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I See Them Spawning, I Hating


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Lately I've been experiencing a very peculiar phenomenon. Enemies have been spawning rediculously close to me. For instance, one time i started in that small Corpus room with the ton of lockers. I loot, go to the door and immediately aggroed some dudes outside who triggered the alarm. I had a bunch of MOAs heading my way, so i turned tail back into the room to set up an ambush for the MOAs. Instead, what do i find? Half a dozen Corpus had spawned inside the room. While i was still in it. There were no other entrances or exits. They were just suddenly there, spawned in the same small room that i was in.

It gets funnier. I've been farming Vor a lot, and in that huge "boss room" he gets, I have actually seen Grineer spawn ON SCREEN. I literally see 2-3 of them suddenly pop into existence in the distance, in clear sight. Hell, one time after i killed Vor and was clearing out the room, a Shield Lancer spawned right next to me, like, inches away. He just suddenly poofed into existence inches next to me (and got smashed by a hammer when i freaked and pressed e by reflex). I also have the enemy radar artifact equipped, and I have seen red dots randomly materialize on my mini-map all the time. And i don't mean just walking in range of existing enemies so that they show on the minimap. I mean having red dots suddenly appear right next to myself on the minimap, definately from inside my radar range (they had spawned beneath the platform i was standing on).

My most recent experience. Just started another Tolstoj run, stealth hammered a Lancer and moved on into a sewer pipe. I had checked that the room was cleared out completely before I left. A quarter of my way through the pipe, I hear a "hmm?" sound behind me, and BOOM, there's now a red dot in the room i left. I go back, see the new Lancer staring at his dead buddy's corpse (his back was turned to me), and shoot him in the head. I check again, the room was clear, no enemies as far as the eye could see (it's one of the medium sized open rooms), and the closest entrance other than the pipe i was going in was a mile away. I go back in the pipe. A quarter in. "Hmm?" I go right back and magically there is now ANOTHER lancer standing there gawking at the corpses. I shoot him in the head again, and checks. Now there's 3 extra Grineer smack in the middle of the 3-seconds-ago-completely-empty room, all 3 heard the gunshot, and they push the bloody alarm. Welp, so much for stealth.

I am going to clarify right now, I have no problems with spawning large amounts of enemies. In fact, in most cases i welcome them, the more enemies the more mods i potentially get. What I can't accept is having enemies spawn so rediculously close to me. It is silly and annoying on lower levels, and devastating on higher ones. Imagine, you just finished clearing out a room full of mobs on Ceres/Eris (whichever is the Grineer one), open the door to find several dozen Grineers waiting outside, complete with a few Heavies, and of course you turn back for cover instead of rushing in to die. Instead, you find half a dozen Grineers have suddenly materialized in that room that you just cleared up, defying all logic, and screw you over. That is just fake difficulty to me. Oh and, because i just know there's gonna be a fanboy/elitist saying this, don't give me BS about how it's only a problem because i'm "soloing in a 'co-op' game" and that a team could easily handle it. Yes, maybe a team can handle a dozen level 30 seekers and shield lancers spawning a foot away from them, but it still makes no bloody sense and is extremely counter-intuitive.

A simple solution would be simply to have a number of mobs spawn throughout the map at the start of the level, and only start spawning more when the alarm has been triggered, and keep new enemy spawns to a minimum of 2 rooms away from where I currently am. Completing the objective will spawn another set of mobs throughout the map (except in the room where you completed the objective, obviously), etc. Or at the very minimum, don't let enemies spawn in the same room I'm in or any room that i had just been to in the last 30 seconds. Or, y'know, at least don't let them spawn in areas that i can STILL SEE ON MY FRIGGIN' MINIMAP.

Now I'm gonna go back to farming Tolstoj and hope a Grineer doesn't spawn overlapping me and cause a TF2 telefrag -_-

Edited by Madotsuki
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