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Mod Sorting & Fusion Core Suggestions


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Some quick suggestions:

#1) Filter mods by Warframe/Sentinel/Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol/Melee:

- If you click the "MODS" button in arsenal, it shows all mods.

- If you click say Warframe, and then click on the "MODS" button there, it shows all Warframe mods, etc.

#2) Fusion Cores:

- They are pointless. Absolutely worthless. They clutter the inventory and are confusing to pick due to many ranks.

- Discard all Cores, and transform them into a Fusion Energy Score, which can be easily kept track of in a counter in the inventory/mods screen (much like credit/platinum/etc is tallied). I am assuming you folks at DE already have each level of Fusion Core assigned a value in terms of upgrade granted when fused, so just dispense with the superficial complexity and simplify the whole thing.

- We still get Fusion Cores as drops or rewards from missions, but as soon as the mission ends, they are converted to Fusion Energy and added to the total count. Simple.

Edited by Gestalt
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*Deleted a bunch of incorehent rant* (since apparently I was confused on how fusing different ranked cores work)

So, apparently fusion cores work as universal mods (universal meaning they are non-type-specific). A Rare0 fusion core will give the same upgrade progress and cost the same to fuse as a new Rare0 mod of the same type (the symbol on upper right) as the mod you're upgrading. A Common10 fusion core will be the same as a Common10 mod of the same type. And so forth.

The price issue comes from high level fusion cores being vastly less efficient credit-wise when compared to low level ones. Assuming both give the same level upgrade, using a few Rare10 cores is super expensive compared to using many Common0's, which makes no sense, as buying things IRL in bulk usually yields more goods per currency paid (think buying a box of Cheetos compared to a single bag at the vending machine). Even DE's own Founder's packages and now the Plat-to-credit purchases yield more goods-per-real-world-dollar when buying bigger bundles.

If DE fixes this irrationality, the price issue would be fixed.

Edited by Gestalt
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Some quick suggestions:

#1) Filter mods by Warframe/Sentinel/Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol/Melee:

- If you click the "MODS" button in arsenal, it shows all mods.

- If you click say Warframe, and then click on the "MODS" button there, it shows all Warframe mods, etc.

I'd like to add that if #2 doesn't happen, a "Show fusion cores" toggle that combines with the above would be idea. IE I could set it to show me just rifle mods, then once I select the one I want to fuze to I can enable the "show fusion core" option and they will appear along with the rest of the rifle mods.

In addition, common and uncommon fusion cores should be more graphically distinct. Rares are clear by the gold border, but the other two aren't as easy to tell apart at a glance.

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I can't see this :O what is it?

Microsoft Pivot is a technic created to handle massive amounts of visual data e.g. Pictures

(attached a link to youtube in case you cannot see the video on the ms page)

you could refine you inventory down with this technic so that you only get the things you are interested to see

e.G. all rifle mods and fusion cores categorised to lvls, sorted by name/type

maybe if I have spare time I'll get an example up, but I don't see this in the next few weeks...

Also this is just a suggestion because I like that system so much :)

Edited by HeatHunter
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The sort system does need a bit of help. Everyone has more cores then they have mods even the people that had a billion credits and fused as much as possible probably still have more cores. They take up too much space.

Turning them into fuse energy might be one solution, but if that doesn't happen, it would be nice if they were always the last thing on every sort. Sort by name, they still show at the end. Sort by most recent pick up, they show at the end still.

What also bothered me about the cores is that you can't sort the cores themselves correctly. By any version of the sort you could end up with Fusion core common 1, core rare 3, uncommon 1, rare 9, common 0 in that order. They should probably be named by what they are, or sorted by what they are, not by their lousy title of "Fusion core".

Just shove cores to the end of the list, and put them in order by rarity and number. Though honestly, I wouldn't exactly mind getting rid of them. THe only reason we can't get rid of them is because the mod cards don't drop often enough to get good fusion so we need the cores to fill in for many fusions.

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I'd like to add that if #2 doesn't happen, a "Show fusion cores" toggle that combines with the above would be idea. IE I could set it to show me just rifle mods, then once I select the one I want to fuze to I can enable the "show fusion core" option and they will appear along with the rest of the rifle mods.

In addition, common and uncommon fusion cores should be more graphically distinct. Rares are clear by the gold border, but the other two aren't as easy to tell apart at a glance.

