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Oberon: Renewal. Shield Osprey?


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Nobody on the forums and very few people that I have played with care for Oberon's Renewal ability very much.

Has anybody pitched the idea for it to act as a Shield Osprey with possible damage reduction/limited range come up yet? It's a simple rework that would help distinguish his applications from Trinity and better fit his "Paladin" theme. For example:

Base durations: 4/6/8/10 seconds.
Increases shields by: 5/10/15/20 percent.
Range of: 5/10/15/20 meters.

All able to be effected by mods.

I legitimately have not seen this come up in multiple discussion threads, so my apologies if there was something I missed.

Edited by (PS4)TheRogenator
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Skill would be fine if it was instant IMO. The HoT wouldn't save people as well as Blessing but it would still do the job of healing on command. I get that they were looking for a trade-off with range (longer time for the sprite thing to reach you) but there are clearly better ways. Maybe just make the hot work faster or last longer if they're closer to him.

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I think Oberon should heal hp since most enemies can apply slash damage to you. Mag can replenish allies shield but not boost it over normal as shield ospreys does. A frame in the future could possible be able to play around with the shield for allies more sofisticated than Mag does. An aura for maximum shield increased would be nice too.

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well a lot of the time when oberon heals you and you go down it will bring you back up then you fall again then you get back up etc etc or sometimes you'll even get stuck in a downed position renewals pretty buggy so yea a rework for it could be nice since not many people use it so it would be harder for DE to find all the bugs and all

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It's really useful right now in my eyes, but yeah i'm all up for it getting buffs.  200 base healing is kinda weak.


I think having an overheal, which buffed your health for a duration, would be cool as well.  It would behave like a shield osprey, as you suggested.

Edited by TzTokBoggle
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Nobody on the forums and very few people that I have played with care for Oberon's Renewal ability very much.


Has anybody pitched the idea for it to act as a Shield Osprey with possible damage reduction/limited range come up yet? It's a simple rework that would help distinguish his applications from Trinity and better fit his "Paladin" theme.


I legitimately have not seen this come up in multiple discussion threads, so my apologies if there was something I missed.

I think it needs a buff but the fact that it can save you from dying while its active is nice.

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well a lot of the time when oberon heals you and you go down it will bring you back up then you fall again then you get back up etc etc or sometimes you'll even get stuck in a downed position renewals pretty buggy so yea a rework for it could be nice since not many people use it so it would be harder for DE to find all the bugs and all

Well they fixed that bug, you no longer get healed after you go down... So you wont be coming back up with renewal anymore

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I like the Shield Osprey idea.


Other suggestions:


1. Make it a straight up rez.  There is no skill out there to bring back downed team.  Make it so it only works within a certain range.  


2. Make the healing % based so it scales better.   


3. Give it some additional utility.  Make it also raise shields by a small amount, raise energy, increase run speed by 10%, or something else. 


Any small tweak at this point would be an improvement.



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