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[Warframe Concept] Orokin Prime


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Orokin Prime would be a laser frame, that would be really tough to find in the void. Perhaps even make a new void boss of some kind to farm him from. I sorta see Samus Aran's suit from metroid for looks of this frame. Well mostly the huge ball shoulder look.  Could make it a male frame.



First power would be a powerful dual rist mounted laser stream that could be dirrected while fired. Continuity would extend the duration of this blast.


Second power would be similar to the orokin ball traps that have rotating lasers. Only with the frame would be more like the move that Iron Man did near the end of IM 2 that he used to slice all the robots in 1 rotating move (he should have lead with that move)


Third power would be a ring of lasers that protect Orokin Prime from incoming fire and melee attacks for a short period. Again, continuity would extend duration on this skill.


Forth power would be similar to another orokin ball trab. The stomper. Only much more powerful. Could be extended with strech mod. Aswell as focus to make it more powerfull.


Hope you guys like. Then we can all say the Orokin Prime is OP. :D

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He got nerfed now he sucks, like the worse frame to use now


Too slow, doesn't fit through doors in Grineer tilesets, no late-game potential, all he's got is damage skills.


I couldn't even get him to 30. Let someone else have that mastery (and the misery that comes with it).

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Not much is known of the Orokin. Who's to say they didn't make a warframe of their own. Is having a grineer frame or corpus frame bad too? They have been collecting cryopods for some time. You'd think it was for something other then saying gee we found a cryopod guys. Pretty sure they have been reverse engineering them.


As for energy cost for skills... First =25, Second = 50, Third = 75 and fourth =100. Pretty much the standard setup really.


Stats wise I would leave to DE to figure that out. However, if I were to suggest 1 frame to emulate stats wise, it would be Saryn's.


Just think it would be neat to have a frame that came from the Orokin age and possibly made by them. Lost forever in the void till now. Also, lasers would be awesome. :)

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