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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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The legendary cores are disgusting and you should be ashamed, DE, ashamed beyond all measure to have created such an easily-exploitable situation.


Nobody needs more than one legendary core as recompense. They're worth what, a million and a half credits or so? Rocket a serration from zero to max for free? Why don't I get anything; I sat on my rank-9 steel charge because it was "clearly a bug" for it to have so many pips. Where's my absurdly over-judged recompense for the inconvenience of not having a severely overpowered aura for the past however long?


In fact, you know what? Nobody needs more than one STEEL CHARGE. There's no sense in rewarding stockpilers. You make no sense, DE. I got my money's worth out of this game before you went completely insane, I'm glad to say. I hope you don't drive this game any further into the madness; I was kind of looking forward to that end-game stuff.

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i want to cut them some slack but by pushing all the problems in 1 direction is not solving anything instead its creating a problem

i dont get it why people are reacting to this if they are so annoyed by the things people are complaining about...


dude please shut up I know that life isnt fair... what do you know about my life that you can decide to say that?

Because you expect DE to do outrageous things when there just human beings just like you and me.

They can't make "Person A" happy without making "Person B" feel a little down.

It's just the way it works they can't make every one happy no one can they won't be the first Developers to make a choice like this and they certainly won't be the last.


Best Regards,

Edited by LoGicMoTion
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What's going on is this basically, i will explain it quite easily.


Warframe players want others to get less why they get more,

If it were up to the community only one person would be deserving of these "legendary cores".

It's a true look on how our community is were no better than the Call of duty players.

It's a real shame you guys got this bad.


Best Regards.


I find it funny that a player with the word "logic" in his name can't follow this because it's really very simple.


DE wanted to change something people spent resources on so decided to give compensation - fair

DE announced compensation ahead of time and vastly in excess of the cost players were losing - unfair

Players took the opportunity to abuse the difference between cost and compensation and DE allowed this - unfair


DE did two things wrong and the community is divided as a result. I wouldn't be complaining if people got compensation in line with the loss they incurred because this would have stopped the abuse (you could still have done it but there would be no gain) and noone would have lost out. Instead not only are people who legitimately had the mod at a high level being greatly rewarded (unnecessarily unfair but not gamebreaking) but also those abusers are benefiting too (completely ridiculous).

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Because you expect DE to do outrageous things when there just human beings just like you and me.

They can't make "Person A" happy without making "Person B" feel a little down.

It's just the way it works they can't make every one happy no one can they won't be the first Developers to make a choice like this and they certainly won't be the last.


Best Regards,

you dont get it do you? its their job to keep EVERYONE HAPPY.... they wanted to develop a game with a large community and with that you make choices or to f*ck up and lose your customers in time or to try and keep it balanced... they are seeing that there is a huge problem and that a lot of players arent happy with what they did... they at least could say something about it then pushing all the Threads about this in 1 megathread of rage and not answering 1 question...

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Because you expect DE to do outrageous things when there just human beings just like you and me.

They can't make "Person A" happy without making "Person B" feel a little down.

It's just the way it works they can't make every one happy no one can they won't be the first Developers to make a choice like this and they certainly won't be the last.


Best Regards,


Please explain how refunding the exact cost to rank steel charge from 5 to 6 or 5 to 7 etc etc would have been a let down or unfair to anyone?

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Pay-to-save-time does not equal Pay-to-win.


This is a common and willfully spread bit of misinformation.


Pay-To-Win: Ability to pay money to gain a gameplay advantage that is unavailable to those who do not pay.  Ie bullets that do more damage, special powers better than those you can get without paying, etc...  the key here is that the things you can but with real money are unavailable without actually paying real money.


Pay-to-save-Time:  Pay real money to skip grind.  Pretty self explanatory: Boosters, buying wepaons and frames, etc... so long as what you end up with is no different than if you got it without paying then it is fair.  This is the foundation of good F2P financing, the othe rhalf is cosmetics whihc have no game effect.


If I enjoy playing the game (which i do) then how long it takes someone else to get something vs. how I got it doesn't actually matter. If what is important is the ability to measure e-peens, well that's another story.

There is a line (a fairly blurry one) between "pay-for-convenience" and "pay-to-win". For example, if it takes someone 100 hours of actual play (not just waiting for crafts) to obtain a piece of equipment, but then someone can pay to bypass all of that playtime, that is toeing the line towards "pay-to-win" rather than "pay-for-convenience". If you make things too grindy for non-paying players it can be argued that being able to pay to bypass that grind entirely is moving too much in the direction of "pay-to-win". 


Before legendary cores existed there was simply no way to bypass the grind... but now there is, and that method of bypassing the grind was given mostly arbitrarily without regard for the consequences. 

Edited by Zyrusticae
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if you think just because one person got something and you didnt that its not fair you have alot to learn, life isn't fair maybe this will teach you.

This guy is confused between life and game, hey do you play video game too much to lose your mind ?

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This was posted to Reddit 13 hours ago with the title '"Exploit steel charge, make profit"


"I'm not exaggerating, that's the potential profit from ONE Steel Charge. Edit: [Pic] The "refund" DE is planning to offer is literally insane, because I can't imagine any sane person would approve it if they knew the facts. I really hope DE can put a freeze on their plans before they dig themselves into a massive hole.

