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Next Best Frame?



First of all, I currently use volt. He is very fun, and I have maxed all of his abilities (and got to lvl 30, even though I am mastery rank 3), but he is beginning to have trouble with higher level enemies (abilities not killing them outright, etc). Even overload is not killing a few and just shocking them.


I an considering the following frames (in no paticular order) for my next frame:

Trinity (I like the mix of abillities but I am worried about how fragile she can be-can link attach to multiple enemies?)

Vauban (all-round abilities, I would mainly use tesla, bastille and vortex)

Oberon (great mix, nice that he can heal as well. Hallowed groung would be useful in boss fights and crowded rooms)

Rhino (tank, but I really only like rhino stomp and iron skin)


I want a frame that has abilities that will affect bosses (will bastille or vortex affect bosses, etc.) 

Edit:Is ember worth a look?

Edited by BluberryKnoob
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Rhino is a great all around choice, and will affect boss battles. So will Trinity - she can keep the entire party invincible for boss battles, which is great for Raptor (and everything else). Vauban isn't a boss focused frame, but if you're buying a frame with plat he is the clear choice - the other frames can be made easily without spending plat. Also, if you have a Vauban you'll always be able to find a group. Bastille and Vortex won't affect most bosses but they'll rock everything else, especially infested.

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Ember is like Volt, just different elements (Ember is better against infested and Volt against corpus), both cannot do well with higher level enemies.


I'll pick Vauban or Oberon. Both for the fun and balance, a good mixture of offense and defense (Not saying Rhino isn't, but he's too slow for me)


Edit: Affect bosses? Rhino then, his stomp kinda stuns the bosses. 

Edited by wkfire
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at increasing ranks, yes, Link will attach up to I believe 3 targets (and switch once each dies), and yes Well of Life and Energy Vampire work on bosses, though I don't think they CC all of them. I have never felt all that fragile with Trinity, though I do have a maxed Streamline for Blessing spam. also note, she has no actual direct damage abilities; Energy Vampire will do percent health per tick but will never actually kill a target, and Link requires you to take damage to deal it back.

Oberon is a great mix like you say, personally I am finding him a bit boring but if you want something that can help in many situations, he's a good pick.

Rhino... is so mainstream, and honestly that is the only problem I have with him, every frame will have problems in high level play but a Rhino lasts that much longer than everyone else. Rhino Stomp is a great group clear low tier and great CC high tier, and nobody should complain about a little extra damage from Roar.

Ember is very fragile and with the short range of her abilities (especially compared to Volt) she can be a steep learning curve, but I do believe she remains the one frame with purely offensive abilities.

hope this helps

Edited by Raythemartyr
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Well all four of the frames you named are worth their reactors and formas.


Trinity is the god-mode for your team, yes link attach to multiple ennemies and help you tank easily when not under Blessing. I only formaed her once yet but did some 1hour T3 survival without much of a problem.

She can tank bosses like they were grineer butchers.


Vauban is definitely fun to play, and he makes infested defense/survival a walk in the park if you the right build. I would avoid him for bosses though it's not really were he shines.


Oberon is a bit more tricky, half-assed healer/nuker he will only shine after you put a lot of work on him and four or five formas. But then it's a beast and his Reckoning coupled with Equilibrium is the most hardcore press 4 to win I had to play yet (and I got every frame except Ash).

He won't affect the bosses much, but he heals and can clear any other ennemies around very fast.


Rhino is truly a monster. He shines everywhere, and with Vanguard helmet he is damn mobile. Two choice for him, either a Stomp spamming build with max range and efficiency or Roar build for big damages, any of your choices can be efficient with him.

His Stomp affects the bosses, though for a Sargas Ruk you'd better let him do his normal animation to kill him faster.


That said, you can find good points in every frame. Nova is the nuking goddess, Ember is fun to play, Nyx is my favorite frame,...


The only one I wouldn't recommend you, except for the mastery level, is Valkyr. Oh not saying you won't have some fun with her, but passed Saturn her damages will really fall off if you don't use Dual Ichor with specific crit build and nothing else...and even with that you can't be considered as a damage dealer and you have no team utility, you're only a self-regenerating tank stucked in melee combat half of the time.

