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Exclusivity -Vs- Brakk?


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It's never been stated that the brakk will remain exclusive.  People shouldn't get butt hurt if it's released again.

you bet your bottom dollar I am gonna be butt hurt if people don't have to do 100 mind numbing missions to get it. That is spitting in every persons face who took the time to earn it.

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you bet your bottom dollar I am gonna be butt hurt if people don't have to do 100 mind numbing missions to get it. That is spitting in every persons face who took the time to earn it.




Gotta have legit incentives for the hardcore players.

Edited by Toztman
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Still don't see why DE can't just buff the Prime Pistols to be about equal to the Brakk in DPS. They don't need mirrored stats, they just need to be equally useful. Then people would stop complaining of the Brakk.


Is it just me or are you people blind? Go search the wiki for Bronco Prime. Additionally it has no damage drop-off!


You want all sidearms to be hand-cannons?

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No, I don't really care for bragging rights. I have no idea what you are talking about or how you make assumptions on my behalf. How do you know if I was or was not happy?


In fact, I had no idea there was a such a weapon as the Detron until they released it (I wasn't around at the Gradivus event), and after that I looked on Wiki to learn more about it. Also, Detron is not an exclusive weapon, and you just need diligence but mostly luck to get it. I was excited about it and farmed a lot of missions for a chance to get it. Only recently did I finish it and honestly it was one of the few goals I had left to do in this game.


Also, the Detron is "supposed" to be the counterpart for Brakk, but it doesn't even come close to it in terms of DPS from what I can see.



I will tell you another story, as a point of comparison. Years ago, back when League of Legends was new, I supported it by buying a lot of Limited Edition skins that were not cheap. I was the proud owned of about 15 of them, which the company promised they will never release again. As years passed, more people joined LOL, and those skins became rarer and rarer. I had always thought it was silly to brag about skins as some others did, but the occasional nice words and comments were cool to hear.


However, not long ago, LoL Devs (Riot) decided to re-release those skins, mainly because the vast majority of the player base had missed out on them after the huge success of the game. What they proposed, in exchange, is to give the original owners an exclusive icon and loading screen treatment to set them apart. They even offered to refund original owners the price of those LE skins while allowing them to keep the skins!!


There was an uproar from the LE owners, because this move will remove the exclusivity and limited status from these skins, and also because the company promised they will never release these skins again. Well, I was perhaps one of the very few people (or maybe the only one) who voiced their support for this decision, mainly because I thought it was more fair toward new players to enjoy these skins. I also understood Riot's situation and thought their offer was generous enough, and that this was another way to keep supporting them. Needless to say, I got a lot of flack over this, but I still feel that way.


Ok dude I get your point. I personally have no problem if everyone gets a chance to get the brakk. Only I will have a problem if they make it so you can buy it for platinum. As for new players, I guess ignorance is bliss.

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Is it just me or are you people blind? Go search the wiki for Bronco Prime. Additionally it has no damage drop-off!


You want all sidearms to be hand-cannons?


Is it just me or did you not read? Bronco prime, along with all Prime pistols don't even compare to Brakk in DPS. In fact, Brakk does twice the DPS of Bronco Prime. Yes Bronco Prime has no droppoff, but its spread is huge and maybe 1 bullet might hit the enemy at extreme ranges.


Bronco Prime needs a big damage buff to even compare. The other prime pistoles (Lato Prime, Sicarius Prime) need to be buffed. Not to be comparable damage to a buffed Bronco Prime and the current Brakk, but to be more useful in all situations. Obviously the shotguns will be strongest at close range, but Lato and Sicarius should be much stronger at longer ranges than they currently are. Prime weapons take a lot of work to build and shouldn't be as bad as they are.

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45 minutes a day for a single week is far from hardcore.


Ehh?  You must not be in tune with the casual / hardcore player argument then. Id also like data saying 45 minutes was the average time each day it took to get 100 complete missions.  That is very dedicated to receive one digital item in one game.


And truth be told, even the hardcore players complained about the grind.  It was a task that was very daunting to many, simply out of the time it took so no, only the hardcore did it.  Even if they were hardcore in mindset.

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Ehh?  You must not be in tune with the casual / hardcore player argument then. Id also like data saying 45 minutes was the average time each day it took to get 100 complete missions.  That is very dedicated to receive one digital item in one game.


