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Dear De, Please Fix The New Ui


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I can see diddly crap. I play on 1080p laptop so i have to either squint jusst to see everything. Can u add scaling to the UI so the players you intended it for can actually see and can u atleast add a method so we can move elements? I like the aesthetics of the UI but now my eyes are moving too much just trying to get a heads up of the screen.



The placement of these is bad design imo. why move the powers to the bottom right? Why not slap the player health in the top middle? why not move the map to the bottom or something...I seriously cant make heads or tails of what you were trying to achieve but if not UI SCALING PLEASE...this literally is hurting my eyes trying to see well...

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its not a matter of hating it, its nice to look at but its teeny...i weaar glasses because my eyes are bad and even with this im struggling to to locate elements. my biggest complaint is why the power icons and energy pool are on the bottom right...that makes no sense in the slightest.

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Suggestion to DE, every new coder you hire has to play the game for a solid week, with no boosters or impulse 101 cheats.  They have to know the game to code for it.  Obviously the guy you got to do the new Hud hasn't played much and this is the result.


The Hud looked ok in design council but he/you changed it about again and not for the better

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This is Beta We test these "improvements" for PS4 play nothing more. We Fund the Research for the PS4 network when they shove shiny Sh1t our way that makes us spend RL cash. I wish sony would blacklist warframe so we could go back to the PC game it should be and not a test platform for PS4.Even the Devs have stopped talking to us in chat so it shows exactly where Warframe is going. Into my recycle bin if they keep this BS going for any longer.

Edited by Mogriax
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I'd like to add if the elements to the hud are a constantly evolving feature.  Then make our abilty as a player to move components and scale them a foundation item.  Examples firefox, foobar, chrome.


You will be in a league of your own allowing us to prioratize our hud.

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I now have to look in three corners of the screen to get the information I Need, that is bad.  I had to take a screen shot just to figure out where my damned power is shown and its damned tiny at that.


This is Not the UI we saw in Design Council DE


edit: tried a few missions and no I hate it, the layout just do not work.  Short term revert back to the old one or make the old optional until the new one is Fixed but for me its impossible top see what I need.

Edited by 0Pinger
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I am sorry to say, but the new HUD is awful. I am slightly colour blind, I use glasses and I have no chance of getting the information I need from the new version. And either remove or put in an option to remove the shaky HUD effect, my eyes and head hurts if I play more than 10-20 minutes. So physically this game has become unplayable for me now, and that says a lot since I can sit for hours with BF4 and similar games without any discomfort. And as everone else has mentioned, the minimap is unreadable now when its more than one objective, the red dot's where fine. The mission exit should have it's own unique symbol (Like it had before) because it is a nightmare in survival to figure out where the exit is. The minimap doesn't need to be an art exhibition of new stuff, it only needs to be reliable and easy to read. I don't have any good solutions to these problems, but I had no issues with the old HUD. The only solution I can think of is player customization of the HUD in the direction of World of Tanks and so forth, but that might be easier said than done.


Thats my feedback at the moment, don't know how helpful it was but keep up the good work. Rome wasn't buildt in one day and all that....



I found the HUD Motion option thankfully.

Edited by Nejrael
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