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[Under Construction] Of Ash And Fire: Roleplaying Thread


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The black and gold Nekros growled lowly as he prowled through the ship, He wasn't trying to be particularly stealthy however but as luck would have it he kept catching his targets off guard which in turn allowed him to swiftly dispatch them before any alarms could be sounded. The Grineer stood no chance against him as he attacked from the shadows of their Galleon while they patrolled. One such unit found himself tackled into a way, his comm. unit ripped out of his helmet his limbs bolted to the all in a crude remake of a crucifixion. As the Grineer tried to scream his tongue was ripped out, leaving him to make weak gurgling sounds, his eyes rolling up till the whites showed as he died slowly from both blood loss and drowning in his own blood.


Nekros grinned darkly and slid back into the shadows before moving on. His mission was to exterminate all life on this ship and he was damn sure gonna do it. He looked down as his trusty black and gold Boltor, upgraded heavily with  reactor installed it in; his rifle of choice for just about everything. He stumbled across a couple Grineer playing cards instead of doing their jobs so he put his boltor on his back and held his Ether Reaper in both hands before charging out of the shadows of the doorway behind them, swinging hard and fast. One of the Grineer's eyes widened in horror and shock as both of their heads were separated from their bodies. With a short nod to himself he continued on his way, glad this wasn't turning out to be too troublesome.


 Once his mission was complete however he got an ominous feeling as he reached one of the reactor rooms in the Galleon on his way out. Then the lights flickered. He frowned and looked at the reactor, noticing even as the lights flickered again it remained bright and at full power. "What...?" The a voice spoke into his comms. A low, harsh sounding hiss of anger was all he heard at first. then words followed.


"Did you really expect your sins to go unpunished?"


Nekros frowned and looked around as the lights flickered faster and more often. He held his Boltor in both hands as he looked for the origin of the voice but was unable to pinpoint it.

"I know your every move -------" The Nekros let out a hiss of surprise, No one except Lotus knew his name... or at least no one should have.


"How do you know my name?" He demanded,quickly activating his distress signal. This was obviously an very powerful, very well informed enemy with some kind of grudge against ether him or Tenno in general. He heard the Lotus' voice 


"Reinforcements are on the way. Hold out until they arrive Tenno." He nodded silently, his body taut and ready to move in seconds notice. He heard one last transmission as the lights went out fully for a minute.




The voice practically roared in hatred and anger and the lights came back on, with a shadow figure appearing in front of him.


"No @(*()$ way..." The Nekros could not @(*()$ believe his misfortune. Stalker had found him...


"WELL COME AT ME THEN!" He yelled at the rogue Tenno before aiming and blasting Stalker with his boltor, literally vomiting ammo at the unholy warrior trying to kill him. Stalker rolled, dodged, flipped and took cover, managing to avoid most of the bolts, firing his own special arrows in retaliation. Nekros dodged and ducked around every one he could, taking cover between clips as they tried to futilely take each other out with only their primary weapons. When down to his last clip he growled and pulled out his Lex instead, deciding to save that clip just in case. Stalker rolled out of cover, throwing hand fulls of armor piercing knives with deadly precision. Nekros dodged around a few and even managed to shoot a couple out of the air as he tried valiantly to put the insane destroyer of Tenno down.


"This isn't working... lets trying something different" Nekros may have been a damn good shot, but his specialty had and always would be melee specialist at heart. He held his Ether Reaper in his hands and he moved out of cover pointing at Stalker.


"Fight me in hand to hand if you dare! Then we'll see just how strong you are and if you can actually live up to your reputation!" Stalker hissed but knew if he didn't accept the challenge other Tenno would think him a coward and the edge their fear of him gave him would be lost once Lotus let out that information which he knew she undoubtedly would. The black and smoky warrior growled and pulled out his wicked scythe. They rushed towards each other, blades clashing against each other. Sparks flying as she spun apart, slashing, slicing and dodging. To anyone watching it would look choreographed like a deadly dance of some kind. Nekros took a kick to the chest that sent him tumbling back though he recovered in time to see a scythe slicing down at him...

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Alright, this is the first part to a challenge from Ajkrumen to write down our first one on one Conclave duel. It was getting a bit long, so I decided to split it up.




"I don't think she's even Tenno."


"Heard her teacher pulled some strings..."


"Why did he pick her, anyway?"



Anya heard these whispers and more, as she sparred with her mentor in the dueling room. They still came, even after she had earned her own Warframe. She did not let them distract her though. For all she knew, her teacher might have arranged for them to do this, to teach her to fight despite distractions. It would not be the first time he had done something like that.


Instead she calmed herself, seeking the inner Void her teacher had taught her to attain when fighting, an emotionless state where all she did was react. Not to her opponent's swings, nothing so amateur as that, but to minute muscle twitches, changes in stance, or just patterns in her teacher's previous movements.


She did this through pure reflex, leaving her mind free to think, to analyze, to find weak spots. I fact, there was an opening now.





In a fraction of a second Anya's Gram was thrown into the air, Excalibur's Orthos at her throat before it landed.


The two Initiates, wearing matching Mags, didn't even bother to mask their snickers. Until he pointed his blade at them.


"You two, dueling room. Both of you against me. Now."


The hecklers exchanged nervous glances, but obeyed, taking up positions in front and behind him.




They rushed, yelling battle cries. X responded by tilting his shoulders to dodge one while blocking the other with his blade. They backed off, startled at being shut down so easily, then began swinging away at him. Some he blocked, some he dodged by bending over backwards, but he never moved from his starting position, as if to mock them.


Angry now, the Mags combined their power to hold him in place with a magnetic field.


One smirked, walking up to the seemingly helpless warrior.


"Whatcha gonna do now hotshot?"




Excalibur broke free, kicking her to the ground and Dashing, coming to a stop just behind the second one.


The Mag on the ground coughed. "I can't... breathe." Her partner went to help, then paused as she felt a draft. She looked down.


Excalibur had cut a line straight through her Warframe as though it were air, only cutting the suit and stopping just short of the skin. She shivered. Such a blow could have easily cut her in half, had X chosen to.


"I have broken her ribs. Take her to the med bay while I walk with my student. And do not let me catch you belittling other Tenno again."





They walked in silence for some time, until Anya spoke up.


"I'm never going to be as good as you, am I?" She asked sullenly.


He stopped. "What makes you say that?"


"You're in a whole other league from everyone I know! You can do things that should only be possible in a bad anime! And... and I'll never match up to that...


"You are better than you think you are Anya. Compare yourself now to when you were just starting out! You have grown, and I am proud to have you as my apprentice."


Anya smiled a little. Praise from her teacher was rare, and was all the more precious for it.


"Now meet me at the ship. We are going on a trip."


Anya was a bit confused, but started walking towards the ship bay as X opened a private comm channel.


"Ajkrumen? How soon can you meet me at the Conclave? Yes, half an hour is fine. Bring your best, we're going all out for this one."

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Not for the first time, Anya wondered exactly what Lucid was learning from Tyranthius. They had been tasked with disabling the shields to an artifact so that X and Ajkrumen could retrieve it before the Corpus in the area could. While the more experienced ones would provide an excellent distraction, they would move in and cut the power. They would need to be discreet.


Not that Lucid wasn't stealthy. It was just that her definition of stealth simply read, "Dead people never saw you". Where Tyranthius was precise as his Dual Ethers, Lucid was direct as her Ether Reaper. Where he would be Invisible with no enemy aware he even existed, she would take the path of greatest resistance and Crush all in her way. Where he thought Shades were too unreliable in Stealth operations, she brought a Dethcube. Still, Anya couldn't fault her. It was at least exciting.


The shield's power supply was in a nearby facility. Close enough to be reached in minutes from the artifact, but not enough that the X and Ajkrumen could come quickly and help, and get back to the artifact. The girls had barely maintained serious expressions.


Overhead, a Crewman walked on a bridge. With a motion from Lucid's arm, he was jerked through the air. Brain met skull as inertia came into effect, and he fell to the floor. The noise made another Crewman turn, and Anya's Gram buried itself in his skull. They moved on. They passed two Crewmen, their conditioned minds noting great amounts of information at a glance; slouch, motionless heads, weapons not even at the ready. They were bored, and it was clear that they were not aware of  Tenno presence within the facility. Two shots from Dual Vastos fired from the hip, and they both collapsed.


"Nice shooting, partner", Anya said dryly.


Lucid was busy checking the Deras. "No good. They're still I.D. locked." Anya nodded, disappointed. They had heard that a captured Tenno managed to steal one, but apparently Crewmen were rarely so careless. "Too bad."


They moved on with the mission, still in light spirits.



On an unrelated note:


Shots rang out in the firing range as Lucid fired shot after shot. She had just received a Seer from applying reverse-engineered technology from a Grineer Captain, and she wouldn't have anything but to try it immediately.


"So, how do you like it?"


She nearly shot him. She turned, and Tyranthius stood there. She was always unnerved by his habit of silence; there were entire training sessions where the only sounds one might hear from him were the ring of blades and the occasional instruction.


"It's amazing at long range, but start sucking if the target's close enough not to require the scope. The low projectile velocity doesn't help."


"Of course it helps. The low velocity means that the bullet expends all its energy in the body instead of punching through. Besides, the rounds are subsonic for silence."


"I'll take your word for it. What brings you to the range?" Her mentor had never felt much need for sidearm instruction with her. Though she never seemed to understand the concept of stealth, she was a natural with pistols.


