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Dear De... Please Make It Stop


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Playing on corpus side gives you a chance to get the mail as well.

It's not DE fault, people don't want to know exactly how things work before hunting for Harvester...

De was the one who said side grineer to begin with, before changing it without telling anyone. 

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Wait, the Corpus maintains and operates the Solar Rails (trade routes) and regulates all traded goods, right? If they get disbanded or removed, I have a good guess the market's not the only one that's going to fall in chaos.


Thinking about it, perhaps siding with the Grineer is beneficial to the lore, because personally, I'd like to see an event where the Corpus are seriously weakened/almost disbanded and the market is nearing a collapse; there's shortages on ammo, resources, health restores and various other products and/or services, including those essential to Tenno and Grineer.


Then we have to make sure the trade routes and market doesn't collapse by helping the Corpus gain back a bit of control, since they are the experts in that field and without them, trade lines would close. Remember, they're a Merchant Cult; I have a good guess not all of them are weaklings with boxes on their heads. This would be a good time to bring back Frohd Bek and/or Darvo. Heck, they're the only NPCs from an enemy faction who aren't actively hostile towards the Tenno, excluding the Grineer/Corpus whom we help on Invasions, of course.


I'd really want that kind of event to happen; just to see the looks on our faces.


EDIT: Fixed typos. My fingers are clumsy today.


And that's just putting aside actual mechanical reasons why the Corpus must stay (does anyone REALLY think removing the Corpus from the game is going to do it any good?), but I guess we're talking lore so I'll keep it to lore.


I'd really like to see Darvo expanded upon (screw Frohd Bek). As it stands he's just this strange Tenno-friendly Corpus merchant who came out of nowhere and is kinda this random comic relief that we very occasionally hear from. I feel like he needs to play a more significant role. Imagine if he's just ofuscating stupidity. On the outside he's a Corpus diplomat, just someone on the middle levels of the Corpus heirarchy, but in reality, he has greater ambitions. He wants to take over the Corpus, but he knows he's not powerful enough to do that, and that's why he's getting close with the Tenno for that needed assistance. The difference between him and the other Corpus is that he actually has personal honor, he's someone you can trust (though HE never fully trusts anyone). Someone who initially appears to be just a rather silly character who happens to willingly help the Tenno, but later on shows hints of greater intellect and ambitions. I'd like to see something like that.

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I am, unsurprisingly, disappointed. My lack of faith in humanity will never cease.


Corpus are in possession of a much greater sum of scientific knowledge and infrastructure than the grineer who, in turn, possess the capacity for possessing a greater potential for a unique and developed culture. There is more here to value the two than by the morals and power death-grip of their leadership.


Ced, wtf man?

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And as our force is the one tipping the balance, it must be that we tip it towards the force that can live with others, rather than the omnicidal murderous brutes.

Both sides are worth saving. Both sides complement each other by representing two black-and-white qualities of humanity. I am shocked that nobody else seems to be at least considering this. I won't even dare to think that nobody's noticed that anology.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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Ced, wtf man?


Prolonged war makes the people suffer.


Sun-Tzu, The Art of War - Section II Waging War:

2. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

3. Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

5. Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.

6. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

7. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

10. Poverty of the State exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished.

11. On the other hand, the proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause the people's substance to be drained away.

12. When their substance is drained away, the peasantry will be afflicted by heavy exactions.

13,14. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be stripped bare, and three-tenths of their income will be dissipated; while government expenses for broken chariots, worn-out horses, breast-plates and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields, protective mantles, draught-oxen and heavy wagons, will amount to four-tenths of its total revenue.

19. In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.

20. Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.

I say, we work towards ending this war. If the Tenno truly fight for the betterment of the people of the Solar System, we vanquish the Corpus, who's lack of morals and honour and selfishness are a blight for the longterm benefits of all involved. And then, we appeal to the warrior's honour of the Grineer to edge out better conditions for the populace. As soon as there is no need for fullscale war productions, the toll on the populace will ease up. The Grineer will be able to save their race, and the knowledge of the Corpus will be transfered to the people and the Tenno.


