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Game Keeps Crashing Whenever I Host



Self explanatory,it keeps happening whenever I host and I even run this at the lowest settings I can.

This started happening since Update 12.1,apparently.

The reason I post this now Is because I keep crashing at Kappa,where I want to get Oxium to build me  a Zephyr

Edited by Kefaljohn
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4 answers to this question

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Guest CrimsonCrown

>inb4 comments like "fix your internet";"get a new toaster, n00b";"you send tickets everytime you crash"

Just send at support the ee.log within a ticket.


EE.log is located usually

under users/[username]/appdata/local/warframe

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>inb4 comments like "fix your internet";"get a new toaster, n00b";"you send tickets everytime you crash"

Just send at support the ee.log within a ticket.


EE.log is located usually

under users/[username]/appdata/local/warframe


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I have stacked up almost a dozen of every key because of this. I can't trust it to work so I tend to just join groups instead. Still even in those occasionally the host will dc and we are left in the breeze. It's a shame I have an internet connection that is so good I can stream live video for hours with no problem but I try to host a game, a little while will elapse and Warframe crashes. This obviously isn't happening to everyone just a certain collection of people. It also doesn't always happen to me only on survival really which is what points me in the direction that it's not any fault of mine.


(Useful info: happens whether streaming or not, didn't happen at all before U12 at least to me, it has happened almost everytime I run survival, has only happened twice that I can remember while doing ODD, I have done fresh restarts prior and have also correctly port forward my router and allowed for all firewall permissions I also strictly control what background programs I have running as to have an entire 2gbs of ram free just in case anything spikes) It simply can't be anything but a bug in the programming. Unfortunate. Cheers to the poor DE person who's responsibility it is to get this figured out. I'll raise a glass for you and as someone who thoroughly enjoys this game I wish you the best good sir or madam.


As others said before me in this thread it is a major let down to realize you just missed out on exactly what you needed because of this. I actually get nervous the moment something drops I need cause I just want to leave ASAP which isn't fair to the rest of the team.

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