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Gravity Themed Warframe: A Work In Progress


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I know its been mentioned before but I wanted to take a crack at this style of warframe to see what I could come up with. First off names, I've found a few that are cool and related:

Onero - Latin for burden

Gravitas - Latin for gravity/weight

Caeles, Caelum, Aetherus: meaning celestial body (for the most part)

I'm not going to pretend for a minute that I could come up with base stats for a warframe, too many balance issues and would be biased on my part as i prefer shield to everything else. So the stats are for someone else to decide.

Possible Abilities:

Ability 1:


Caeles (place holder name) creates a small gravitation field/particle that super compresses surrounding air into a dark sphere where the reticule is currently aiming (wall/enemy etc) and the bubble explodes releasing the compressed air with much force dealing damage in a small area. (Impact damage primarily)


I imagine the graviton bomb being smaller scale and making a loud noise while giving off a bright but black/dark lighting affect. First abilities also always seem to be projectiles but I'd want one that also has a bit of aoe, nothing to large but enough to catch more than one guy with his pants down lol

Ability 2: Possibly another utility skill

Anti-gravity Field - causes all characters to experience extremly low gravity. Enemies will be disoriented and in panic while fellow tenno are able to move with finesse to apply finishing blows.

Ability 3:


Caeles applies a rigid gravitation field to his feet that slow him down, but give him the ability to walk on vertical walls.

This does not apply to ceilings just vertical walls. Duration roughly 10-20 secs but will need tuning to make sure with mods its not ridiculously lengthy.

We have ripline for valkyr, super jump for exa, speed for volt... We're friggin ninjas I want to walk on walls and crouch like a bad &#! and shoot arrows into grineer heads from a 90* angle nuff said lol. Wouldn't want to be able to walk on ceilings too much of a pain, just reason that the gravitational strength would be too weak for that. If DE can animate and get ripline to work, aka a grappling hook, I don't see why this one would be impossible. Just after wall running you can keep all of your momentum and stop mid wall run and stay in place and walk around. Again subject to change let me know what you guys thing.

Ability 4: (take a friggin guess what its gonna be called lol)


Caeles creates a black hole that drags in and devours enemies in the surrounding area, those who are not dragged in are stunned and sustain massive damage. Edit: Thought of something, it would be cool if the black hole was in created in a wall, floor, or ceiling that way enemies are like getting sucked down or up into it. This would also make it less like Vaubauns Ult which sucks them up into the air 5 feet off the ground, and rag dolls them. The end damage and stun would be from the backlash of the vacuum collapsing. Enemies trying to fight to stay on their feet would have all their weight leaning forwards and then fall on their face. (not stun so much as knockdown)

Again bumps heads with vortex, but they are a bit different and the effects would be different. Rather than duration singularity would be an ability that does a massive amount of damage, and when enemies cross a certain thresh hold of damage, (Like <20%) they get sucked into the black hole. Drops obviously would have to explode out after the black hole stabilizes. I imagine it as a 2-d ability also rather than vortex which just spins mobs in a 360* formation this one would slowly drag them to the center, crushing and stretching them until they ultimately get sucked in.

Let me know what you guys think I'd like to get some artwork going for him eventually, and add a second ability. Anyone have a good idea for a 2 ability? Things you think wouldn't work or need to be changed? Also let me know which name you guys like. I'll check back tomorrow after you guys rip this to shreds lol.

Edited by Lavon
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well, its an idea. oneros is a bit similar to oberon so would be a nope, gravitas would be a bit too easy but otherwise good. no opinion for the rest!


rather than a slow moving projectile, why not a small explosion due to the same mechanic immediately infront of you/on a targeted enemy? since you could create said point of gravity anywhere, theres no reason for it to move when you can put it anywhere.


second could be some kind of gravity based buff, like increasing mass of melee weapons so they do more damage  and cause knockback or something. pretty meh idea from me but whatever.




as for the ult, the same thing as his first should occur at the end of the duration,(could be more like nyx' ult where its based on you for the duration) gravity returns to normal and enemies get flung away with more velocity the closer to you they were. or somethign.



all that junk said, a gravity frame would be pretty cool to have :D

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well, its an idea. oneros is a bit similar to oberon so would be a nope, gravitas would be a bit too easy but otherwise good. no opinion for the rest!


rather than a slow moving projectile, why not a small explosion due to the same mechanic immediately infront of you/on a targeted enemy? since you could create said point of gravity anywhere, theres no reason for it to move when you can put it anywhere.


second could be some kind of gravity based buff, like increasing mass of melee weapons so they do more damage  and cause knockback or something. pretty meh idea from me but whatever.




as for the ult, the same thing as his first should occur at the end of the duration,(could be more like nyx' ult where its based on you for the duration) gravity returns to normal and enemies get flung away with more velocity the closer to you they were. or somethign.



all that junk said, a gravity frame would be pretty cool to have :D

I changed the first ability a bit and altered the 4th ability to be more descriptive. Great ideas, and I'm partial to Caeles at the moment as far as names go. (Onero isn't my favorite lol)

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