Any Corpus willing to desert the faction will be welcome. Any Corpus staying with them will be put to the sword.

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The problem is that the invasions are BORING. I d rather have a big extermination mission of 400 enemies rather than doing 5 times the same mission in the same tileset.


I don't bother unless there is Catalyst/Reactor on line.


At least Infested one are a little more bearable as only 3 requested and several mission type.

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Prolonged war makes the people suffer.


Sun-Tzu, The Art of War - Section II Waging War:



I say, we work towards ending this war. If the Tenno truly fight for the betterment of the people of the Solar System, we vanquish the Corpus, who's lack of morals and honour and selfishness are a blight for the longterm benefits of all involved. And then, we appeal to the warrior's honour of the Grineer to edge out better conditions for the populace. As soon as there is no need for fullscale war productions, the toll on the populace will ease up. The Grineer will be able to save their race, and the knowledge of the Corpus will be transfered to the people and the Tenno.


Any Corpus willing to desert the faction will be welcome. Any Corpus staying with them will be put to the sword.

Apparently you didn't read my initial post. "I say xxx" I've already said something very similar.


I feel like I'm communicating with a brick wall. What you're proposing is a helluva lot costlier and bloodier (and barbaric) than my proposition anyway.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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Apparently you didn't read my initial post. "I say xxx" I've already said something very similar. I feel like I'm communicating with a brick wall.


Why, because I am disagreeing with you? I read your post. I disagree with it. You brought forth no arguments that convince me otherwise, and you are also not refuting any of my arguments. Since you are not doing either, I keep disagreeing with you. Bring forth arguments that change that.


I doubt you can, but, try. Humour me as I humour you.


PS: Remove Corpus.

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Why, because I am disagreeing with you? I read your post. I disagree with it. You brought forth no arguments that convince me otherwise, and you are also not refuting any of my arguments. Since you are not doing either, I keep disagreeing with you. Bring forth arguments that change that.


I doubt you can, but, try. Humour me as I humour you.


PS: Remove Corpus.

What I am TRYING to do is PROGRESS the state of the discussion. the issue extends beyond what you are discussing with other members in this thread. As I have explicitly asserted (something you CAN refute if you so choose to) the entire premise of the discussion is redundant, concerning which side is better. That is the short-sighted and lazy perspective to take.


My proposition IS relevant to this issue, and it is far less costly, barbaric, and wasteful than anything you or anyone else has yet put forth for consideration. You of all people here should be able to see the connections.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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My proposition IS relevant to this issue, and it is far less costly, barbaric, and wasteful than anything you or anyone else has yet put forth for consideration.

Use space ninjas to lay waste to space merchants more costly, barbaric, and wasteful than letting a war drag on... right.

Edited by CloudPies
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My bad: Use space ninjas to lay waste to space merchants more costly, barbaric, and wasteful than having them try screw us over with fine print... right.

I think both sides in this issue have done a fine job of showing why neither side's populations are well represented by their leaders.


Cut their leadership, and educate their people. Both sides get a second chance.

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What I am TRYING to do is PROGRESS the state of the discussion. the issue extends beyond what you are discussing with other members in this thread. As I have explicitly asserted (something you CAN refute if you so choose to) the entire premise of the discussion is redundant, concerning which side is better. That is the short-sighted and lazy perspective to take.


My proposition IS relevant to this issue, and it is far less costly, barbaric, and wasteful than anything you or anyone else has yet put forth for consideration. You of all people here should be able to see the connections.


It's funny, because while you think yourself ahead of the thread, you are actually lagging behind. The moral question has long been answered and laid aside - neither side is "good", we all know that, and we march on. That is no onger an issue or a topic. We are done with that.


We are now looking at the situation as-is. Corpus are being driven out of the Solar System, holding but a handful of nodes, which they will lose shortly. Any invasion they start is being held back, and the Corpus are denied recapture. That is what is happening right now.