You can already SORT OF do this with the current system actually (actually no -_- but...), like selecting a mod you just got (while the list is set to RECENT by default) and then re-sorting the list by RATING, so you can go to the last page to fuse using low level fusion cores (proven to be SUPER EFFECTIVE!). The problem is in the current build, re-sorting the list refreshes your selected mod and you lose it -____- So if they ever fix that, it'll be a good start.

Microsoft Pivot is a technic created to handle massive amounts of visual data e.g. Pictures

(attached a link to youtube in case you cannot see the video on the ms page)


you could refine you inventory down with this technic so that you only get the things you are interested to see

e.G. all rifle mods and fusion cores categorised to lvls, sorted by name/type

maybe if I have spare time I'll get an example up, but I don't see this in the next few weeks...

Also this is just a suggestion because I like that system so much :)

Wow, that's a nice comprehensive sort system O_o go MS. If DE ever implements a sorting system for inventory and mods like this, it'll probably be somewhere down the line. But we can hope right?

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Turning them into fuse energy might be one solution, but if that doesn't happen, it would be nice if they were always the last thing on every sort. Sort by name, they still show at the end. Sort by most recent pick up, they show at the end still.

The main thing against this route is that the efficiency of different ranked fusion cores differ by a lot. When comparing say, fusing a single Rare 10 core vs fusing a single Common 0 core, the cost of Rare 10 : Common 0 will be something like 40x, BUT the exp granted to the mod you want to upgrade will only be something like 10x. In essence, when you use high ranked cores to fuse, you are spending more credit for less exp gained, making it a huge waste of credits.

That's the main reason DE didn't just make all old mods into a simple number, another form of currency that you can spend. If you notice, there's already a "rating" shown on the upper right of the MODS list. If it weren't for the fact that different ranked mods have different exp-granted-to-credit-cost ratio, I bet DE could've done away with fusion cores and just use that rating number as the new currency for upgrading mods.

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If DE ever implements a sorting system for inventory and mods like this, it'll probably be somewhere down the line. But we can hope right?

I don't think the sorting and Filtering of Mods is Optional,

ATM I spend more time in the Fusion-System than in actual Gameplay and I think It could save 50-75% of my Time if we could get a good filter and Sortsystem to this page, which of course also saves the last sort & filter as a setting.

If you could define your own filtersettings, it would be nice to save this settings as a view...

(I assume the system in the background is sql-based, so it shouldn't be so hard to implement such a system)

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I don't think the sorting and Filtering of Mods is Optional,

ATM I spend more time in the Fusion-System than in actual Gameplay and I think It could save 50-75% of my Time if we could get a good filter and Sortsystem to this page, which of course also saves the last sort & filter as a setting.

If you could define your own filtersettings, it would be nice to save this settings as a view...

(I assume the system in the background is sql-based, so it shouldn't be so hard to implement such a system)

Hmmmm I don't understand how this all works, but if there's ever another Q&A (they just announced another live stream session, but this time just a dev playthrough), there will definitely be tons of people bringing up the inventory sorting disaster.

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If the data is stored in sql, you'll have a database with a few tables, I would create 2 tables for the mods, one with the base-values of the mod and one describing "your" mods (as I think all mods have the same base values)

these would have some columns

e.g. table baseMods - ID[PK], name, imagelink, energyValue, ModType, rareType, ...

table Mods PlayerID[FK], ModId[FK], lvl,...

so now you can use sql-syntax to combine them

e.g. "SELECT Mods.*, baseMods.* FROM Mods INNER JOIN baseMods ON (baseMods.ID = Mods.ModId) WHERE PlayerId=[%YourId%] ORDER BY baseMods.name"

this would be a basic statement to get all mods of a specific player, you can now extend the WHERE to filter your result, or change the ORDER BY to sort it...

But better would be to do this on the Client.

You could wrap you initial result into some kind of XML and use this as a datasource on the client...

So this is how it basically could work...

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to get back to the topic,

I would like to see a sorting/filtering/refinement mechanism like the one microsoft research has build for their pivot...



Live-Demo (needs silverlight):


of course, the filtersettings should be saved then...

Amazing idea! I never liked the old memory games from my childhood. And this is what it is at the moment!!!

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