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Warframe Civil War!


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After playing this game for a while I came up with this idea.


TheTenno war has been raging for almost a year now, with many casualties on both sides. Some Tenno have lost hope in the lotus and think that the only way to win the war is to destroy the planet that houses military headquarters of their enemies. Ceres the Grineer HQ and Neptune the Corpus HQ (i just made these HQ's up). The Tenno are now truly divided, some say that they should keep fighting until all their enemies are vanquished but others say that destroying their enemy’s head-quarters will speed up the war effort and eventually end the conflict. The only way to destroy the enemy head-quarters is to destroy the planets that they occupy. Destroying Ceres and Neptune will mean that millions of innocent lives will be lost.


The Tenno are supposed to save the solar system not destroy it.

If they don’t destroy their enemies HQ's the war will last forever with no end in sight.


Pick a side Tenno


The Solar Guardians (who will protect the solar system at all costs and won’t destroy Ceres or Neptune)


Or the


The Peace Battalion (who want the war to end as quickly as possible and are prepared to sacrifice innocent lives for peace)  

(Yeah, I know the names are terrible if you have better ones inform me in the comments).

The two tenno factions are at odds and a major conflict begins.  (The battles will be like the conclaves but on a much bigger scale, 50v50).

The two factions will have signature weapons that can only be brought by members of that faction.  


The Solar Guardians signature weapon.

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The Peace Battalions signature weapon.

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Comment on how to improve the idea☺☻


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I have a idea, what about it's like a strategy PvP where you control robot soldiers that you need to craft to attack the other faction, each faction will have a tenno boss which will hire you as mercenaries to destroy the other boss. The gameplay would resemble a strategic game where you command soldiers to attack the other army.


This would be much less PvP and better with lore which states that the Tenno are sometimes mercenaries but most of the time stay loyal to each other.

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Pretty crappy idea.

1) Anything that requires large scale pvp would call for servers. Which I doubt DE will purchase.

2) There are no options.
              Option A - Destroy the planets killing millions and (hopefully) removing the Corpus and Grineer from the game.
              Option B - Continue the game as normal and the Corpus/Grineer kill millions of people.
              Players would are just deciding how people should die. Also, option A is out of the question because then we'll have no one to fight.

3) Pvp is S#&$ on WF, anyway. No one would really play this.

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50v50 is a little much, I think more like 5v5 with the faction in question as an ally.


I think 5x5 is too much as well.



 I don't really understand, can you explain?


The problem is that Warframe doesn't have servers of it's own. We do the hosting ourselves and all the information needs to be processed by our own CPUs.


Right now there are lots of people who have trouble hosting a game for 3 players without lag or high ping issues. That's with 3 players only. If you change that number to 100, or even 10, many (if not all) PCs would not be able to handle it. So I don't believe it is possible to have 10, 50 or 100 players all in the same game session unless DE is the one doing the hosting. Unfortunately, that will probably also not happen because Warframe is free-to-play and servers cost money.


The idea, however, is nice. I personally don't like PvP, but maybe it could work with AI. One team of 4 human players fighting against another team with 4 AI players. Or maybe 2x2 instead. Then you could probably even add a few grineer or corpus and still have something that wouldn't kill your PC. I know it would not be the same thing, but I don't really see any other way. I'm no game developer though.

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