Your proposition became irrelevant once the stalemate was solved. Corpus will be removed, peace will come. The campaign needs to come to an end.


quote please? I'm sorry, where did I say to let the war drag on?


You implied as such. Since "saving" both sides cannot be the product of peace negotiations (RE: Lotus sends Tenno to kill Grineer diplomats) and the Corpus provide no reasons to be trusted, only a stalemate would allow both sides to remain intact. The Corpus are not capable of being equals - they are to be removed as a victim of circumstance. War is barbaric. But once it is over, barbarisms can cease.

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It's funny, because while you think yourself ahead of the thread, you are actually lagging behind. The moral question has long been answered and laid aside - neither side is "good", we all know that, and we march on. That is no onger an issue or a topic. We are done with that.


We are now looking at the situation as-is. Corpus are being driven out of the Solar System, holding but a handful of nodes, which they will lose shortly. Any invasion they start is being held back, and the Corpus are denied recapture. That is what is happening right now.


Your proposition became irrelevant once the stalemate was solved. Corpus will be removed, peace will come. The campaign needs to come to an end.



You implied as such. Since "saving" both sides cannot be the product of peace negotiations (RE: Lotus sends Tenno to kill Grineer diplomats) and the Corpus provide no reasons to be trusted, only a stalemate would allow both sides to remain intact. The Corpus are not capable of being equals - they are to be removed as a victim of circumstance. War is barbaric. But once it is over, barbarisms can cease.

As just stated, neither side is likely represented by their leadership. You need scientifically literate and otherwise intelligent people to contribute to a society of easily manipulated, if tough to reason with, barbarians.


Imagine what happens when the Grinner expand beyond the Solar System and encounter other, likely technologically superior, sentient species.


Your proposal makes sense now, but it would cost us in the long run. That is why I insist on considering the moral qualities of the two. To your last statement: barbarism would only cease because of the lack of war ,which in turn is only ended with the total elimination of the Corpus, the one foreign (and vulnerable) entity in the solar system with a similar level of evolutionary development.


The grineer fight for the Sisters because they don't kow any better.


Same with the Corpus. You contradict or ignore your earlier assessments.


These two factions are just puppets for their leaders to abuse. again, eliminate their leaders, educate their people, and you'll keep the best traits of both factions while eventually losing the ignorant barbarism of the grineer and absolutely nothing from the the corpus, who only wish to live, without the constant physical competition of "warriorism", and yet possess the mental capacity to lead a much more civil and complex social structure than what the Sisters have in place. That Earth diplomat is a pathetic joke.


By circumstance, your proposal is the easiest. It still solves absolutely nothing. The grineer are not civil. Refer yourself to the launch trailer and note how Vor responds to the first guy he meets. Not a single corpus in sight.

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Imagine what happens when the Grinner expand beyond the Solar System.

Your proposal makes sense now, but it would cost us in the long run.

Eliminate their leaders, educate their people, and you'll keep the best traits of both factions

By circumstance, your proposal is the easiest. It still solves absolutely nothing.


Unlikely. Even intra-system travel is a strain. There is no inter-system travel.

Conjecture and opinion.

No longer an option, the Corpus are finished anyway. Why throw the Grineer into chaos?

It does away with the strain on the civilian populace, who suffer the most.

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Unlikely. Even intra-system travel is a strain. There is no inter-system travel.

Conjecture and opinion.

No longer an option, the Corpus are finished anyway. Why throw the Grineer into chaos?

It does away with the strain on the civilian populace, who suffer the most.

I see. with the Corpus gone, the grineer lose their scientific community, and in turn any means to progress their technological development. They'd just have to fight amongst themselves in an overcrowding star system until the universe decides which way it wants to die.

I suppose you'd point out that the corpus compete with each other as well.


Eliminating the Corpus will solve nothing, the grineer will just keep at it.


And you haven't said anything about their leaders being the problem.


Kill them both. Let Nature replace them.


You'd be doing every other organic species in the solar system a favor.

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