to do more than bow major enemies or boss enemies will be knocked from their far away from him.

4th: Meteor Dash

Thandega creates large amount of stone and other rock type materials around his body then dashes towards aimed direction or way where you are moving after colliding on first enemy meteor skin explodes dealing a lot of damage to everything surroundings and setting enemies who are near of the collided target in to fire what burns them inside of their armor or sears away the shields. Major or boss enemies will be blasted to mid air for a moment except Raptor who will drop down for a moment.


Unique movement:

Thandega has learned and advanced way to move side ways while aiming down sight he is able to dash different directions allowing him to chance his position like a lightning and dodge incoming fire. Looks like the ways of old soldiers hasn't been forgotten dash left, right, forward, backwards or to one between of those.


Health: 200 (+ 10/ per every third level)
Shields: 150 (+ 25/ per every third level)
Shield regeneration: 90 per second
Armor: 100 (+ 50/ when finally maxed the warframe)
Stamina: 150
Sprint speed: 0.9
Energy: 100 (+ 7.5/ per every third level)

Ability stats:

1st: Jet Jump.

Fly time: 6/8/10/12 seconds
energy cost: 35

2nd: Blade skin.

Chance of reflecting incoming firing: 30/40/50/60%
Bleed damage per second: 75/100/125/150
Chance of surviving incoming fire without harm: 50/60/70/80%
Energy cost: 75
Blade skin duration: 5/6/7/8 seconds.

3rd: Arrow Dash.

Distance traveled on dash form: 5/7/9/11 in-game meters.
Damage dealt: 500/600/700/800
Energy cost: 50
Able to go through targets.

4th: Meteor dash.

Impact damage: 500/600/700/800
Explosion radius: 2/3/4/5 in-game meters.
Extreme heat area: 1/2/3/4 in-game meters.
Burn damage: 35/45/55/65
Energy cost: 100

Bad things:

Good movement comes with complexity that you will need to be on move. He is a Tenno of movement and doesn't want to stand around a lot.
Higher than usual energy cost on first ability. Why? Well movement abilities on my point of view are time to time underrated when looking on full scale that you are able to fly for a moment. Think about what kind things you would be able to see in battlefield in this extremely different view. 1 good reason. 2 excellent way out as long you have energy meaning that setting a somewhat good limit.
Blade skin doesn't give you full protection it is a chance to survive play it or lose it.

Good things:
Good balanced versatile and sideways movement with packed a strafe by already wrote up. Old ways are on the side of the people of new way of warfare.
Protection with caution to teach player. Not the "I want to be immortal now" skill. This is chance to survive.
Most high shield regeneration.


The battleframe able to master and all around on the move frame. Now picking your fights to let your shield get up at move by picking your fights picking alternative routes what you wouldn't have ever used or slow down and let shield get up on safety and not on move.

This is Thandega. Master of movement and reactions of it.

Edited by Revel72
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yhea... i dont wanna to be the bad guy here XD but the warframe you are proposing is it like an excalibur and rhino had a children (dont ask how XD) also the health seem a bit too much, maybe 150? and the shield regen is too fast XD if you use mods you actually have that recharge rate, the armor is good, i think the energy is good. maybe the 4th skill can be changed, is similar to arrow dash... maybe you can change it to be AoE and use an animation similar to the black materia (meteor) used by sephirot (final fantasy duodecim). but despite of this ideas that i have, it seem ok, and very usefull against infested

Edited by xtevalis
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First off stats are fixed progression, all the 'Frames work off the same increases depending on their starting values. Not sure if your proposed ones fit into that but yeah, also armour doesn't increase with levels and that shield recharge is kind of...high.


1st Ability - Super Jump?


2nd Ability - Iron skin + Link?


3rd Ability - Slash Dash/Rhino Charge?


4th Ability - I think this might actually have potential, if tweaked a little. Something similar to this might actually make a nice alternative  to Rhino Charge if they ever get around to alt 'Frame abilities.

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Well I was going to today move on to the stats of skill set.


Blade skin is actually not 100% protection skill it only slices apart enemies who goes melee with you.. While having decent chance to reflect enemy fire away from you.


Jet jump is actually ablity to hover all around in the air or just simply jump on to better firing location or short cut ability.


Arrow dash is actually combat dash or we can say re-position tool with ability to dash through enemies and damaging them.


Meteor dash is other wise pure damage tool because of noticeable energy cost.


I will work on the stats later actually.

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