He took out a set of Vastos. "Oh, I just thought I'd beat you in a shooting match."


She grinned like a wolf. "Bring it on." She never had much chance to surpass her mentor, but perhaps today was the day.


The match proceeded with each taking four rounds, leaving only one to settle.


*Will continue in further edit tomorrow.

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The Nekros looked up confused, as the Stalker's blade was caught by nothing but air. 


"Hey there, chucklepants!" Loki decloaked. Oh no. Not him. Anyone but him.


"Lotus said you could use a hand. Of course, you know you owe me for this. I take payment in cash, prank help, and potato chips!"


Nekros briefly considered death as an alternative to being in debt to the devil, but after a moment took his hand ant got to his feet. 


They drew their weapons as the Stalker recovered and charged.



It is a bit short, but leaves room for you to continue Kitty.

Edited by frostycmc
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Decided to put it in new post.


Each had won four close rounds, leaving only one to settle. Despite this, Tyranthius never lost his unruffled smirk, one of his less endearing traits. He pressed the button, and the next target set itself up.


"I wonder how I'm going to spend your money", Lucid grinned.


"Did we bet on this?"


"Let's say 'yes'."


The buzzer sounded, signaling that the target was ready.


"Uh, master...Are you sure you set it up correctly?"


"Why makes you think I didn't?"


"There's a wall blocking the target."


And so there was. A perfectly clear wall, around 1.5 meters wide and 1.8 meters high. You could see the target through it, but it was effectively in the way.


"Only if you think so."


"What the hell does that even mean? Is this some kind of philosophy lesson? Or am I supposed to 'curve the bullet'"


"No. And you really need to watch more than Old Earth action films. Trust me, there's a way to make that shot. In fact, I'm giving myself a handicap. First to get a bull's-eye. I shoot once to your Seer's entire clip." And he opened the cylinder on a Vasto end ejected five rounds, leaving one primed.


Lucid grimaced. He often imposed handicaps on himself during her training. She'd chosen his weapon for him, he'd have a hand tied behind his back, she'd bring another Initiate with her, or possible combinations of the three, and more. None of it made any difference. But she would draw the line at pistols.


She took aim at the wall. Eight shots. Surely she could figure it out. She pulled the trigger and heard the muffled report of the Seer. The wall showed no sign of damage. As expected. The wall was equally thick from top to base. No point left in that idea. But there was no other way. Furious, she fired all seven remaining shots in quick succession. They all struck the spot where you could see the bull's-eye through, but she might as well have thrown pebbles for all the damage she did.


"You have to stop being so headstrong."


"But there's no way to shoot through the wall!" Lucid raged.


He took his position, twirled the Vasto for effect, and aimed at a forty-five degree angle from the wall.


"Uh, what-"


He fired. She heard the bell sound that confirmed a bull's-eye. She looked through the wall. The bull's-eye was indeed struck.


"No @(*()$ way. No @(*()$ way! How was that possible?"


He laughed and reloaded the Vasto. He fired again. Another bell. She saw, but she would not believe. He was actually making the bullet rebound off the wall of the firing range to the target. That was simply not possible.


"There's some trick. Let me borrow your gun."  He handed a Vasto over. She fired at the wall of the range at the exact same spot, or as close as she could make it. No dice.


He took the pistol, drew out its twin, twirled them in his hands, then in opposite directions. He tossed one in the air, tossed the other from his right hand to his left, caught the first one in his right. He twirled them again, at times perpendicular to the ground, then holstered them in their proper places.


"And that's why they call me 'Revolver'."


"Nobody calls you 'Revolver'!" Lucid protested.




And if you don't mind my asking KittyShark, what's your job?

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The Trinity watched disgusted as the Nekros, with a simple wave of his hand, raised the squad of Grineer Lancers the team had recently killed. It had been quite a few months since the gangly looking warrior had joined them. In a way she was also impressed with how much his power contrasted with her own. She was trained to preserve life, he took it away. The Nekros waved his hand again and sent the dead soldiers forward into one of the steaming vents of the Grineer Galleon. Gunfire erupted soon enough as the dead clashed with the living.


"Emm..." The third member of her team, the ever vigilant Roy, walked over clad in the Volt Warframe he had chosen when he was first awakened. "You okay?"


Emm could only nod as she looked at the Nekros, he called himself "Kevin." He didn't speak much to any of the other Tenno within her clan's ranks.  He was solitary, quiet, not necessarily rude but he didn't seem to enjoy socializing. When they had found him in the cryopod he spoke very little as though he was afraid of offending anyone in the clan. Roy and Carl tried to get Kevin to speak more but the attempts were fruitless. So Emm did her best to deal with him, even if his Nekros scared the living hell out of her. It was harder when Kevin was permanently attached to her team.


He was docile when at peace, but absolutely terrifying in war.


He hated the Grineer most of all, even for a Tenno his treatment of the clone armies of the Twin Queen's was...gruesome.




The Trinity snapped out of it and turned her head to look at Roy. Despite the helmet covering his face she knew he was smiling. "Come on." He said hefting his rifle, an ornamental Latron Prime the Volt built himself.


"Right." Emm said as she readied her own weapon, a Braton. The Trinity shook her head of such thoughts. Now was not the time to linger. As Roy took point Kevin stood beside him as though sensing that the team was getting ready to move and when they did, Emm could have sworn she heard Kevin say one thing over the COMs in a very meek voice.


"Sorry for scaring you."

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I figured I should put something else up because it occurred to me that, despite any other reservations, Crowley takes his role(s) as a Nekros quite seriously. That and everyone seems to earn an intro with a stalker so I'm breaking the chain. :P




Walking down the shining, gold-laced halls of the clan dojo an icy blue Nekros moved swiftly and with purpose. Crowley, as this particular Nekros went by, had been requisitioned to instruct a few new Nekros users as to their role and abilities. What many of his clan-mates did not understand was that Crowley was much older than his voice and abilities lent credence to- and not because of his cryogenic hibernation. Even as he reached the door to the dueling room Crowley gave pause as it swished open in near silence. Rather than his normal Raknis helmet that he kept on at all other times he was wearing the traditional Nekros 'hood' that most Nekros started off wearing and he was adorned with his Mortos Syandana. At his hip was a Kama and on the other was holstered a Lato vandal. The unique Lato was purely for decoration and he had no ammunition loaded or packed for it. The Kama, however, was an instructional tool for Crowley at the moment.


Stepping down into the large circular arena where his newest proteges and fellows knelt the blue Nekros was followed by a very distinct black and red Nova that made everyone in the room aside from Crowley shift nervously. Nova-Quinn, as she was called, had a tendency to blow anyone and anything up if it came to her mind. So long as she was left docile she was quite pleasant to speak with for the most part, it was combat and agitation that caused the most anxiety for others.


Waving his hand dismissively Crowley motioned for the three Nekros-clad Tenno before him to rise. "Do not be disturbed by her presence, she is my insurance and companion. Besides, she is under the notion she'll get to see dead things dance so just entertain her for the moment and let her sit in." He spoke in a clear voice, ensuring the three before him could hear what he had to say properly. One of the Nekros was clad in fire-palette colors, much in stark contrast to Crowley, and appeared much less thrilled to be here and seemed far more ready to test himself in the field than to learn. The other two were in fairly dark colors, and unlike the fire-colored Nekros were clad in the normal Nekros helmet. Taking this as a sign the fiery and agitated 'student' would be combat-happy Crowley made a mental note to instruct very carefully.


"You all know what we are, clearly, by how we are all clad. In the case any of you have just awakened, let me refresh your memory a little bit: we are Nekros. As such, we are the guardians of the dead and communicators of the soul." Crowley spoke, motioning with his hands rather expressively. "Our four main abilities are Soul Punch, Terrify, Desecration, and Shadows of the Dead." Pausing to let that sink in, the blue-colored Tenno was happy to see no further introductory speech was necessary at the moment.


As he was about to speak the flame-palette Nekros made to turn away and leave, arms folded across his chest. "And where do you think you're going?" Crowley spoke in a somewhat more sinister tone, the blue of his energy flickering briefly.


"Where? Anywhere else but here. This sounds boring as hell already, you're probably going to lecture us on our lack of energy or something and how we should be conservative. I got this warframe today out of the Foundry and I wanna try it out before it rusts!"


Before another step could be taken by the brash young Tenno he found himself on the floor with the blade of Crowley's Kama ready to behead him if he got pressed any lower. "I don't believe you're taking your position seriously." Crowley's voice had become far more sinister, almost akin to the Stalker's in tone and pitch. Even his normally blue energy had become a bloody crimson, signaling a definite change in behavior and emotional state. As if in response, Crowley's Nova-clad companion tapped a few keys on the nearest panel and put the room on lockdown, much to the instructing Tenno's delight. Leaning down close Crowley grated in the auditory sensors of the younger Nekros' Raknis helmet. "You WILL listen or you will perish. The purpose of the Nekros is not to be taken lightly."


A few more moments of tense silence were maintained after that before Crowley released his student and returned to standing where he had been before, energy once again a serene blue. The other two Nekros shifted nervously, now thoroughly frightened of both their instructor and his compatriot. It was likely they were having second thoughts about entering this particular clan.


Beginning to pace, Crowley resumed speaking in a much more calm, if a bit reverent, tone of voice. "Many of our fellow Tenno, including the newest generation of Nekros, believe our duty is to rip apart our foes' bodies, send them fleeing in terror, desecrate their bodies, and then raise them from the dead."


