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What I Thing Could Be A Good Content Addition :)


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Well I though for weeks, what does that game should can integrate quite easily and maybe...I have an idea :)


Guilds at this point besides of research, trade and duel/parkour is nothing a big deal to visit. Let's shake this up a bit :P


DE already mentioned about guild missions and someone already asked that "they will be npc-s in the Dojo?", don't remember the exact answer for that. There should be a few npc-s in the game some of them even gives you a notification for alerts in a distant system that in crisis ( plz let it be ^^).


So this is the story:


A lizard type tribal race that found in a distant system by accident ( in technology they would be a bit similar to the star wars gungans). The inhabitants are not too trust worthy about the Tenno, but they don't start a conflict with them. After a few "I give you this, because we're here in peace" kind of diplomacy, we can even visit their greatest village for shopping from them, asking them about any help and to get permissions ( explained later). The big problem is, that the infestation is reach the planet with their deadly hands and infesting the race. Because the Gur'katau ( just a random name of the lizards, but sounds fairly good) DNA contains something special that the infestation can interact with, the Gur'katau infested creatures are...well...bigger and stronger then any other what we seen before. They could be named as "Hulk"-s (another random idea), they are fast, devastating and require much agility to handle with. The Gur'katau race needs your assistance and you lend them your strength against this menace. Generally these missions will be exterminate kind of missions, but the Hulks can climb trees or hide in other things where they can ambush you from. Getting into the grasp of a Hulk not be a joke and will requires the help of other Tennos to get free. There will be a block that all 4 (?) Tennos cannot be caught by the Hulks, so don't be afraid about some unsolvable situations ( like every1 of you is hanging from a hand of a Hulk upside down :3 ). Hulks will be challenging, if DE make them real ^^.


By helping the Gur'katau, you get 2 benefits:


1. You can buy things from them by combining your systems materials and their worlds common materials into something valuable for them. What I thinking about is something that you have to repeat relatively often. If they gives you something "1 time buy" thingy, after a few days it would be pointless to have.


2. Permissions. The Gur'katau race respect nature by all means and you cannot allowed to harvest blindly on the planet. After you do missions for them and help them out in crisis alerts you get permissions so you can get some goodies what mother nature can offer. If you combine these special materials with yours, you get a unique type of energy source for some new weaponry what you can buy from the inhabitants. This charges wouldn't cost much to build, but you must equip them in your gear ( or a special slot, DE choose if they give a damn of this idea xD) and after a few missions (or 1?) they'll erode and have to equip a new one.


You can also hire some ambassadors for your Dojo, this will generate a bit resource, since you let the Gur'kataus brightest to take a look of your things. Also, you can interacting with them for some minor stuff.


Another thing what I thought is the Dojo needs: A Hangar.


The Hangar would gives upgradable transport ships for missions you can only do with guild mates ( Time to shake that so guild will matters more :P ). The Hangar and the ships what it contains will be upgradable and certain mission cannot be even singed in without them. You can make bigger transports so you can bring more buddies to the field. The basic ship will let you do 2 , 3 and 4 person missions and you can upgrade it to make 5, 6, 7 and maybe 8 member missions.

The lobby screen gonna be something similar to XCOM, Tennos lining up in different stances with their current loadout.


These special missions will gives you something that even I didn't know and they would be quite fun to solve. Although some missions will gives you the privilege to bring more then 4 Tennos to the battlefield, you won't have that easy work what you though! Before you think about " 8 Tenno? That would be chaotic dude!" Noooo, it won't. :P


5, 6, 7 and 8 member missions will be multitasking missions, in all of these missions, you have to choose wisely, who goes where. Why? Some new enemy types will make it hard for you!


An example for one of the 6 member missions:


The group must (!) separate into 2 groups. It's free to you for choosing of 3-3 or 2-4 or even for the challenge 1-5 composition. The first group must defend an ally compound against an enemy force that WILL EVENTUALLY BREAKTHROUGH ! The first group only can slow them down, some npc Tenno sympathizers will help you, but you cannot hold them off forever. The map will be special for example because of the menacing mist that contaminates the whole place, you can use your powers in a limited way.

While the first group try not to die, the second group will infiltrate the enemy base they'll sabotage it's key components: generators, armory, gun control systems and stuff. Their will be new enemy types that can use a stealth detection device for a short period of time, so even a bunch of Lokis will have a hard time to stealth in, oh yes, you must be quite or it will ends ;) This will not for only the stealth Tennos that's why the new enemy type. You can do stealth kills but there will be a counter that how many enemies you can kill before risking to being conspicuous, so don't be too flashy!!

The bombs will only be planted and detonated after the extraction of the second group. "Why wouldn't we just blow up the whole thing?" Because the enemy forward base is too close to the contaminated area and a bigger explosion gonna chain-react with the mist and... uhm.. boom? ^^


So these are my thoughts! DE, Community please rate my ideas at 3....2....1........0,5(hands shaking :S)....NOW!

Edited by Straxxes
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