And she used to be my favorite frame, I formaed her 5 times...

Edited by Cyrionn
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I have Trinity as my main frame and I bought her when I first started the game to fit into the group with my friends and honestly she's a brilliant frame. She has no real offensive abilities, although Link is kind of fun to watch the heavys beat each other up, but the novelty wares off after awhile. I've put 3 formas into her and she's pretty much godly. She's very susceptible in between blessings if u get knocked down as I run her with shields around 500 (can't remember exactly off the top of my head). Equip her with a good rifle, such as the Karak until you can unlock the Soma and she dishes out decent damage. Which will let you kill mobs until they get into the higher levels, by that time it's time to fall back into your group. She is definitely worth a play if you have Streamline and other power effiency mods.

Rhino - I only have one forma on my Rhino and he's pretty fun to play with but I always seem to fall back to trinity if he is struggling on certain missions. I admit he needs a little TLC to become a bit more powerful.

Vauban - unlocked him a few nights ago and he's a absolute boss in defense and survival missions, his ability to just hold everything in place with Bastile is brilliant. Me and a Nova done 40 waves of a T3 OOD (could of been T2, anyways mobs where into the 60+ by wave 40) and it wasn't by any means a struggle but unfortunately she had to go. I think we would of done another 5 easily. But be warned it can be a little boring just spamming Bastile and only chipping in on a little bit of damage. He's very fragile as well especially when starting out. Very low shields. I think when I get him to 30 my first forma with be for a D polarity to equip my shield mod ASAP. Maybe that's just me though as I'm used to being up close and personal with trinitys blessing and Rhinos iron skin.

Oberon - really couldn't get into this character at all. I got him to 30 and haven't played him since, maybe I just don't get him? But it didn't seem right for me to be honest. Maybe you'll feel different.

One frame that's definitely worth a look at if you have the mods for lower skill cost and duration is Loki. The amount of fun I have on him farming survivals and bosses for cells etc is unreal. Only boss I struggle with is Zanuka as he takes me out of stealth, but he's very fun and a lot stronger than most people give him credit for...

Good luck in your search :-D

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I can recommend Rhino and Nova.


Rhino - his high durability, especially thanks to his Iron Skin, make him an excellent choice. He is the Warframe definition of a tank.

Nova - She is a lot of fun to play due to her abilities. One surrounding you with anti-matter orbs that attack enemies that get too near to you. The higher you level that skill up, the more orbs fly around you. The most hilarious skill would be the one that allows you to open portals, letting you teleport yourself to where you were looking at when you used it. This can also be used to teleport other people around, be it for tactical or comedical use.

The ultimate ability is Molecular Prime, charging up your enemies which will then explode upon death. Bring sunglasses, since it's quite a light show.

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from those 4, go trinity.  once modded correctly she prevents all damage to the entire party.  seriously, NOTHING even comes close to being more useful than that in the entire game.  and your squad will LOVE you.


need to level a new sentinel?  take trinity, then stand there and do nothing while your sentinel kills the entire room.

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I'd recommend Trinity or Rhino.


Rhino's one of the best all-rounders. He's an excellent crowd control tank.


Trinity would probably be better if you prefer more of a support role. As someone who mains Rhino, I'm not afraid to say she's tankier than Rhino because Blessing gives you and your friends true invincibility while Iron Skin has a damage cap and obviously only affects you.


However, Blessing does not protect you from knockdowns or stuns, where as Iron Skin does. Also Iron Skin costs half as much energy as Blessing does and has a much lower casting animation time. In the end it boils down to what you see has fewer drawbacks than the other. But both Trinity and Rhino are highly recommended.

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from those 4, go trinity.  once modded correctly she prevents all damage to the entire party.  seriously, NOTHING even comes close to being more useful than that in the entire game.  and your squad will LOVE you.


need to level a new sentinel?  take trinity, then stand there and do nothing while your sentinel kills the entire room.

Speaking of sentinels I need to level up my new one I've just built and I'd of never thought of taking my Trinity to keep it alive. I'd of probably took Rhino and done all the killing and loose it when the Napalms turn up lol. Thanks :-)

And like I also said if you can get your hands on a few of the needed cards to make her be able to spam blessing. Ur in for a winner.

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