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A Short About Valkyr


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"Tenno, we have received intelligence that the Warframe Alad V had captured is somewhere in this facility. Be on your guard, The Corpus have been previously warned of your arrival, but not this soon. Nekros will be the cell leader for this operation. Bring Valkyr back home, Tenno. Good Luck."


The Warframes leapt from their dropships to the deck below. Three were chosen for this task by The Lotus: Nekros, Trinity and Rhino. The Corpus had been defeated by their own, betrayed by Frod Behk. Now they stood before the airlock, not knowing what was inside waiting.


Inside there was nothing but bodies. Corpus Crewman, ruined Ospreys and Moas, ripped to shreds and thrown to the floor.


Nekros thought to himself, Had the Infested Alad used to hide himself reached Valkyr before us? Were we too late?


"Valkyr is alive, Nekros. But I cannot see her. But she is in trouble. Hurry, Tenno!" Lotus chimed in.


The Warframes moved in silence through the lab, stepping over dozens of slain. They came to a locked door, riddled with laser marks and blood. Rhino stepped to the console, hacking the door's lockdown systems.


"Breach complete. You are free to proceed." The door opened, scraping against the frames of the walls.

Then came a scream so loud, it knocked the Warframes off of their feet. Nekros scrambled to his feet to catch his squad's attacker. What he saw made him freeze completely.


it was a Tenno. At least it looked like one, but different. corpus restraints bolted into it's arms, and a collar wrapped around the neck.


"Valkyr." Lotus broke the silence, "Do not fight. We are Tenno. We have come to take you home with us--"


Before The Lotus could finish, a door on the left side of the room swung open, and 6 Crewman, wielding Deras and Provas, charged the four Warframes


"KILL IT! KILL IT NOW!" The lead Crewman grabbed Valkyr's left arm and slammed his Prova against her head. Valkyr let out another blood-stopping shriek of pain as she doubled over, her shields broken. Nekros snapped his Soma to attention and let off a burst of fire, ripping the Corpus wretch to bloody chunks. Rhino swung out from behind him and activated his Iron Skin, shielding the cell from laser fire. Trinity answered the Corpus volley with a response from her Latron, dropping two of the remaining Crewman.


Suddenly, a Corpus wearing a yellow outfit, a sniper by the looks of him, spun around and hit a communications button on the control panel,




A static voice whispered from the console, "You have served our profits bravely. Thank you for your contribution to the Zanuka Program." 


Before the sniper could reply, Rhino and Nekros leaped forward, Ether Reaper and Fragor raised, and ended the three remaining Corpus brutally.


They turned back to Trinity, who was trying to help Valkyr up. Valkyr writhed out of her grip, and reared her head up and screamed. It felt like hours, the very room shaking in the wake of her cry. She finally gave, collapsing to her knees. Nekros cautiously approached her. She could not stop sobbing, frantically clawing at her collar and hand restraints. They had been bolted into her Warframe. They were never going to come off. Nekros extended his bony hand, and helped her to her feet.


"Extraction is ready, Tenno, but Alad V has sent his pet Zanuka after you. Fall back, Now!" Lotus' voice emerged.


Nekros nodded in approval and his Warframe squad hurried back outside.


They'll all pay, Lotus. Alad V will die, this Zanuka will die,


They will ALL die.





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