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Sentinel Primes And A Few Other Suggestions..


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Here I am again posting up my silly suggestions.. feel free to discuss but keep it decent.

Endless defence missions and rewards

I really think that what SHOULD happen is that the further you get in defence, the rarer mods that will appear.To add to this, there should be an extra rare mod at wave 100 (if it stops at 100) that can only be obtained by getting to 100. I say this because currently orokin derelict defence currently is pretty unrewarding for me and serves me no purpose in completing it. This will essentially motivate players and give them a reason to do endless defence other than obtaining keys\mods.

Prime sentinels

These BPs for the sentinel could be obtained via Orokin derelict Capture as currently they do not reward any real end of mission rewards. They will have better stats than their duplicates and of course.. gold trimmings for decorations. They also come with a prime exclusive power.(Considering the prime versions are meant to be stronger)

Djinn: Enemies that have been affected by Fatal attraction move 25% slower and deal 50% less damage to the owner. (This mod works alongside Fatal attraction)

Dethcube: Dethcube's weapons are primed with a mysterious power, it deals 50% more damage to those that have attacked their owner first.If dethcube attacks first, fire rate increase by 25%.

Shade: After being knocked down by your attacker, shade fires a paralyzing lazor that paralyses the attacker for 3 seconds then goes into stealth mode instantly if the owner dies not attack back.

Wyrm: (need suggestions)

Vaccuume sentinel: (need suggestions)

Additional Prime helmets.

These helmets would be found in the void in various missions. Upon building the prime helmet, it will let you unlock a ultimate prime power for your prime warframe, which harnesses the power from the void itself.

Frost Prime: Frost opens a void that sends out icicles that rain down onto any foes beneath it, it'll pierce anything to the floor.

Mag prime: (Need suggestions)

Ember Prime: Releases in the direction that she is facing. The orb violently attracts enemies pulling them into its gravity, it grows to a certain size dealing DMG over time before exploding and killing anything else that remains near it.

Like what you read?Discuss here why/why not, you think these would work.

Edited by Genzaio
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I think that the prime powers should already be tacked on to the warframe, seeing as all they are at the moment ids an extra forma.

True and it could just be a 5th power.. or you hold down the 4 button to activate it or something XD

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I would just like to see Aura mods/slots for sentinels and maybe that could be a reason for the prime version, other than more/different default polarities. They could be Auras for only the master & pet or for the whole team or just for itself and other sentinels. Combine this with my other idea https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/152789-sentinels-adding-a-bindingleeching-modemechanic/?hl=binding and I think we have some rather nifty floating (or not) pets.


Maybe some new weapons or just upgrading the current stock (and/or enabling enhancement through the Foundry) would be nice too. 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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