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Protonus' Ridiculous Questions No. 18: Synchronized/unsynchronized Ranged Loadouts


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Okay, now I'm just getting silly with the number 18 thing, since both of those questions were out of hand.


But this one is kinda official to me now, and I am confused whether or not this idea is shown.


"What if the Arsenal system allows players to use two secondaries or two primaries in the traditional primary/secondary slots?"


Well, seems a little far-fetched when two separate weapons get the same ammunition type, but I don't think it could go that way. So I was thinking, why not have two different pistols have their ammunition pool, like having an Aklex have its pistol pool while Brakk also has its own, but both will not share the same pistol pickup, instead only the equipped pistol will get the ammunition until the equipped-one is filled.


Anyone thinking of something else other than this system?


Or it does happened, what do you think about the outcome?


Discuss. :3

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Funnily enough I've come up with something similar before you although no one paid attention to it. Here's the link if you're interested.https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/157886-expanded-weapon-loadout-variety/#entry1852289

I think yours seemed to have a complex system how the weapons are managed along with the Warframes, and possibly extending modifications of the Warframes instead of having mods alone. In my opinion.

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I think yours seemed to have a complex system how the weapons are managed along with the Warframes, and possibly extending modifications of the Warframes instead of having mods alone. In my opinion.

Fair enough but honestly, what's a little complexity going to do to your game if you have more freedom in controlling how you play?

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Well... some benefits you wish to make in increasing multiple stats as the loadout should sacrifice some weight (or heavy weapons in particular), should the system provides enough power to utilize the Warframe instead of the weapons being carried out.




Yeah... I got a shallow reason.

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