"Isn't that the point?" Again, the fire-colored Tenno was instigating.


After a brief flicker to his red energy color Crowley raised two fingers to the general region of the forehead of his helmet and sighed. "You need to pay attention...Nekros were not so combat-oriented long ago. Once, we were some of the few tenno that maintained highly-regarded ceremonial positions. You new-generation Nekros are so ignorant of the importance of the warframe you wear it sickens me." Shaking his head Crowley sighed once more. "Once...we were the caretakers, the preparers, truly guardians of those who had passed among our number as Tenno." He spoke, waving his arms and conjuring up smoke colored like his energy, bringing up images of the past as his memory recalled them.


"Long ago, during the age when we prospered, we of the Nekros were bonded to our warframes so that we may never remove them. We became so fused with it and the abilities it brought that we no longer required the normal functions of living beings to survive. New-generation Nekros do not take this vow as seriously anymore because they may take it off at will. For those of ages past, it might as well be like ripping off their own skin." Crowley spoke with conviction, clawing through the smoke to grab  his students' attention again before repeating the performance for a new set of images. "Indeed, when one of our number truly fell into the silent oblivion, it was the task of the Nekros to prepare the body of our dear, departed Tenno brothers and sisters for entombment, burial, or cremation and then guard them with our lives." Waving the smoke away this time, Crowley saw fit to add a secondary note. "Of course, like all Tenno we trained vigorously in combat...but we only trained in weapons of the highest death-dealing caliber. Scythes, sickles, axes, hatchets, and the highest bullet-strength armaments available to us."


A loud sigh and a yawn from the Raknis-helmeted student made Crowley pause and remember his place in his lecture.


"Ahem...you know what our abilities do today...but once they were not so destructive in nature."


Scoffing, the fire-colored Nekros started to walk away only to be blocked by a possible beheading once again. "Seriously? Why do we need to have a history lesson? We know who our enemies are now, we know what our abilities are for! We kill! We're supposed to be the goddamn grim reapers of the Tenno!" He shouted into Crowley's face, taking a provocative stance. Twitching as Crowley moved away the brash student pulled out his side-arm only to have it explode from his hand. Growling, he glared at Nova-Quinn who giggled where she sat, having defended her solemn friend from assault.


Gearing up to try and Soul Punch the Nova, just as he swung the young Nekros-wearer found all the energy from his attack dissipated by the glowing blue hand grasping his wrist rather firmly. "Such a fool, you do not even understand the purpose behind your powers, how can you hope to master what you choose to never understand?" Crowley hissed, the glow of his energy becoming such a bright red it illuminated a great deal of the room. Even as his student struggled to gain release from his grip Crowley moved with practiced ease and grace; slamming the troublesome newcomer into the wall. "Sit down and pay VERY close attention."


"You may ask 'how could Soul Punch have any other use but in combat?' for instance." Crowley folded his arms, smirking behind his helmet. "Have you ever wondered why we may be revived on the battlefield or away from it even after coming into events or consequences that leave us at or even possibly beyond death's door?" Letting that linger a bit Crowley turned to face the two obedient students. "Our warframes are a prison for the soul. Even should we die, we are trapped within our own bodies because of our own most power weapons and armor. Something we use every day without thinking. Originally, the purpose of this power was to draw out the souls of our truly dead brethren and let them ascend to peace." It was a very sound reasoning and explanation, especially given how those within a Nekros were more than capable of seeing the souls of others.


"As for Desecration...it is a two-fold power. If we were called to the battlefield in the past it was often to clear the dead foes from it. In essence, we 'burn' the bodies, disintegrating them and removing them and their rot from our places of combat. The second function has been lost, sadly, but it was to prepare and preserve the dead. In case you haven't noticed, we entomb or bury our brethren in their warframes. To prevent rot without cryostasis the second side of Desecration -Hallow- was used to prepare dead Tenno for their wake. It could take several Nekros more than a few hours to perform this preparation, but as I said such a function is now lost to us after our long sleep." Another pause, this time waiting to see if his rude charge would make another move. He did not.


"Terrify is derived from our ultimate ability, which I shall get to in a moment. As guardians of the dead, it has always been the job of the Nekros to see that grave-robbers and tomb-raiders and the like do not reach and defile the sacred dead. With Terrify, whose purpose has not changed in the slightest, we warded off such vile perpetrators with the deepest, darkest nightmares forged in the blackest recesses of their own minds." Clenching his hands into fists Crowley flickered from blue to red for a moment, as if a memory of something caused him agitation.


"And finally...the ability that makes us most fear-inducing on the battlefield...the one that made us the most revered and occasionally even loved...Shadows of the Dead." Crowley's shoulders sagged as he looked down, shaking his head. "Originally it was holograms...projections of memories of the recently departed's soul. To capture such moments were as to witness legends in action, to revisit fond memories with loved ones again, to see the life of the deceased. This was the final honor we could grant at a Tenno's wake; to show their lives and deeds to those dear to them. To reveal their heroism, cowardice, despair, rage, love, and their life. A final chance to touch those that have passed on." A deep, sad, solemn sigh came from Crowley as he used one of his hands to cover the front of his helmet. "It is a gift and a burden, one we have turned into a weapon, forging simulacrums using the soul-data of those we have slaughtered."


After a great deal of silence Crowley looked up at his three students and held his arms out. "Whether we have fallen from grace...or simply become a more incarnate version of what we have always been...that is up to you my students." Letting his arms fall, Crowley turned around to go page one of the other clan members to undo the dueling room lockdown.


"Tch...you're just a looney old nut who wants to stay in the past."


It was not like before where retribution had been swift; Crowley outstretched his hand and basically did the equivalent of a force choke-hold on the exceedingly rude and inattentive Tenno he'd been rather patient with this entire time. Walking up to his offender Crowley actually grabbed his throat and began crushing the new-generation Nekros' wind pipe. "How could you possibly be a Tenno? Such disregard for the old ways and traditions, for the past that makes us what we are! You sicken me so thoroughly I want to vomit in a maggot-riddled hole I've punched through your chest!" Crowley snarled, his coloration changing to a Stalker-black with blazing red energy expressing his absolute rage. Slamming his fellow into the floor various phantasms of other warframes, dead Tenno, began to manifest around Crowley and surround the target of his fury. "You cannot know the agony that we went through! The solemn vows we took! The sorrows that we had to take onto ourselves because of our mantle! The isolation will destroy a feckless ingrate like you before you have a chance to even understand the barest stretches of what the Nekros are capable of!"


Plunging his free hand into the other Tenno's chest, it seemed to melt through warframe and flesh, clawing at something that made Crowley's victim twitch as he dragged it out; what appeared to be a soul. "Remember well this terror, the fear I incite into you now is the wroth of all those past that I have tended and still carry with me! BEGONE!" Letting go with both hands Crowley watched with contempt as the fire-palette Nekros gasped for air and scrabbled away, pounding at the door screaming to be let out.


Slowly the normal color palette of icy blues returned to Crowley's warframe as his rage subsided. Turning away from all present Tenno he looked up at a hidden security camera, folding his hands behind his back. "Tyranthius...I hope this has been enlightening for you." He said tiredly, waiting for someone to undo the lockdown from the outside.

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Welcome to the forums you two! Feel free to post your story hellsing. After all, you can't improve if you never make mistakes!

And here is part 2! Enjoy!



"The Europa Conclave?" Anya gazed out the window. "What are we doing here?"


"Showing you there is always room for improvement. Now come."



They entered the spectators area. Waiting there was a tall, formidable looking Frost Prime. He strolled forward upon seeing them, and shook hands with Anya.


"You must be Excalibur's apprentice! He has told me about you during missions. My name is Ajkrumen, and I will be dueling your teacher today while you watch. Any questions?"


"No sir." She lied. Inside she was wondering what this was all about. Still, a duel between two Primes... She couldn't help but get a bit excited. This was sure to be quite a show.


"Did you bring your best?" X asked.


"Sure did." The Frost replied as he unslung his Reaper Prime.


"Melee only then. Anya, watch and learn."


The Primes met at the center of the arena, bowed... then vanished in a blur of whirling steel. Anya's mouth fell open as she tried to track their movements, but her eyes couldn't keep up. Orthos met Reaper in a shower of sparks, faster than anything she had ever seen her teacher achieve in the past. She now knew the Stalker had been lucky to catch him out of his frame. Had it been a fair fight, X would have torn him apart.



The fight was lasted only minutes, and it was over in less time than it took to blink. And the one being helped to his feet was...




Impossible. Her teacher never lost. 


Before she could get over her shock, they were at it again. She watched closely this time, hoping it had been a fluke. But no. Again and again they clashed, and while X claimed his share of victories, more often than not he ended up flat on his back. They dueled for what seemed like hours, never tiring, nearly evenly matched. But to the well trained eye, the Frost was just that little bit stronger, slightly faster, and in a duel between such masters it made all the difference. As she watched, Anya began to understand what her teacher had been trying to tell her.



Finally, on some unspoken signal, they stopped. Shaking hands, they turned and made their way back to the young student.


"What have you learned, Anya?" Excalibur asked.


"That.. there will always be someone out there who is better than me," She answered. "And I can't let that stop me. Instead I'll use it, let it drive me, learn from those better than me until I match them. Then I'll move on and do it again! I can never be the best, but I can always strive to be better than I am now. Thank you, teacher. From now on I'll let my failures push me forward instead of hold me back!"


