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'stalker' And 'harvester'. Names To Be Feared, Or Mocked?


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I know Alad has an account on these forums. Not if the Stalker does, though. Regardless, The following must be said: Alad? If your Zanuka is so capable in the field, Why haven't you sent it after me yet? As for the Stalker, How many pages are on my death warrant? 30? 40? 55? If its at least 30 pages... Oh, you know the rest of the question.


My point being, these two worthy adversaries have the power to select the time, place, and audience. But, they don't use it. These two are challenging fights to us as Tenno. Both of these figures can(and do) pose a significant threat. Truely, worthy opponents, these two are the most dangerous enemies this system has to offer. You'd think they're afraid, wouldn't you? I do. Anyone else think so?

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 I remember seeing the Stalker's profile long ago. 

 I got the Stalker when I was lvl up a low lvl frame as usual.

 That's has been always the trick and seem to still be the case. Just get low equipment and at least the stalker will show up. Yes, he might be powerful, but he is a darn coward. You are more likely to have him spawn when you can't do much with what you have on.

 As for the Harverster, I have never seen it. Can't tell if he is powerful or not.

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When you sign up for the army, you go in, knowing each night might be your last. But its a job, and you do your job, regardless of the fear you may have.


secondly, when you're rank 30, but have brand nenw forma'd weapons.. The stalker kinda kicks your &#!.
so he scales based on you're "worthyness"
And being an assassin, no. I dont think he's scared, because he has the element of suprise (if you didnt read the forums, and you never saw him before, the first time you ever met the stalker, he ate your face, unless you had teamates that knew how to fight him), and your abilities dont work, as well as him having an ability that one shots you.

so, no I dont think hes scared.

Edit: The harvester is a robot, he has no fear, just a statistical outcome of the engagment with you. He might view it as a low probability to kill you, but in the end, Alad is controling him after all. So, no I dont think the harvester is scared either.

Edited by Easymac
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