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Bsod Issues


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So for the past month I have been getting the infamous BSOD when playing warframe, every other game I play is fine, but warframe seems to give me the good ol BSOD at random intervals(menus, void runs, etc) ive tried updating my drivers, cleaning my PC, purchased a new hard drive for the game(mind you my old one was dying at the time) and nothing, I jsut keep getting the BSOD time and time again, sometimes the game minimizes itself and everything on my desktop is green for no reason, then I have to restart my computer. Its really getting annoying and I really want to play this game with my friends, whom all say they never get this issue (lucky them) so if anyone could help me through this that would be fantastic!


Also my temps are fine, my GPU sits around 45C-50C when playing


Heres the latest BSOD report, dunno if it helps but here it is.


Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    BlueScreen
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    4105

Additional information about the problem:
  BCCode:    116
  BCP1:    FFFFFA800AC004E0
  BCP2:    FFFFF8800420BD88
  BCP3:    0000000000000000
  BCP4:    000000000000000D
  OS Version:    6_1_7601
  Service Pack:    1_0
  Product:    256_1

Also im running:

CPU: intel core I5 quad

GPU: radeon 7000 series 2GB

8GB of RAM

1TB WD hard drive

650W power supply

ASUS PRO-M motherboard


Thanks guys!

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BSOD normally indicates a memory issue, did you do anything before it started happening? New drivers, windows update.. etc. 


Edit: Just noticed you said it randomly minimizes and goes green, this sounds like it's your graphics card. Had issues with it before? Recent driver update? 


Also this should go in assistance.

Edited by Ground.Zero
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Sorry firs ttime posting didnt know where to put it


hm come to think of it sometimes when im on the web I get these black blocky things that dont go away till I exit and re-open the browser


I did update it but I rolled it back and im still getting issues, honestly I cant really remember if i did any other updates before this happened, I really hoope my graphics card is OK I spent 400 bucks on this thing!

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Here comes the standard line of nerd questions.


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Is it definitely plugged in correctly?


Okay. Done trolling. Serious questions now.


Run a virus scan to make sure nothing is screwing with your system.


Go get a program called CCleaner and use it to clean junk data and registry errors. Run it again. And twice more for good measure.


Make sure you are going DIRECTLY to your manufacturer's website to get the latest drivers rather than relying on Windows and Microshaft to do it for you.


If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.


EDIT: Next time your computer BSODs, write down the STOP error code (or whatever the syntax is) and google it and/or post it here to find out exactly what the issue is. The stop code will be a series of sets of numbers, each set of which will look like this. 0x0000005F or something similar.

Edited by Seqan
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It definitely sounds like your GPU, however it's odd that it's only happening in Warframe. 


What version of Warframe and Directx are you using?


You're on Windows 7 Service Pack 1, and I'm going to assume 64bit since you've got 8GB RAM (If you're on 32bit, upgrade to 64!) If you were running Warframe 64bit, try running it with 32bit for a while (settings in launcher menu), and vice versa. Same with your directx version. 

Edited by Ground.Zero
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Here comes the standard line of nerd questions.


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Is it definitely plugged in correctly?


Okay. Done trolling. Serious questions now.


Run a virus scan to make sure nothing is screwing with your system.


Go get a program called CCleaner and use it to clean junk data and registry errors. Run it again. And twice more for good measure.


Make sure you are going DIRECTLY to your manufacturer's website to get the latest drivers rather than relying on Windows and Microshaft to do it for you.


If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.


EDIT: Next time your computer BSODs, write down the STOP error code (or whatever the syntax is) and google it and/or post it here to find out exactly what the issue is. The stop code will be a series of sets of numbers, each set of which will look like this. 0x0000005F or something similar.

tried this, didnt work


Also I dont think I can get the stop code unless I have ninja reflexs considering when it blue screens it restarts itself in like a nanosecond


It definitely sounds like your GPU, however it's odd that it's only happening in Warframe. 


What version of Warframe and Directx are you using?


You're on Windows 7 Service Pack 1, and I'm going to assume 64bit since you've got 8GB RAM (If you're on 32bit, upgrade to 64!) If you were running Warframe 64bit, try running it with 32bit for a while (settings in launcher menu), and vice versa. Same with your directx version. 

Latest version of warframe, direct X11


yeah I am on 64bit just because of that. I will give it a shot in 32 bit for a while, see where that gets me

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Honestly I wouldn't like to guess what the cause is, just go through the typical processes of software updates/drivers, covering all your bases.


I would say run memory diagnostics but that's -probably- a waste of time since it's only occurring in Warframe (as far as you're aware) and the black boxes indicate a graphics issue (unless it's a plugin crashing). 


