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@de---I Think I Have The Wrong Dead Eye Aura O_O


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I received Dead Eye from Transmutation.






Dead Eye is an Aura that increases the damage dealt with sniper rifles by 10% per rank, up to 60% at max. - Wiki




My question? If I receive Dead Eye from an alert will it override my current Dead Eye Aura?


Probably not right?

Edited by Ishki88
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- Reintroduced “Dead Eye” Aura to the Alert Pool!


The Wiki users haven't probably updated the mod's page fully, yet. I believe this was one of those mods that was mistakenly introduced to the game and shortly taken out in one of the hotfixes.

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So I actually have the correct Dead Eye mod?  And the Wiki is incorrect?


Got ya.



I would send in a ticket as since you have one from the transmutation I would think it would be updated retroactively when they released the others, but weirder things have happened so your best bet is to send in a ticket with a screen shot and explain the entire situation to the best of your ability.  I know dead eye was one that they accidentally put into the game at one point.  Best I think any of us can tell you is make a ticket, not sure any of us can answer it with certainty and you might get a faster response that way unless a dev happens to wonder in.  Unfortunately, they are like the police, never around when you want them, but when you don't they pop up like dandelions. 

Edited by Zaresin
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i think new one that you have,

DE have nerfed some Auras and Mods that some players got from transmutation

I myself have Speed Booster mod, and it was +50%, and now it have only +10%


Also, wiki isn't updated fully yet

Edited by dyrak55d
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