And truth be told, even the hardcore players complained about the grind.  It was a task that was very daunting to many, simply out of the time it took so no, only the hardcore did it.  Even if they were hardcore in mindset.

Done right, you could rush a mission in about 3 minutes, if it took you longer than that, that's your fault, and if you can't figure out how to rush a grind properly you're definitely not "hardcore".


5 hours / 7 days = 42.85 minutes per day.  45 minutes per day is actually the average play time for players in many f2p games, though in a grindy game like warframe it'd probably be a bit below average.

Edited by Aggh
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I have to confess to a certain amount of wariness concerning this drive to make exclusive weapons universally available. Not for sake of losing a sense of uniqueness that I might get from holding one, but rather the way these exclusive items have been employed by DE.


To put this into perspective, DE uses these events in order to gather data on new enemies and new game modes in order to better develop the game. While I have no qualms about losing the exclusivity of the items I already have, I question whether DE can continue to attain reliable data if players realized that the items they were pushing themselves to acquire, would be released further down the road, with a means of acquisition far easier then what the event presents.


A player might see a shiny new gun available to people who've attained a high score for an activity, but would he still allocate the time required and push the limits of the game as far, if he knew that the item would likely be released in a few weeks or months? While some might argue that there is little difference to the player, since the grind would be a question of sooner or later. I would point that from DE's perspective, losing player participation rates and player motivation might skew the data they gather in a fashion that's difficult to compensate for.


In all truth, i'd rather the exclusive items remained exclusive, simply to allow DE a means of accurately gathering information and thereby build a better game.

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Is it just me or did you not read? Bronco prime, along with all Prime pistols don't even compare to Brakk in DPS. In fact, Brakk does twice the DPS of Bronco Prime. Yes Bronco Prime has no droppoff, but its spread is huge and maybe 1 bullet might hit the enemy at extreme ranges.


Bronco Prime needs a big damage buff to even compare. The other prime pistoles (Lato Prime, Sicarius Prime) need to be buffed. Not to be comparable damage to a buffed Bronco Prime and the current Brakk, but to be more useful in all situations. Obviously the shotguns will be strongest at close range, but Lato and Sicarius should be much stronger at longer ranges than they currently are. Prime weapons take a lot of work to build and shouldn't be as bad as they are.

I won't argue with you for the sake of arguing. But if you think DPS is all that make a weapon good, it's sad.

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I have to confess to a certain amount of wariness concerning this drive to make exclusive weapons universally available. Not for sake of losing a sense of uniqueness that I might get from holding one, but rather the way these exclusive items have been employed by DE.


To put this into perspective, DE uses these events in order to gather data on new enemies and new game modes in order to better develop the game. While I have no qualms about losing the exclusivity of the items I already have, I question whether DE can continue to attain reliable data if players realized that the items they were pushing themselves to acquire, would be released further down the road, with a means of acquisition far easier then what the event presents.


A player might see a shiny new gun available to people who've attained a high score for an activity, but would he still allocate the time required and push the limits of the game as far, if he knew that the item would likely be released in a few weeks or months? While some might argue that there is little difference to the player, since the grind would be a question of sooner or later. I would point that from DE's perspective, losing player participation rates and player motivation might skew the data they gather in a fashion that's difficult to compensate for.


In all truth, i'd rather the exclusive items remained exclusive, simply to allow DE a means of accurately gathering information and thereby build a better game.



Well, I did not start this post to generalize and say that all exclusive items should be made universally available (i.e. no more exclusive items). I merely wanted to point out that exclusive items should not include some of the more/most powerful weapons in the game, as that tends to be unfair to the general player base, in my opinion.


And in the case of the Brakk, it should be made available for people to earn it, however difficult a task that might be.

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My issue with the Brakk is that it's a fully unique weapon, with a unique model and part of a pretty rare class of guns (sidearm shotguns).  In the past pretty much all unique reward items have been either Wraith/Vandal reskins of existing weapons anyone can get, or in the case of founders they got exclusive Prime versions of existing items anyone can get, and that's fine by me.  Having a fully unique weapon be exclusive like this is kind of unprecedented though, and it makes it even more annoying when you consider that we now have a handcannon for each faction (Grineer - Brakk, Corpus - Detron, Tenno - Bronco) but one of them is unobtainable to non time-travellers.  It's never really worked like that before and I'm worried it could become a precedent with more unique items becoming forever lost to event rewards in the future.

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