Excalibur smiled and nodded. His student had always been a quick learner.

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His ears ringing the Volt shook his head. "Second time..." he muttered as Emm and Carl helped him up. As Emm managed to drag Roy back towards cover Carl suddenly vanished into thin air, his Loki warframe humming. A Grineer Scorpion was charging at Kevin who kept his head behind cover. Carl decapitated the Grineer female with his Fang stilletos.


Emm pulled Roy into cover and made to revive him. There was a sudden scream as Kevin Soul Punched some poor Grineer Lancer, sending his broken body into another trooper. The Nekros then raised his Boltor and fired a three round burst that pinned a Grinner trooper to the floor. Screaming in agony he was ignored by the Grineer assault team that was headed in their direction.


"How much more time do we need?!" Emm called for Carlos as she helped Roy get back on his feet. The Volt nodded his thanks and took up his position near the cryopod.


Carl leaped over the barricade and took cover as Grakata and Gorgon fire swept over the barricade. "Just a few more minutes!" He peeked up to blast another Scorpion backwards with his Strun.


Emm swore as she reloaded her Braton. Beside her Roy and Kevin did the same with their own weapons.

Edited by Divinity112
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(My nekros was first intro'd into this after Stalker attacked the Dojo. he was guarding the med bay)

Nekros nodded his thanks to the Loki before dashing and slicing slow at Stalker's knees with a spin attack. Loki went in for a slash at Stalker's neck. Together they kept forcing Stalker back who was beginning to get desperate, each time he tried to slash dash at them they rolled out of the way and immediately attacked again the moment it ended, teleporting did him no good either as they had each other's back carefully, able to block and counter him each time.

Finally the rogue assassin made a mistake in his anger and frustration. Loki made it look like he had left an opening but in reality he had placed a decoy behind some cover and as Stalker swung as hard as he could Loki swapped places with it, so Stalker hit only the hardlight projection and Nekros went in for the kill, Ether Reaper swinging hard and fast and it cut into Stalker, knocking him over upon which

Nekros swung again and again, the Stalker screaming in agony and Loki joined in as they defeated him.

In Nekros' anger he managed to break the magnetic clasp holding Stalker's bow to him as the assassin faded into smoke to escape and recover. Nekros let out a relieved sigh and stooped to pick up the bow which promptly turn into data of the schematic for it. There were two schematics so he offered the second bow schematic to Loki.

"Thanks for helping. I am unsure if I could have beaten him alone. You have my deepest gratitude. Should you ever need a favor let me know and I shall help however I can" Nekros knew saying that to Loki of all people was a bad idea but his honor would demand no less of him. He could only hope those words would not haunt him too badly in the future.

Edited by KittyShark
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Sorry about that, Tyranthius. I should have consulted with you first if it was okay to have that last bit but I wanted to have someone besides Crowley or Nova-Quinn (or the three nameless 'students') at the very least referenced by the end. Besides, I kinda get the feeling Tyranthius as a loki might watch security recordings for entertainment if he's well and truly bored.


On another note I wrote a whole heck of a lot compared to my normal fare.


No need to apologize. In fact...


Frost, I'm making a new list.


The strangest things Tyranthius has seen on the security feeds, part 1:


* A certain Tenno filling the dueling room with custard and running on top of it, calling himself the "Custard Messiah".


* A certain LOKI, watching people as they sleep.


* Platypus inserting bill into sleeping X's mouth. X not waking up from such.


* Zel, Aigloblam's apprentice, having a Tyranthius dartboard, and using it rather often.


* Tenno watching MOA-based pornography.


* A certain RHINO Tenno practicing ballet, in appropriate attire. For females.


Edit: This might as well go here, in case someone wants to use my characters and needs some idea of what they're like.


Tyranthius- Highly skilled operator of a LOKI, Tyranthius is one of the clan's best swords, if not the most liked. His martial ability is matched only by his ego and occasional bouts of insanity. Very ambitious and priding himself on efficiency, he expresses outright disdain, to the point of loathing, for people who perform missions in a slipshod manner. He is rather antisocial and does not enjoy social situations where, as he puts it, "someone needs me to do something". He is also not very skilled at social interactions with women. There seems to be a correlation to their attractiveness and his awkwardness, seemingly a direct proportion.


On the other hand, he has been shown to be capable of great compassion and empathy; he is quite happy to assist new Tenno in the field, particularly if they are using LOKIs. He can be very generous, though will try to disguise this, as seen when he gave his apprentice an Ether Reaper, simply because she appeared to be envious of his Hate. He is staunchly loyal to his fellow Tenno; if necessary, he will stand and take damage that would shred lesser RHINOs, just to revive fallen teammates. This is a major reason of the hatred he feels for the Stalker. Any Tenno, as far as Tyranthius is concerned, who would be anything less than loyal to his fellows, deserves an Ether to the trachea. He also considers it a personal insult that he lost to the Stalker in their first encounter, and will relish any opportunity for fair combat between them.


Lucid- Apprentice to Tyranthius and operator of a MAG, Lucid is a newly made Tenno, still an Initiate. She is decent at blades and rifles, but she truly excels at sidearms and pistols, frequently setting records at the range among the other Initiates. She is headstrong, direct, and unyielding, both in the field and in the dojo. She does not, however, perform very well when forced to stealth, something that her mentor has almost given up on.


Lucid, it seems, has adapted her mentor's attitudes of loyalty, ruthlessness, and incredible disregard for regulations. All this to the chagrin of Tenno authorities, as she was assigned as an apprentice to Tyranthius to curb the third trait. Socially, she is quite the likable person; always willing to help, though ineptly at times, and her apprenticeship seems to have reduced her mentor's more insane tendencies.


Vallen- (This is a character for an ASH that I made some time ago. As you might have noticed, he barely appears at all and isn't very fleshed out. I have some ideas about him floating around in my mind, but mostly it's that he has a strange fixation on giant pandas.)

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The sound of shots fired could be heard throughout the ship.


Strange, I thought that this was an abandoned Derelict.


Pressing on towards the sounds of the gunfire, Ajkrumen fell upon the prison cell in what used to be a Corpus ship. There were many infested, ranging from chargers, crawlers, runners, and leapers. Amid the horde he saw a young man firing into the crowd with a standard-issue LATO. He looked like a Tenno Initiate. He had to get off of this ship, before any ancients came. Dropping down from the balcony that he was standing on, Ajkrumen put himself between the recruit and the swarm of Infested. In a fevered attempt to save this Initiate from a horrible death, Ajkrumen fired from his Latron Prime in his left hand while he clove open enemies with his Reaper Prime in the right. The recruit was shocked beyond words. Here was a Prime! An elder Tenno! Not only that, but this is the legendary Ajkrumen that has bested the fabled X in the Europa conclaves! What was he doing here..? 


"Follow me!" Ajkrumen shouted as he sent forth a wave of icy spikes to impale the chargers. "Quickly! Before the Ancients show up!"

Not wasting any time, the recruit was following close behind, firing his pistol into the swarm behind him. His whole life up to this point he dedicated to being the best Tenno he could be. He must prove himself in front of this living legend. Ajkrumen kept up the assault when he turned the corner, getting slammed to the floor by an Ancient Disruptor. His HUD scattered and his shields down, he was severely weakened. The recruit was afraid. This training pistol did not have the stopping power to take down an Ancient! What was he to do now? Ajkrumen was in no state to fight at this moment. The Ancient was  advancing upon the Tenno, he had little time. Rolling to Ajkrumen's body, he slid out the Bronco Prime from its holster and fired six shots into the Ancient. Letting out a horrible screech, it dropped dead before their feet. Taking Ajkrumen's arm around his shoulder, the young recruit started advancing through to extraction. Fortunately, the rest of the trip was uneventful. At the pods, the young recruit handed the Bronco Prime back to its owner.


"That was some quick thinking, boy. I would have been dead without you." said the elder Tenno, smiling under his helmet. 


"Thank you, sir. I would have been dead had you not come along."


"I'm not so sure about that, you're a strong fighter. What is your name, Initiate?"


"Heus, sir."


"Well, Heus. Let's go back to the dojo and have a little talk.."

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Hi again guys, sorry this came so late but I changed plans after I thought of this idea. I couldn't resist.

In any case, the war continues!


Nyx straightened from the control panel out side the door, and opened it silently with the press of a button. 'Glad I learned that trick from old Uncle Vauban.' Nyx slipped through the doorway quietly, into a lightless room. 'He always said it would come in handy some day.'


She had her warframe on, despite the fact that she was in her clan's dojo. It was frowned upon when in the living quarters, but she required the extra power and ranged precision of her mental powers that her suit offered. She stopped in the middle of the dark room, nearly invisible with her dimmed warframe lights. Reaching out with her mind, she did a sweep of the nearby rooms, looking for her target. She found the small glow of the mind of a Tenno in the next room over, apparently sleeping. Examining close, she found the tiny mind of... a platypus? Past that, she finally found her target, who was sleeping fortunately.


She crept in his direction, at the same time extending a tendril of thought into his mind, smothering his consciousness and making sure he stayed asleep. She crept past the sleeping platypus, who appeared to be sleeping inside the a barrel of its owners Hek. She reached the bed where her prey was sleeping, and carefully prepared herself, placing her hands on either side of his head. 


