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Dojo Decoration Ideas


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Sorry in advance if there's a place to kinda place in ideas or suggestions concerning the dojo.

But once i found this part of the forums, all the ideas just started coming



So I'm sure we've all seen the update on extra space in our clan halls.


but not that many new decorations. I have been thinking of stuff to recommend to be added into the decoration selection.


So here's some thoughts i had



(Japanese Pagodas)




(Chinese Pagodas)

I say that b/c lets face it, we using a lot of asian stuff. so why not use more.


they could put a base on this as seen in the pictures.

and if if doesn't fit the warframe then

just add


the lotus symbol



and just play with the colours and stuff. I'm not an expert on themes and stuff, but i'm sure some people who's made all the stuff for the dojo so far are.




2) Actual Statues of Warframes


I just kinda wondered where those were from the start of the Dojo.

We had Grineer Statues, but no statues of our warframes... seemed odd when i looked at it.


so yeah from the Excalibur to Oberon, have them as statues. haha


3) Excalibur Statue from the Vault




well this one came from the numerous vault runs I did last week and I thought "that'd be soooo cool to have in the dojo"


i mean it looked really neat. and who knows maybe you could make it something to unlock or get when entering the vault?


4) Weapon Racks based on weapons owned.


ehhhh this is one of my more..... not-so-thought-through ideas but still sounded nice.


whether this would work or not. idk


so this would be basically a rack of weapons (really general... like a Bo, Skana, and Galatine are there even if you didn't build it)




and say in the dueling room, you can go there to change weapons.




so yeah these are my ideas, and hopefully in the next patch or whenever. something gets added ^_^






== Steel Lanterns ==


these lanterns shouldn't just be stone. Variation in the material would help its look.

== More foliage ==


Cherry Blossom Trees maybe






Cost of materials for (based on ghost clan values)



1000 Credits

750 alloy plate

500 ferrite

250 polymer bundle

2-3 Gallium


Weapons Rack:

750 Credits

300 Ferrite

150 Rubedo

100 Plastids

1 Gallium


Excalibur Statue from the Orokin Vault:

5000 Credits

1000 Alloy Plate

1000 Ferrite

500 Polymer Bundle

500 Circuits

2 Orokin Cell

5 Morphics


Tenno Statues:

7500 Credits

500 Ferrite

200 Rubedo

150 Polymer Bundle

2 Gallium




Cherry Blossom Trees:

1000 Credits

500 Nano Spores

200 Polymer Bundles

100 Plastids

1 Neurodes


Steel Lanterns:

750 Credits

400 Salvage

200 Circuits

1 Morphics





Excalibur Vault (perspective from inside the actual vault)







so i've been seeing people talk about a shooting range and stuff and then i thought...


we have bows and arrows... why not have an archery range as well?





or like a target contest thing?






and please give feedback on what you think of these ideas I got. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Sentao
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Well, with the gardens, can we have gazebos as well?


I also would like a complete overhaul and redesign of the rock fountains. They are horribly awkward to look at, they do not match really anything, and the size is almost fixed. I've created the Humilitas garden and all of the fountains are small and wouldn't make a good centerpiece and the rock ones do not look good next to the metallic walls, let alone anything.


A waterfall motif would be nice with the introduction of the trees and garden rooms, and more organic/nature based decorations would be nice. What might also be interesting is the addition of wall fountains that can be placed on the side walls.

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Drewjn you mean like...... asian pavilions

which i assume you mean along the lines

of this ----> new-asian-home-7.jpg










once i read your idea, i was like.. "damn that sounds hella cool"


and it would work for stuff in places like the Equinox Garden and the Autumn Garden.

because that'd be pretty cool.


and that waterfall idea. I'd probably enjoy that as much as the fountains.


but yeah Drewjn if you got ideas, start posting them in forums and I think the Devs or some Community managers read this stuff.


sorry in advance for things not being all in the first post, but since it ain't so big with replies.


waterfall examples.






AND WE could hang them against the wall and stuff(considering the sizes of the newer Clan Hall Styles.)

Edited by Sentao
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Sentao, I post a lot of ideas and topics but most are ignored or no one posts on it. I technically have both this account and my pc account, and both have the same now. I've even suggested extra sports rooms and the like, as well as modifieable obstacle courses or death trap testing grounds.


I guess people are too shy, don't like my ideas, or just have nothing to add...

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I think most people don't have much to add sometimes b/c things people seem to post kinda have it all there sometimes, or they just don't know what give as feedback to your post.


As for extra sports rooms, i feel that would be important b/c of the varying rank tests that we end up having. Like I've already done the obstacle course like at least like 100 times already and am at point where I need something new.


A new obstacle course would be nice b/c maybe this time you can have like

Races between clan members or people you've invited over to your dojo.

At least with that option, competitiveness kinda refreshes its use.


or put the obstacle course on like NINJA WARRIOR levels



As modifieable obstacle courses or death trap testing grounds.

^just read that as I was typing this and yeah that'd be useful b/c if we had like a Obstacle course creator/editor.


we can create it anyway we would want to.


the Devs if they felt this idea could be implemented, they would only have to just look for feed back on various pieces which can be placed in.


but hopefully in the future, people look at posts and give feed back more often.

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Well, considering that, here are a few older topics I've either posted or commented on that are somehow related to this: Granted, most were from my pc account instead of my ps4 account.






It seems that most posts and comments out there are normally a complaint towards something. It is rare that I see anything constructive or even proper feedback. As always with forums, few look at old posts or even respond and just make a new topic instead...

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  • 4 weeks later...

How about a big panel that could be automatically updated with announcements like those from the website news area?


About the statues, I would appreciate if its maximum size was increased, since the halls have a lot of space.

Edited by Khallisto
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