Again, that's the equivalent of what you would "avoid spending" by using 2 Legendary Cores on rare mods like Heavy-Caliber or Narrow-Minded, after subtracting the tiny costs of bumping a single Steel Charge from 5 to 6. If you upgraded Steel Charge all the way to 10, you're getting much less (keep reading) but still a hefty amount of extra for your "refund".




The rest can be read here.




If you jump onto the youtube link below you'll find a person talking about the legendary cores. At 1:27 he mentions one screenshot of a user who has 19 steel charges. That's 38 Legendary cores on one account.


Edited by Blowfist
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Please explain how refunding the exact cost to rank steel charge from 5 to 6 or 5 to 7 etc etc would have been a let down or unfair to anyone?

Well most players apparently didn't get it, had  my steel charge at rank 8 and got my cores i knew it would happen eventually you could just tell if you watched devstream 22.

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This is a VIDEO GAME.


This is NOT life.


This is a computer game we play for FUN. We like these games because they are FAIR (most of the time, at least) when life is NOT. 


Please stop repeating these senseless excuses. 




This is life.

without life there would be no video game.

so this logic is flaw.


Yes this is serious business...  Warframe is not a game...  It is a way of life...  In Lotus we trust...  XD

Edited by sushidubya
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Well most players apparently didn't get it, had  my steel charge at rank 8 and got my cores i knew it would happen eventually you could just tell if you watched devstream 22.


That doesn't answer the question. How would it have been unfair to refund the exact cost? If you had a rank 10 you'd get more than the guy with 5 rank 6's because it cost you more. If you didn't have steel charge at all you got nothing.


You claimed it was not possible to be fair to player A and player B but there was a completely fair way to refund the cost that would have treated everyone equally, prevented the abuse and stopped all this arguing.

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you dont get it do you? its their job to keep EVERYONE HAPPY.... they wanted to develop a game with a large community and with that you make choices or to f*ck up and lose your customers in time or to try and keep it balanced... they are seeing that there is a huge problem and that a lot of players arent happy with what they did... they at least could say something about it then pushing all the Threads about this in 1 megathread of rage and not answering 1 question...

Maybe you should work for DE and make every single player happy because you make it sound so easy.

I know it can't be done and i wont sit here and lie and say i can because no one in the world has created a game that makes everyone happy

Keep in mind this game is still in beta.

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That doesn't answer the question. How would it have been unfair to refund the exact cost? If you had a rank 10 you'd get more than the guy with 5 rank 6's because it cost you more. If you didn't have steel charge at all you got nothing.


You claimed it was not possible to be fair to player A and player B but there was a completely fair way to refund the cost that would have treated everyone equally, prevented the abuse and stopped all this arguing.

Whats wrong with the 2 legendary cores we all got?

Players always want more and more that is the true problem here.

I can't believe you would sit here on this forum mad about what you "wanted" to get rather than what you got here is the catcher

WHEN they told you before hand on if you had more than one steel charge above 5 you would get more legendary cores its comical and hailarious.

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Maybe you should work for DE and make every single player happy because you make it sound so easy.

I know it can't be done and i wont sit here and lie and say i can because no one in the world has created a game that makes everyone happy

Keep in mind this game is still in beta.

okay so if i understand you correct the following should happen and that you wont even complain about it because life isnt fair.

If they lets say nerfed your favorite frame just because they wanted to because they are still in "beta". You wont complain about it?

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Why 2 legendary core for each steel charge mod? Wasn't the best way just to put 1 untradable legendary core for each account?destroying the ingame system even with this prime part selling.Players who played a long time and even me are really mad about such a unfair benefit for new players.i cannot accept that point ...

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Guess what you can do in-game that you can't do in life??




Roll those mod buying core fusing exploiters back to where they belong. If you've got more than two legendary cores then DE has ever right to punish you for exploiting. You took DE's open honesty and you abused it. Roll em back.


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Guess what you can do in-game that you can't do in life??




Roll those mod buying core fusing exploiters back to where they belong. If you've got more than two legendary cores then DE has ever right to punish you for exploiting. You took DE's open honesty and you abused it. Roll em back.

as if they are going to that....

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okay so if i understand you correct the following should happen and that you wont even complain about it because life isnt fair.

If they lets say nerfed your favorite frame just because they wanted to because they are still in "beta". You wont complain about it?

I come from Mass effect.

Every nerf there was FAR more worse than what warframes comes out with.

Nerf my favorite frame whats the worse they could do to valkyr to make her unplayable

There hasn't been one nerf in this game that has made me want to stop playing and i've been going strong since September.

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I come from Mass effect.

Every nerf there was FAR more worse than what warframes comes out with.

Nerf my favorite frame whats the worse they could do to valkyr to make her unplayable

There hasn't been one nerf in this game that has made me want to stop playing and i've been going strong since September.

wow your not getting the point are you?

You don't even get it why people are mad your just afraid that they are going to take away the legendary cores that you abused....

If you were a honest person you wouldve complained but your by far a honest person

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I wouldn't mind a rollback. I'll admit I fused 2 Steel Charges I had on hand to 6. I honestly didn't believe that A) DE would be incapable of predicting that people would do this, and B) that if they did, that they would be allowed for trade, but I decided that I might as well do it just in case. Now I have 4 Legendary cores. I most likely won't even use or trade them though, because I think that this whole thing was just that dumb.

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I did not have a single copy of this mod, I got no legendary mods.  Yesterday there were people with more then me, and there were people with less then me. Today there are still people with more then me, and still people with less... the game goes on...

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