She focused her mind and her energy, and delved deep within his mind. She quickly located what she was looking for. After all, she had found it once and so it was no longer difficult to locate. She took a deep breath and started to work. Gathering her energy, focusing her mind and creating a perfect replica of what she had memorised. It had taken a long week of research to get to this stage, and even still, she had had no usable test subjects, and so until now it had remained entirely hypothetical. She hoped that it did not fail.


She finished assembling her delicate construct of energy, and poured all of her energy into into. It grew and pulsed, starting to exert its influence. It seemed to have worked. Nyx silently sighed in relief. She then turned and crept back out of the dark room, passing by the platypus and out of the open door. When outside, she released her hold on her target's mind and grinned victoriously. As she walked away, she muttered "Let's see how you like that in the morning!"




The alarm went off, blaring loudly. Loki groaned, and slammed it with his fist. 'Mmmm...' He thought. 'Is that delicious smell what I think it is?' He cracked open one eye, breathing deeply through his nose and starting to salivate. 'Where are they...'


He slowly got out of bed and started searching all around. 'Where!?!?! I can small them so strongly!' He was frantic now, tossing things around and looking under them, checking underneath the platypus, and peering into the toilet bowl. "WHERE ARE THEY!!!" He cried.



Edited by Piranah1
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Hopefully Loki has learned his lesson: don't screw with people who can control your mind... Nah just kidding. We all know he hasn't learned a damn thing.




Knock, knock. " Nyx, dear, we're here."


Nyx opened the door. "Mother! It's good to see you! Come on in."


Thanksgiving had come again, and Nyx was happy to spend some time with her family. She had tried her best to be a good host, and so far everything was going great. Until there was a knock at the door.


The family looked at each other in confusion, then at Nyx.


Slowly she rose to answer the door. Who could it be? Her family was accounted for, and she hadn't invited anyone else. The door slid open to reveal a package. She peered outside, but saw no one. Shrugging, she picked it up and went back inside.


The family gathered around the unexpected gift, as Nyx opened it. Everyone stared, stunned into silence at the contents of the surprise 'gift'


Her father spoke up as Nyx blushed furiously. "Um, is there something you'd like to tell us? Such as why you just received a box full of hrdcore fetish pornography?"


"I-It must be some mistake!" Nyx protested, as her siblings began to laugh hysterically."I would never-" 


"Dear... It's okay if you're... like that... we won't love you any less."


Nyx looked at the magazine her mom was holding and screeched loud enough to deafen a Banshee.



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Lucid and Aigloblam were taking a well deserved break. They had been training for hours, and Aigloblam had decided that the next lesson should involve naps, for the girl's benefit. For the sake of variety, the senior Tenno had decided to a temporary exchange of apprentices; Zel was with Tyranthius and likely hating every moment of it, Anya was with Ajkrumen, and X was seeing to Ajkrumen's new apprentice Heus. Aigloblam recalled all too clearly the look on Zel's face when he'd told her who would instruct her. You'd have thought she'd been commanded to slaughter her firstborn.


"Could I ask you something?" Lucid asked, snapping him out of his reverie.




"Why does everyone say that Ty's insane?"


Aigloblam pretended to seriously consider the question. She might as well have asked, "Why do people say that we have two arms?"


"You haven't seen anything...eccentric from your mentor?"


"Not really. Well, at least he's no worse than Loki."


"Well. Let's just say that those two don't have enough sanity between them to fill an egg cup. Ty, however, has been getting better; his lucid periods are lasting longer, and they're getting more frequent."


"'Lucid' periods?"


"Times when he's sane. Odd that you'd be named that way. Actually, the change started more or less from the time he met you."


"Hmm. So he's always been that way?"


"Well, not always. In the beginning, he was-", and Aigloblam cut himself off.


"What?" Lucid asked.


"It's not for me to say", said a clearly uncomfortable Aigloblam.


"What?" Lucid pressed.


"He's never told you?"


"I don't think so, but what hasn't he told me?"


Aigloblam looked as though he might resist, but he relented. Better she heard it now, anyway. "Lucid, do you know how long I've served with Tyranthius?"


"A hundred and sixty-eight years?"


"Very good. A long, long time. Tenno are quite long-lived, thanks to our augmentations. Well, I've served with him for all that time, he probably told you that. What he didn't tell you about was what he was doing before he was in the clan."


"What did he do?"


"It's more of what happened to him, and I'll have to ask you not to interrupt. I'm not going to say this again."


Lucid nodded, her silence assured.


"All those Earth-measured years ago, when I wasn't so devilishly handsome just yet, and there was no sign of gray in X's hair, Tyranthius was not yet in the clan. No, back then, he served in a squad of four; I suppose they were almost a clan, but they didn't have official status. From what I know, they had met in the Initiation Rites. They were a RHINO, an EXCALIBUR, and a SARYN, and of course, a LOKI.


"This squad, they were rising stars. All missions done excellently, great teamwork, they were on their way to becoming some of the best Tenno operatives. Until one day, they were assigned to a mid-rank Extermination in the Void. This would have been no problem for them, so you could imagine everyone's surprise when the squad lost communications, were AWOL for over a week, and Tyranthius came back alone. We couldn't find them in the Void; you know the problem without keys. So anyway, Tyranthius came back alone, barely able to stand, speaking gibberish, and damaged in such a way that Corrupted weapons simply can't do.


"He was never really the same after that. They could never get him to talk about what happened in the Tower mission, and he grew into what he was before he met you. He threw himself into his work, doing his duties as Tenno with the determined efficiency of a man who has nothing else. He doesn't speak of the incident at all; maybe he's convinced his mind to forget about it. Then, he was assigned to this clan, and he's been here ever since."


Lucid was at a loss for words. Aigloblam looked almost sorry for telling the story, and said, "I think we can call it a day".




From the security room, Tyranthius still gazed at the feed of the empty training room. Distantly, he thought that the fifteen minutes for the break he called had probably expired, but he couldn't think about it for very long. He remembered. They had been so young. A room, pitch-black. Scythes, scythes everywhere. Running, running, listening to his friends being butchered behind him. Laughter. Screams. Pleas. The sound of blades rending 'Frame and flesh. Hiding for hours, maybe days. Finding the...remains. Barely recognizable as human. One was still whole. A SARYN, still gripping Fang daggers. Her face-plate had cracked open, exposing cold, gray eyes, a drop of blood running down one eye as though it were a tear. Eyes that once conveyed so much emotion. Eyes than he had looked through, and thought that he could see the soul beneath, and were doing the same with him. Never again. Dead, cold, lost, gone, then blackness.


He remembered.



I will continue.

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As soon as they released, Galen jumped away, trying to get something solid between him and his attacker.
A black arrow from the shadowy figure, a grey one from him.
They collided in mid-air. The grey arrow did not survive.
Galen quickly glanced left, to the splintered remains of his arrow, right, to the black one half embedded in a solid steel wall, at neck height.

He couldn't help but think his shields would not have appreciated a direct hit.
Another little smile. (Routine mission, yeah right.)
He looked out if cover, one hand at his knives, and saw a large blade. It was a little too close to his face for comfort.
He threw a knife and leapt back, saw the blade impact where he had been a moment before. The knife was blocked harmlessly.

In response, he caught a knife on his arm, his shields from full to nearly down.
He looked at the impact point, no damage to the frame. He had no doubt that a second knife would pass through, however.
Deciding against headbutting arrow or knife, as it might prove unhealthy, close combat might be better.
Scythe against double bladed polearm, reach shouldn't be an issue.

He reached for the Orthos on his back, and started running.
The figure didn't move. Untill the very last moment.
The figure jumped back, reached for the scythe, and with an upward blow, hooked the blade between Galen's hands, and pulled the weapon away.
It was followed up with a blow to the shoulder, it felt like he could pick up his arm and use it to replace the polearm.

He saw a rip in the frame at the point of impact, shields down, health lowered.
This wasn't good. Sure as hell didn't feel good either.
One handed jump back to the nearest object looking like cover.
Quick check, three arrows, six throwing knives, Orthos lying on the ground, out of reach.

Seeing that options were running out fast, he had to do something.
Taking a knife in each hand, he ran past the figure, throwing the right knife while turning around.
It was deflected on the scythe.
Turning to face the figure, backward jump, left handed throw, just under the blade.

He felt better, the first hit had been made.
It didn't pass shields, but still.
He landed on his knees, next to the Orthos.
Gripping it, he used it to push himself up again, in a combat ready stance.

They both ran, then jumped at each other.
Faces, set grim and dark, though neither could see the other behind their helmets.
The blades hit each other once, the clash rang through half the ship.
They flew further, Galen taking out another two knives and throwing the moment he hit the ground and had some stability.

One was deflected, the other wounded.
He jumped back, behind the nearest cover.
An arrow flew at him, but missed by centimeters.
Figure to his left, he turned his head made eye contact, went invisible, jumped backwards, got up, ran alongside the wall.

From alongside to on the walls, to avoid an easily imaginable approach.
He had the Orthos in hand, jumped from the wall. straight at the figure.
He was still invisible, this should be the end of the fight.
Preparing for impact, to hit... nothing. The figure stepped out of the way.

His comms came to live again, even though he'd closed them multiple times already.
"Your TENNO powers are useless!"
"Only thing useless here, are you."
Galen couldn't see the figure's face, they were both still masked. (Still), he thought, (if looks could kill, I'd probably fall over right about now).

