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Visual Difference For Enemies Of Higher Level


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What separates a level 14 Corpus crewman from a level 50 Crewman


At the moment absolutely nothing, other than health, shield, and damage values.


Enemies of a higher level should have some visual cue that shows they aren't just run of the mill, fodder enemies. Something like battalion badges or company logos, different colors and patterns, anything that says, the reason this Grineer butcher is taking so many head shots is because, his armor style conveys he is not a run of the mill butcher.


The Halo series did this perfectly, there were only five enemy types, but there where hundreds of different enemies, because of its color system. You knew the Alien in gold armor was way more dangerous than the one in blue. It made since, they are the same alien but the gold one takes more headshot, why? Because it has gold armor.


The best part about that is that it worked. I felt like I was fighting a way more diverse fighting force, rather than just the same five enemies, re-skinned with different attack/defense values, but it worked and it can work for Warframe too.


The art team has talent, put them to work.

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they could do like... I don't know - Scale the enemies' size depending on their level???


Idk about that Corpus Techs are freakishly huge with no explination. Somewhere on here people are wondering if they are place holders, I think they should be scaled to regular size at the very least


The only level difference I can relate to is that Grineer Elite Lancers got a tiny bit of different armor than normal Grineer Lancers.. 


And yes, put that art team to work!


true, but i'm refering to enemy level, I.E. the difrence between grineer on mercury vs Eris

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