Personally I would do a clean install of my GPU drivers, Warframe, DX, try with certain graphical features disabled see if that makes a difference, as a last resort I would format my OS (all my data is kept on a different drive) to see if that fixed it. 

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Honestly I wouldn't like to guess what the cause is, just go through the typical processes of software updates/drivers, covering all your bases.


I would say run memory diagnostics but that's -probably- a waste of time since it's only occurring in Warframe (as far as you're aware) and the black boxes indicate a graphics issue (unless it's a plugin crashing). 


Personally I would do a clean install of my GPU drivers, Warframe, DX, try with certain graphical features disabled see if that makes a difference, as a last resort I would format my OS (all my data is kept on a different drive) to see if that fixed it. 


hmmm jsut finished doing this, gonna give it a run, see if that helps

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I do have a weird theory if it helps, my issues started when I bought my monitor BENQ GW2450, I jsut litterally remembered that, could monitors cause issues?


Possibly, never heard of it though. Make sure you're running Warframe at 1920x1080 resolution and your windows/amd settings are set to the same just to be sure. 

Edited by Ground.Zero
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Possibly, never heard of it though. Make sure you're running Warframe at 1920x1080 resolution and your windows/amd settings are set to the same just to be sure. 

 just gave a good run for about 30 mins, going through menus, doing mods fighting, blahblahblah. everything seems to be running fine! ill play more tomorrow, for now I have to hit the sack, if anything come up ill post about it for sure! thank you guys for your help! I think rolling my drivers back to a older version might have helped!

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 just gave a good run for about 30 mins, going through menus, doing mods fighting, blahblahblah. everything seems to be running fine! ill play more tomorrow, for now I have to hit the sack, if anything come up ill post about it for sure! thank you guys for your help! I think rolling my drivers back to a older version might have helped!


BSOD is always hardware or driver issues. From the sound of it, your case is certainly GPU-related. So that's most likely what fixed it.


I will say, if you run into further troubles even after changing the driver version, install a stable (non-beta) driver from AMD's website and run a GPU stress test like Furmark or OCCT to ensure that the hardware is stable. The black and green blocks you describe are known as "artifacts" and can commonly appear when either hardware is overclocked beyond its capability or, if running at normal clocks, if hardware is faulty. Sometimes bad memory chips slip through QA in manufacturing, etc. In the latter case, you would need to RMA your GPU for a warranty replacement.


Just some info for you in case the issue pops up again in the future. Glad to hear it's working for now. Good luck!

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BSOD is always hardware or driver issues. From the sound of it, your case is certainly GPU-related. So that's most likely what fixed it.


I will say, if you run into further troubles even after changing the driver version, install a stable (non-beta) driver from AMD's website and run a GPU stress test like Furmark or OCCT to ensure that the hardware is stable. The black and green blocks you describe are known as "artifacts" and can commonly appear when either hardware is overclocked beyond its capability or, if running at normal clocks, if hardware is faulty. Sometimes bad memory chips slip through QA in manufacturing, etc. In the latter case, you would need to RMA your GPU for a warranty replacement.


Just some info for you in case the issue pops up again in the future. Glad to hear it's working for now. Good luck!

soooooo it happened again, not BSOD(yet) but warframe minimised itself, and all my windows and icons were green, there was a little popup saying my driver failed or something, I did a benchmark test with furmark and got 1594 points (26FPS, 60000ms) this is getting annoying. also I jsut noticed when im playing final fantasy A realm reborn I sometimes BSOD there too, so its not only warframe. I cant RMA my graphics card since its past the warrenty. also I did try different drivers from the offical site and all of them still give me issues.


EDIT: also my GPU isnt overclocked

Edited by KatsuMakane
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Dude, you got some serious driver issues. Go do that virus scan I mentioned to make sure that nothing's jackin' with 'em, then go to AMD (or whatever you got) website and get the latest drivers DIRECT. Do NOT go through Microsoft's auto BS.

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Dude, you got some serious driver issues. Go do that virus scan I mentioned to make sure that nothing's jackin' with 'em, then go to AMD (or whatever you got) website and get the latest drivers DIRECT. Do NOT go through Microsoft's auto BS.

Looks like everything is working juuuust fine now, sheesh all this pain for one little driver, sheesh

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Looks like everything is working juuuust fine now, sheesh all this pain for one little driver, sheesh


Ha. You think that's bad? Man, there are viruses out there that replace your drivers with copies of themselves. You get and remove one of those then you tell me that drivers are a pain in the rumpus.

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Looks like everything is working juuuust fine now, sheesh all this pain for one little driver, sheesh


Out of curiosity, and for the benefit of anyone who may search for solutions to a problem like yours, which driver version ended up working for you?

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