He fired an arrow and immediately after, threw a knife. Arrow deflected by shields, knife hit the figure on the right leg.
Wounding hit, the first real damage inflicted to the figure. Smoke, invisibility, again. Behind cover.
A quick glance to quiver and holsters gave news not exactly appreciated at times like this. Two arrows, one knife. Energy running low.
He had to do something, fast. He had to think of something.

First he fired an arrow, which was dodged, then going for another melee, he ran at the figure, blade ready.
Pole rang on scythe, both harmless. The fist coming at him, however, was not.
Struck in the right jaw, he went down. Laying on the ground on his back, eyes watching the scythe's tip hovering closer.
Last knife flew, hitting the hand holding the scythe. Grip on it's handle weakening by the now damaged hand.

Pain. Sudden, intense pain.
As a thank-you for the knife, a different knife appeared in his left shoulder.
Both wounded, the end truly came into sight.
Galen jumped up and back, charged again, polearm ready, hoping to end the battle.

The figure charged too, lifting the scythe. Suddenly, a massive increase in speed.
Galen saw, recognized, the move.
In what could easily be the last moments of the fight, and of Galen, he raised the longer weapon like a spear, hoping to have the figure impale himself on it.
The weapon got knocked aside by the scythe, the figure ramming into Galen, who was thrown aside with force, a swing of the scythe following up, a tear in the frame. A centimeter of length was the difference between living, wounded or dead, disemboweled.

Jumping back up, once more, he went for a charge and once more, polearm met scythe in a deadly clash of blades.
From dodge to stab to block to slash to parry to overhanded swing, weapons handed between hands behind backs, and more, back and forth, again and again and again.
Both fighters kept collecting more. More cuts, more bruises, more wounds, more blood flowing freely.
This dance of death couldn't go on for much longer, someone would fall to dozens of tiny wounds and cuts.

The only question was who it would be.
Suddenly, the scythe came in a large, powerful, overhead cut, which looked like it would split Galen in half.
Gripping his weapon in both hands, he raised it up, above his head.
The deafening screech of metal on metal, the scythe caught the polearm in the middle and for a second, nothing happened.

Then, the Orthos had enough. It snapped.

Caught by surprise, and a very unwelcome one at that, he looked at the halves and threw them aside.
This is it, he thought. All or nothing, and we'll find out right now.
He shot his last arrow.
The figure caught it in his hand in mid-air, ensured Galen was watching, and snapped the arrow.

Completely unarmed, there was nothing he could do.
"It is done. Galen is no more."
"Yeah? I'm still breathing."
The response to that... was a laugh.

"Okay, the time to be friendly is over. You really, really, think I'm just gonna roll over and die?"
"I'm more than willing to help you with that."
"Gotta decline the offer. Though, if you'd be willing to hand me that scythe, I'd gladly accept that. Handing me the thing handle first, I mean."
The figure looked at him like he was completely crazy, suggesting something like that.

Galen put his bow on the ground and respectfully shoved it to the sidelines.
"Well then, you bastard. Come closer if you still want me dead."
Stepping closer, the figure responded. "Look at the great hunter. I deserve that title far more, for the countless Tenno I killed."
That was something the figure shouldn't have said.

Galen was always more of a loner, he works best alone, no one else to care for, look out for or depend upon.
That was why he became not just one of the Lotus's assassins, but one of the best.
The dangerous assignments handed out, on levels that full cells of normal ranked Tenno couldn't handle.
He quickly thought back to what he considered one of his finest moments.

A Fomorian ship on the brink of death. All Tenno who were in it ordered to evacuate, minutes ago.
The ship was empty of anything but Grineer and him.
Giving the ship's reactors the final push over the edge and escaping just before the entire thing blew up in a gigantic fireball.
Nobody else knew about it other than the Lotus. The simple "well done" he received was enough. Spotlights and celebrations weren't exactly something for him.

But he still knew the Tenno are a dying breed, with everyone lost being a heavy blow and he was still one of them.
And as such, this figure claiming to have hunted a large amount of his kind wasn't exactly something that helped his mood.
But still, taking a few seconds to think, was there much difference? Where this figure hunted Tenno, he hunted Grineer, Corpus and anything else ordered of him.
Why outrage at Tenno kills, when the others were used as a scoring system?

"You are nothing. You couldn't even detect me until I spoke to you, I can see through your skills and disable them. That superpower speech, just as worthless as you. You're no hunter, just a couple lucky shots."

The scythe came into sight, whirling in the figure's hand.
And that, was the end.
Everything that had happened to him came racing through his mind.
He fell to his knees, pounding on the floor. "NO! No, no, no, not this. Not now. I locked it all away! It can't come BACK!"

After a few seconds, he calmed again, the figure a few steps back, clearly asking himself whether the Tenno was insane.
He looked up. At Death. Whirling a scythe in his hands.
(Heh, so this is what my targets always felt. Suddenly the fear they always showed seems much clearer.)
A single flash came through his mental barrier and filled his sight for just as long as it took to blink.

And he remembered why he did what he did.
Why he started, why he still did it, why he'd always do it.
And he decided, that no matter how hopeless it looked, he'd not just accept death, it had to come for him, guns blazing.
Starting. Now.

He stood. And charged. Fists raised.

The figure laughed. "You honestly STILL believe you are a match for me? "

The taunt was met with silence and a fist.

The punch was thrown righthanded and blocked.


Galen turned left, turning his back to the figure, he threw his elbow back, connecting it to the the opponent's face.

The scythe came in from above. Galen managed to grab the weapon and held on.

The figure, trying to force the weapon down. Galen, trying to force the weapon anywhere else.

Suddenly the figure let go, and kicked Galen straight in the chest.


He flew back to the wall and lost his grip on the weapon in midflight.

It was neatly plucked out of the air.

This was not going good.

If there was any chance to survive this, full power was needed.


Standing up, he spoke. "Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems three...two...one, approval of Situation A recognized."
As he spoke, his frame, colored in grey, red and orange, darkened.
"Commencing the Terfynol invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent."
When he finished the last word, his frame was pitch-black, like the night without moon or stars.

"Do you think a bad speech and new color scares me? Do you think it improves your chances? Or do you simply prefer black for your funeral?" spoke a taunting voice.
"It should scare you." was the reply. "If you'd done some research on your target, you might've known what this change means..."
"Nothing significant, this fight is nearly over, no matter what."
Cracking his knuckles, Galen responded. "That is the first smart thing I've heard you say till now."


They stood on opposite sides of the room.

Before both fighters knew what happened, Galen had closed the distance and delivered a powerful punch to the stomach.

The figure fell back in pain. Not a moment of pause as a kick to the side of the head came in.

The figure fell on his side, got up to his knees and saw something he never had before, then, he was kicked back to the ground.


Galen was teleporting throughout the room, appearing everywhere and nowhere at once, so fast it was nearly impossible to follow.

Randomly, he appeared close enough to deliver a kick, or when the figure stood, a punch.

Eventually, he stopped, and appeared on his side of the room, facing his opponent.


"You are leaving right now. You never show yourself to me again. You are leaving that scythe here. Or I will kill you. Now."
A long laugh sounded. This was the great hunter? This insane, unarmed, wounded, bleeding, idiot who demanded that his opponent left his own weapons behind and ran?
Was this truly the one with all those deeds to his name? This had to be a joke.

Sure, his power increased a little, but still. This could be nothing but a little luck.

"I will not leave my weapon behind. I will not leave yet. I will not show myself to you again, as you'll be dead. Now."
There was about a 30 meter distance between the two, the figure obviously backed off a little when Galen had a flood of repressed memories.
He uttered a single word: "end".

At this, he ran at the figure at full speed.
The figure decided to go ahead with it and raised his scythe to strike.
Suddenly, 20 meters to go, Galen disappeared in a small puff of smoke.
The figure expected a smokescreen.

What he got was a surprise as Galen appeared in the air directly in front of him, delivering a powerful kick to the face.
The figure fell back in surprise. And pain.
Galen  took the opportunity, extended his wristblades and went loose.

Hacking and slashing like a maniac, and it had to be said, that wasn't far from the truth at the moment.


Wounds appeared everywhere on the unfortunate enemy.

Cuts in the frame, cuts exposing flesh, bleeding wounds.

The figure kept his scythe in front of him, hoping to block attacks or shield himself however possible.

An onslaught like this would quickly reduce the victim to nothing.


When the figure didn't look like he could handle much more, Galen stopped the wild slashing.

Instead, he plunged the blades into the figure's shoulders, nearly opening his throat with a wound on either side.

"I warned you to leave. This is your own fault."

He twisted the blades. Accompanied by screams of pain.

He pulled loose his blades, made a cut deep into the figure's left arm, where the muscles should be.

After severing whatever he could, he delivered a powerful kick to the figure's chest and watched the figure fly a few meters, dropping the scythe.
Bleeding, trying to raise himself on one arm, "what have you... done?"
"Taken you down. Took revenge for the Tenno you killed. Confirmed my place as the greatest hunter of the system."

The figure tried raising his left arm. He succeeded half.
Galen gathered the last of his energy for the final ability in his arsenal.
His hand was hidden by smoke for a second. When the smoke cleared, he held two shuriken.
"You are beaten. I am Galen the Hunter. I am the best."

"Yes. And now, this fight is OVER!"
He threw the shuriken at the figure, who dropped his hand and disappeared in his own cloud of smoke.
Had he been any later to disappear, the shuriken would have cut loose his head.

