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Solar Storm/dyson Sphere Event


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Crossposting from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/159528-why-not-the-sun/'>a thread in General Discussion. Decided to put it in here because why the hell not? I mean I already typed it up, so I might as well get some feedback on it.


Edit: So I guess probably not an actual solar storm (in that it originates from Sol), but some sort of space-radiation/turbulence? I'm not sure what to call it offhand.



[missions on the sun]




Dyson Sphere tile set?


This could actually work as a long term event.
Essentially, missions on a slowly progressing frame of a Dyson sphere. Have the missions progress from space walking sabotage missions, using a tile set similar to the gas cities, to space station interior tile sets using reconnaissance/spy, mobile defense, extermination, and large scale sabotage objectives.
As the Sphere is constructed, increase the frequency of ice status missions everywhere else in the solar system, and progress to a night variation of corpus ice station tile sets in later stages (or even iced over variations of current tile out door tile sets such as the Earth forests or Phobos deserts). Maybe have some exterior surface missions on Mercury and Venus while the ice missions become the majority on Earth and farther out. 
In order to allow progression of the Sphere, have a second event vying for attention on outer planets. Make players have to choose to slow progression of the Corpus (using Orokin tech) Dyson Sphere, or protect outer planet missions from a solar storm (or something, I dunno I'm making this up as I go along) by contributing special materials (think of the injectors from the Sling Stone event) to build planetary energy shields. Choosing to protect the outer planets would keep all missions in the system available and unchanged, but increase the frequency of (increasingly potent) ice status missions to %100, and make surface missions on Mercury and Venus available with exclusive drops. This would also start a chain of various mission type stages to destroy the sphere (ending in a few "boss" encounter sabotage missions). On the other hand, preventing the Sphere from completing would result in many missions across the system becoming irradiated or something similar, having special warped tile sets and visual effects (think of the unshielded void missions from Arid Fear), and drop exclusive (but similar to the Mercury/Venus surface) mods.
Either way, we'd end up with a special tile set and assortment of mods for a limited, but sufficiently long, period of time. Maybe have different emblems depending on which objective completed first. And, of course, exclusive weapons for contributing to a number of missions in the chain to destroy the Sphere; as well as a weapon for contributing to a number of planetary shields. The event would be long enough to acquire both if one had the time, but also short enough that you would have to work your &#! off if you wanted both.
I haven't really thought any of this through more than the time it took to type it all out. Figuratively pulling things out of my &#!.
Allowing the Corpus to finish their Dyson Sphere would also have some boon for that faction, no clue what at the moment.
run on sentences are cool I guess.
Edited by Symbols
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You are quoting me! (the Dyson Sphere tile set suggestion)


I like the sound of your idea, but you might want to explain what a dyson sphere is in your OP. 


What you propose is massive -not sure how DE would pull it off for just a single event. Also a solar storm would originate from the sun and pose a danger to the Dyson sphere (not the outer planets).


I still really just like the sound of Solar Storm and Dyson Sphere together -the possibilites!

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Honestly I was thinking more of some sort of space storm but I have no idea what the term would be. Gamma bursts from outside the system? A solar storm could technically come from any star, but you're right that isn't very clear.


adding this explanation to the OP.

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Honestly I was thinking more of some sort of space storm but I have no idea what the term would be. Gamma bursts from outside the system? A solar storm could technically come from any star, but you're right that isn't very clear.


adding this explanation to the OP.

Space storm? Solar flare perhaps?

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