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[Rough] Huntress Warframe


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This is a rough idea. Whether I'll expand on this concept or not depends on whether you'll like it or not.


Just take them from Loki and subtract a bit from health or shields or whatever. Or add to them. Just don't touch the sprint speed and energy. You get the idea, right?


Role: Rogue, escape, support. Sounds like a MOBA or an MMORPG, S#&$.




1. [Warframe] leaps forward (in an arc trajectory). Landing on an enemy results in a knockdown (followed by a melee finisher?). Landing on a surface other than floor or any other surface Warframe can normally stand on results in [Warframe] sticking to it. From this position you can shoot your guns (at least sidearms) and even use your abilities, including this one.

Probably needs a duration cap.

Landing on a floor is just landing on a floor. Maybe some sprint speed buff with a slide.


2. Shoots an electric net. This net paralyzes the target and deals electric DoT. Each X seconds it creates an electric explosion, dealing the total amount of damage dealt to the target so far OR based upon % of HP the target has left.

This explosion has a high proc chance, but the stun would be limited to a maximum of Y targets.

Bosses break free after the first two seconds.

Possibly, shooting the victim will cause the net to rip and set them free prematurely.

Explosions could regen/buff yours and your teammates' shields if standing close. Or not. I dunno.


3. Switches between two modes. One is your regular mode and the other is augmented one. In the latter, [Warframe] gains minor bonuses like movement, reload, sheath and melee charge/swing speed, HP regen (very minor, % based), but most notably, X-Ray vision. This vision allows to see all enemies in Xm radius through obstacles and marks them on your team's minimap. It also reveals all enemies within 200m radius around your crosshair and temporarily marks them on the minimap. All enemies marked by your X-Ray receive Y% more damage from you.

The drawbacks are: continuous energy drain (1-2 per second), huge shield reduction (50% less capacity, 50% slower regen) and a screen overlay mode which increases the chromatic aberration/vignette effects and just messes with your visibility.

Also, turning this mode on costs energy. Switching it off doesn't.


4. The entire squad goes invisible. While invisible, your weapon gains a 100% crit chance, bonus crit damage and perfect accuracy (no recoil). Melee weapons deal increased backstab damage along with your regular invisibility bonuses. Weapons like bows shoot their projectiles at full power with no need to charge up (OR shoot the projectiles in a perfect line).

This invisibility (along with all the bonuses) is temporarily interrupted by shooting or using any abilities. Lasts for X seconds. Interruptions will (or will not, I dunno) stop the timer until the cloak is resumed (which happens after about three seconds of no shooting and casting).

(X is in [7;15] range, depends on bonuses and how interruptions work with dduration)



I'm not sure about the last two abilities, they could be switched. So 4th would be the current 3rd one with some better buffs and stronger debuffs and higher costs and the 3rd would be the current 4th one without a global effect (self or AOE instead).

Overall, she's fast, relies on her abilities, can be somewhat stealthy, etc etc.


The reasoning is that she would be a rather mobile Warframee (as much as possible without silly teleports). And also she has a team invisibility! Yay...?

She's like Loki and Valkyr combined with some Trinity flavor.


So, do we want something like this? Or shall we kill it with fire and ban the author for 1000 years for stupid suggestions?

Edited by Artarrwen
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I kinda like the idea of it. Though for the first ability why not change it to " jumps forward in an arc and does a continuous spin attack before landing". Obviously the team invisible time would be less than Loki or ash's.  I really like the X-ray Idea, but the frame would feel reminiscent of any of the batman games.  

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If you are having movement speed buffs then you have to take away from the default speed. I personally thing Loki should keep his title as fasted 'Frame, but that is just me.


First ability seems interesting, but I'm not sure it fits the rest of the ability set.


Second ability I would have either as crowd control or damage, not both.


Third I'm not sure how I feel about it.


Fourth just seems a bit...not over powered, but...it takes away from Loki and Ash being able to give everybody invisibility and you know it would just be used for the damage increase on guns. 

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I've been typing a response with proper quotes and stuff and the browser crashed. FML.



Spin attack before landing - possibly.

Batman games feel - not to me, haven't played any.



Speed - well technically, Volt is the fastest frame.

Sprint speed could be taken down to 1.2 or 1.1. The ability can also increase stamina consumption.

First ability - I thought of it as something that would do on its own, really. A way to stay away from the battle, scout ahead, snipe from almost anywhere.

Second ability is intended to scale from a low-level nuke to a mid-to-high level cc, yes.

Fourth - well that's for when there is no Loki or Ash in the squad. Plus they can only hide themselves and their sentinels.

And not only for damage increase. Sometimes the squad just needs to escape. Or when someone happens to be around a lifesupport capsule or two but isn't a Loki or Ash and the capsule(s) is(are) swarmed by enemies. Or this same someone happens to be the only guy near a downed teammate who is also swarmed by S#&$. Or this same someone is swarmed by S#&$ himself. Or you all just need to run past a room full of enemies without getting shot.

And that damage bonus isn't too consistent and reliable to be worth 100 energy.

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