Galen looked at the shattered remains of his Orthos, and walked over to the scythe. It's over, he thought. Finally.
Picking it up, he gave it a few experimental swings. During this, he felt an engraving in the weapons handle.
As he placed the weapon on his back, where the polearm had been, he saw the engraving.
A word. "HATE".

He thought if his shuttle. He was ready to go home, have a decent meal and some rest.
Then he'd have to write this down. It might make a good story someday.
Tomorrow would be for practice with his new weapon.
He started walking.

While moving, the Lotus managed to re-establish contact.
"Galen, what happened there?" It sounded like panic made it into her voice.
"Mission's done. Had complications. Very skilled bastard with a bow, throwing knives and a scythe."
"Did you kill him?"

"Nearly, but he escaped in the final second. The first one to escape me, and also the last. I will find him again someday. And then, he'll still die.
I'll send a report in tomorrow. It'll have the details."
Preparing to close comms, he finished with a "Galen ou..."
"Wait a second. Something has come up, which we need taken care of. You have been chosen for it. It'll be simple, just a routine mission."

The Hunter gave a sigh.
"Nothing is routine. In this business, routine does not exist." is what he said as he closed comms and walked to his fighter.

Edited by Craven287
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Sorry if it's a bit bad, used to other subjects of fanfiction.

Of Tenno and Men.
The alarms sounded, screeching through the tainted halls of the base. Sprinting past quaters which used to hold crew members and there families, the rooms going by faster and faster, the feeling of fear speeding up the footsteps along the narrow corridor. A loose wire caught one of the last engineers by surprise, he fell to the ground in a hard slump. The screams echoed, turning from bloodied cries of mercy to roars of terror. The engineer could not speak. He could not run, no fight or flight to get him far enough away. More footsteps pacing down after him, a grey mass of flesh ran through the double doors, leaping forward, the engineers last moments were filled with pain, regret and sorrow. There was a scream, only one, silenced scream.
"Why would we need to go to the Neptune system?" said a subtle and rugged voice.
"Recieved a transmission from a mining base on the planets surface, Corpus were attacked by something."
"Grineer? Wouldn't have thought they'd be out this far."
"I don't know, but it's something we cannot ignore."
A soft grunt followed as the small shuttle landed just outside the base. Three armor clad warriors emerged from the ship and stepped onto the icy suface of Neptune. One wearing the armor of the Vauban devision, the other two, wearing the armor of Excaliber. Two of the three were veterans, earning the helmets that adorned them, the helmets of Espirit and Avalon. The third wore the basic garments of the frame.
"We need to get inside, it's too quiet out here." the Espirit claimed, stretching as he paced himself towards the main door, he placed his hand on the entrance, tapping loudly. Avalon moved forward, drawing a Skana blade from it's sheathe, he brought it to his waist, he beckoned Espirit out of the way. With a quick slash the door fell in half at there feet, creating a loud bang as it hit the ground. They entered slowly, armaments raised. There was no answer to there entrance, no movement, no alarms. Excaliber moved forward, trying to get a sense of the surroundings. Espirit moved towards a nearby console.
"Hopefully we'll find out what happened to them when I hack into the security feed."
"Get it done quickly, this place is putting me on edge." responded Avalon with a soft sigh.
"The systems are fried, no way of retrieving the data, we'll have to investigate on foot." said Espirit, shutting down what was left of the system. A quick nod from Avalon in agreement, the three tenno pushed forward, moving through the corridors of the base. The lights flickered and Excaliber looked around, uneasy, clumsy, his movements erratic.  They stopped at an atrium, with an glass topped roof and hard, unmoving metal walls. Excaliber stopped, he focused his vision to something in the corner. A pile of grey flesh like substance.
"I've found something! It doesn't look good either." he excalimed
"The cause of all this?" Espirit responded, with hints of both sarcasm and hope. The other two tenno closed in to the corner where Excaliber had knelt down.
"Does this mean anything to you?" Picking up a chunk of the flesh and holding it up.
"Ohh... crap!" Espirits eyes widened under his helmet, he pushed the bio-mass out of Excalibers hand, pulling a bow up closely to his chest, Espirit looked around quickly, trying to establish any exits to the atrium. Avalon followed suit, bringing his Burston rifle up, moving into posistion behind some crates.
"What does it mean, what are we dealing with?" Excaliber said, bringing a Lato pistol to his side.
"The infested, a deadly infection, which takes over the brainwaves of it's host. They also have a habit of enjoying big meals." Avalon responded in a hastened voice.
"We're those big meals." Espirit snapped, pulling the string back on his bow, an arrow raised, gazing towards the closest door.
Excalibers shock turned to fear as he moved to crouch next to Avalon. The roars began, the infested sniffed the air, finding the smell of blood, they moved, like a pack of rabid animals, they collapsed to the door to the atrium, bashing it over and over again. Espirit stood back from the door, ready to engage against the enemy. The door came crashing down as an arrow flew into the mouthes of one of the hosts. It's body crumpled to the ground, but flooded over with many more. Racing towards them, the tenno would have to fight for there lives to complete there mission, or even survive.
Warframes described:
Vauban (Espirit), Dread, Kunai, Dual Zoren.
Excaliber (Avalon) Burston, Dual Vastos, Skana
Excaliber Braton, Lato, Skana
If you guys feel I should continue with this I will :)
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"Heus, have you chosen your warframe?"


"Yes, sir."


"Good, meet me in the duelling room."


Ajkrumen closed the comm link between him and his apprentice. Heus walked in, finding his new mentor kneeling in the center of the room. Ajkrumen ran his eyes over Heus's new frame, looking with approval upon his apprentice. 


"I see you have chosen to follow in my steps, Initiate."


"Yes, sir. What will we be learning today?"


In response, Ajkrumen rose from his position and launched a freeze blast at Heus. Rolling out of the way, Heus dodged the attack. Responding in kind, Heus attempted to launch an ice wave at his aggressor. Unfortunately, he has just gotten his FROST warframe out of the foundry and he had not had the chance to fully attune to the frame. Instead of a wave of icy spikes, all that came from his hand was a cold fizzle. Knowing another attack was imminent, Heus ran up the energy wall to avoid another attack. When he landed, his whole frame got flattened out by the Ice Wave cast from Ajkrumen.


"Are you going to lay there all day, Initiate?"


"Could have at least warned me.." The initiate grumbled. 


"I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for another initiate who barely saved my life by his quick wits. Get up, we have work to do." 


This time Heus was the first to attack. Instead of an Ice Wave, he decided to go with a smaller energy cost. He cast a Freeze bolt at Ajkrumen while rushing forward with his Skana raised in preparation to strike. As he barreled through the frigid smoke, he sliced at nothing but air. Looking around in confusion, he turned around and was greeted with a hard slash from shoulder to sternum. 


"Gah, how'd you do that?"


"You must make the environment work for you, Heus. Again."

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Warning: Violence ahead


He glided down the corridor, energy waves making his well-toned muscles pulsate. Infested poured out of the doors like the flood they were, mindlessly bounding towards him with one single thought which occupied what was left of their minds: Kill.


There was nothing to fear, for he was Fear itself, the embodiment of terror and despair. His calm visage betrayed no emotion as he sheathed his Reaper, drawing his Dual Vastos. The spectre’s cold mind calculated every blow, every shot, every life he would take. Death was about to arise.


The first Charger would regret its enthusiasm for the rest of its life (which was about three seconds) as the spectral figure leaped and landed on its skull, crushing it and killing it instantly. He used it as a launching pad and incapacitated two more with a kick in the face. He drew what was left of their souls into himself, and released them with a burst of power, ending their misery. Spinning around, he launched his body into a Leaper, bringing them both to the ground, with him astride the Leaper. His was the last face the creature would see as the spectre put two bullets into its head.


Rising, he swung both Vastos in opposite directions and shot two more Leapers. Both went down with holes drilled into their chests. He run towards a Runner who had decided to join the fray and hurled himself at it while catching its head in a vice-like grip. He smashed it into the ground and one well-placed shot stopped its struggling. The resulting explosion of bodily fluids flung him into a wall with considerable force.


Hauling himself to his knees, he found himself face-to-face with a Disruptor. It struck him on the chest, hard. He was flung to the ground and slid for several metres before coming to a stop. The Disruptor lumbered towards him, snapping its appendages like a whip. Once, he had found them to be amusing playthings. How adequate it was that the puppets had become the puppet master. Only, he knew that this show would end in death, for either one of them. Clutching at a railing, he heaved himself up, singing to the tiny creatures dwelling inside him.


The nanobots came in swarms, surrounding their spectral host. They formed themselves into images of the fallen around them, launching themselves at the enemy.The Disruptor was dragged to his knees by what, in its final moments, it thought to be its brethren. The spectre appeared before it, regarding it coldly for a few moments. He raised a Vasto, aimed, and fired. 


The stench of death followed him as he made his way down the hallways. No matter. It served as a warning to both friend and foe that he, the Deathmonger, Shade of Death, was not to be taken lightly.


We know him as the one called Nekros.

Edited by Vesper3
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Heus began to loathe that word. He slowly got up, supporting himself on his training Skana. He settled into a ready position, his muscles tensing up.




Instead of rushing straight at his apprentice, Ajkrumen turned towards the wall behind him, and flipped off of it and behind Heus.



As Ajkrumen went in for a low cut meant to sweep the Initiate's feet out from under him, it was intercepted by Heus's Skana. Quickly disengaging the blades, Heus closed in and started a relentless attack on his master. As Ajkrumen bent backward to avoid a savage cut, the Skana just barely scratched at his breast. Ajkrumen quickly recovered and struck Heus in the his back. Heus wearily got up, preparing for another fight.


"I think we're done with melee combat for now. Come with me." 


Heus was relieved beyond words that the melee portion of the training was over, yet he partially dreaded with what was to come.







The reason these stories are so short is because I'm going to post a whole bunch of them up tonight. Prepare your diddly-holes.

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"Where are we going?"


"The shooting range."


Now Heus became excited. He was quite the marksman with a rifle, and he was determined to show his master what he could do. As they entered the shooting range, Ajkrumen presented to Heus an array of different rifles. "Pick whichever one fits your style the best." Heus picked up an MK-1 Braton. 


"Alright, when I flick this switch, white orbs will appear down the range at varying distances. I want to see how many you can take down with one clip. Begin."


One by one, Heus picked off the orbs with practiced ease, as this was not the first time he fired a weapon like this. As the orbs got farther and farther away, Heus kept up his pace. As the clip ran dry, Ajkrumen looked at Heus with suprise. "You're very handy with a rifle. Where'd you learn to shoot like that?"


"I grew up in one of the abandoned Orokin Towers on Mercury. Every now and then a Grineer patrol happened along.."


"I see. Would you care for a little contest?" said Ajkrumen with a smile. 


"You're on."


Ajkrumen took up a position in the next range, his Latron Prime in hand. As the orbs floated into view, Ajkrumen and Heus picked off each target. Neither could get an advantage over the other. By the time the last orb floated into view, they were tied. When they trained their sights on the orb, it exploded into fragments of white pixels. Turning back, the pair saw Anya and X. 


"Smooth shootin', X. What do you need?"


"I thought it would be good for the apprentices to test what they have learned against each other."


Holstering their weapons, the four departed from the shooting range back to the duelling room.

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Quickly wrote this up. want some feedback guys. Please. :D




The ship was cold.....colder than it should of been. But thats what happens when the engines have stopped and are about to  imploded. 


The Vauban strode through the dark hallways ignoring the cry of distress from the crewman, and the blaring alarms. His armor pulsed in the dim lighting, a bright electric blue, the energy flowing through his Warframe, and as he turned a corner the camera on the celling went off. Tilting his hear slightly to the right he slipped quickly through the door before the lasers kicked in.

"hmmmm, must be some back up power supply." He thought to himself. "ohh well."

He continued on his leisurely walk after dispatching the camera with a few quick bullets, only stopping to kill a crewman ever so often with his glaive. Not like the crewman were paying much attention to him in the first place, as they scurried about trying to stop their ship from its unchangeable course of destruction. He approached the extraction point and stepped into the slot available.


Good work Tenno.” The Lotus’s voice echoed over his comm. He nodded knowing that it did not matter if he spoke or not. As his ship detached, the crewman found the source of the problem in the engine room. The some wires were torn from the engines and re worked back in, making a time bomb, which as the crewman saw, ticked down to zero. The Vauban ignored the explosion as his ship took him back to his clan, ignored the cold of space, and ignored the burning wound which raced all the way up his right arm. 


As his ship neared his dojo, the comm chatter slowly got louder until he could hear all of his allies talking. Then over the chatter he heard a distinct voice along with a new one.


"I see. Would you care for a little contest?" yes it was, Ajkrumen.


"You're on." and someone he has never meet before.


A few moments later when his ship docked and let him off into the dojo he also heard.


"Smooth shootin', X. What do you need?"


"I thought it would be good for the apprentices to test what they have learned against each other." it was X, and it looked like there was going to be a nice contest for the new apprentices, something he could not miss. Knowing full well where they would be he strode to the dueling room.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Figure Nova-Quinn needs some face time by herself...just a little bit. (Hint: Bribe her with anything flavored like cherries and she will be your best friend forever) And yes, an all-caps part is on purpose for good reason...it's Nova-Quinn.



Practically skipping along through the hallway Nova-Quinn found herself idly thinking about all sorts of random things such as being small enough to make a house out of a cupcake or playing wormhole-apult with the potato reserves. Crowley was out on his own mission and Khimera was still attending anger management classes because of his repeated rage-induced offenses against teammates in the field. Still, this evening was not to be without entertainment.


Stopping her giddy trot through the dojo NQ took heed of the comms, letting the conversation play out before turning on her own and letting out the LOUDEST, MOST EAR-SHATTERING SQUEE of all time. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Imma sell tickets!" She exclaimed, already vaulting through the dojo with wormhole tossing about ticket-sized confetti that had no real value whatsoever.


It was certainly an event when two or more apprentices were gathered to test their skills against one another, particularly just after they've earned their warframes. Regardless, Nova-Quinn seemed to lack the finesse and tact to properly convey the importance and...moderately-leveled excitement attached to such an event. Instead she seemed to treat it like some sort of sporting event or a circus, though she went about much of her life in the dojo oblivious and irresponsibly happy nearly all the time.


Finally calming down the spastic female tenno went back to strolling the halls to find her way back to the Dueling Room for the event she'd just advertised. Spotting a loki she was certain she knew fairly well, Nova-Quinn patted him on the back as she strolled by, having set some antimatter particle charges with just enough strength to make him faceplant in a few seconds. Pulling a custard pie out of seemingly thin air Nova-Quinn set it down on the floor and adjusted it for a moment before giggling and continuing on her way.


Moments later their was a small explosion and the sound of someone faceplanting a pie. Giggling uncontrollably the volatile trickster continued on her way, feeling quite at peace despite her antics.

Edited by khimera
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It had been quite a few months since the clan had met all together like this, Emm mused sitting on the stone bench, one of many that litered the Clan Hall. She was still in her Trinity Warframe, waiting in the hall that served as the meeting place for Clan Bellum Forma. They were a small clan, twelve in number. They hadn't had much time with recruiting what with the Lotus needing their services in rescuing those Tenno who still slumbered.


"I heard that Ivan and John found some recruits." Roy said as he approached and sat down next to Emm on the stone bench. The hall was decorated frugally. Ivan and John spent a lot of time arguing about decorations. John found them to be wasteful. Ivan complained that the room was empty.


"Recruits?" Emm asked. "Really?"


"Yep, new Warframes to add to the tally." Roy said. "Where's Carl?"


The door to the left slid open. Carl walked in. The Loki rolled his shoulders. "Hey." He greeted his two teammates. Roy and Emm nodded back. After a few minutes the rest of Bellum Forma walked in. The first was Warlord John, wearing his Frost Warframe. Ruthless, he was the first founder of the Clan. He was a veteran of many battles and had a hatred of all the enemies of the Lotus and the Tenno. The second Warlord, Ivan, was just as fierce wearing the heavy Rhino Warframe. Like John he was ruthless but he was a lot more talkative. It worked like that for the both of them, Ivan was the Voice of Bellum Forma but it was John who was the Will of the clan. The others filed in and the Mag, Kelly, waved to her brother Carl who waved back.


"So, what are we standing around for anyway?" Janice, the Ember, spoke brusquely. Her Warframe suited her quite well. Janice was always fiery tempered.


"Calm down Janice, we just got here and aready you're making a fuss." Levi, the Vauban, said trying to calm her down. Janice turned to glare at him. Levi raised his hands in a calmng gesture. Beside them Adam, an Excalibur, and Serin, a Nyx, snickered. Emm sighed. The Ash, Karasu, just watched silently. Carl and Roy just stood at attention.


"Enough." Ivan said firmly. "John has an annoucnement to make, so shut it already."


John nodded in thanks. "We found two new Tenno recruits to add to our ranks so I expect all of you to treat them with respect." The Frost turned to look each of the clan members in the eye. He then turned to the closed door. "You may enter now, Tenno." He called out.


The first Warframe was obviously made for a female. It was a Nova Warframe, a pretty powerful frame that focused on using antimatter. The second was the most interesting one of all, it was a dark gangly looking frame that didn't look like much but the way it was designed made some of the Tenno in the Clan Hall very nervous.


"That's a Nekros." Emm murmured.


"That is one scary motherfu-" Janice started.


"That will be quite enough, Tenno Janice." John interrupted coldly. He turned to the Nova and the Nekros. "State your names Tenno."


The Nova stepped forward. "I am Yuno, the Nova, I thank both Warlords Ivan and John for liberating me from the Corpus Collective." She bowed "I hope to be of service."


John nodded. "And you?" He asked the Nekros. The other Tenno didn't say much just his name.


"Kevin...my-my name is Kevin."

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"I was wondering what your name was!" Kevin jumped as Loki revealed himself stepping out of a shadow that seemed too small for him. "I've been stalking you for a week trying to figure it out!" 


Kevin took a moment to get his heart rate back to normal before Loki's words registered.


"...Wait, you've been wha-"


"Anyway, I'm sure you're all hungry, so I took the liberty of bringing you all free samples of my latest culinary experiment: brownies!"


"How did you even get in here?" John demanded. "You were never given a key!"


Loki pointedly ignored the Warlord as he went on. "Now I know Tenno don't usually need to eat, but I encourage you all to give it a try! If you like them, you know where to find me." And with that he cloaked, dodged the two Warlords trying to grab him, and escaped.



Hope this little short is ok with you Divinity. I'm planning something with the brownies later!

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