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"Well... I don't know did you want to stick with me when we arrive to dome or not so yeah... I am sorry that I didn't wake you up when we arrived. I thought you may want to sleep" Damascus said through radio.

"ungh...its ok but i told you i stick with you ....you should just listen to me more often...im on my way just wait there for a minute"

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"Well I am coming to you. I need some sleep but I still don't have any idea why you are willing to stick with me" Damascus said as departed towards the hangar to come to Rota. "What was your name again? You haven't said it or I haven't heard it" Damascus said as his helmet became normal again.

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"Well I am coming to you. I need some sleep but I still don't have any idea why you are willing to stick with me" Damascus said as departed towards the hangar to come to Rota. "What was your name again? You haven't said it or I haven't heard it" Damascus said as his helmet became normal again.

"you already forgot? i told you my name is Rota

  how can you forget it so easily?"

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"Hmm... Well you didn't tell my name at anywhere exception that I was able hear your name because of that Volt attacking the DoC units and mentioned your name. Anyway why are you so willing to follow me? Because I am new on the way how Tenno lives?" Damascus spoke through radio as he walked towards the hangar and came to hallway what is half way to hangar.

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"Hmm... Well you didn't tell my name at anywhere exception that I was able hear your name because of that Volt attacking the DoC units and mentioned your name. Anyway why are you so willing to follow me? Because I am new on the way how Tenno lives?" Damascus spoke through radio as he walked towards the hangar and came to hallway what is half way to hangar.

"well how can i say it.....you helped me alot and i want to return the favor ....i owe it to you"

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"On what do you owe me? You mean that I calmed you down and managed to keep Echo away or something? The caltroit units were I suppose are the ones who were on the major part of the whole operation of saving Tenno. I was just a spy middle of Corpus on that one" Damascus said.

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"On what do you owe me? You mean that I calmed you down and managed to keep Echo away or something? The caltroit units were I suppose are the ones who were on the major part of the whole operation of saving Tenno. I was just a spy middle of Corpus on that one" Damascus said.

"so you dont want me stick with you? is that what you trying to say there?"

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"I don't know there is just so much things what reminds you about friend of mine what I had. It is just I fighting against should I let go and move on or stay on what I have always done. Be alone. I can hear somebody walking on the next hallway" Damascus said and arrived near of door possibly Rota behind the door.

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"I don't know there is just so much things what reminds you about friend of mine what I had. It is just I fighting against should I let go and move on or stay on what I have always done. Be alone. I can hear somebody walking on the next hallway" Damascus said and arrived near of door possibly Rota behind the door.

"yeah im waiting behind the door well if you dont want me around just say so and im leaving"

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Damascus walked right in front of the door and waited a moment to think. He allowed helmet to fold back and show his blue eyes he took light grip from Rota's hands as the door opened "Rota I will accept you by my side. I am sorry for being stubborn and short sighted" Damascus said.

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Damascus walked right in front of the door and waited a moment to think. He allowed helmet to fold back and show his blue eyes he took light grip from Rota's hands as the door opened "Rota I will accept you by my side. I am sorry for being stubborn and short sighted" Damascus said.

"ah" *rota smiled to him* "im glad you did i wouldnt know where to go if you told me to leave"

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"I had once already said to myself that it is time to move on and find new road to walk on my life" Damascus said he let go from Rota's hands "I think it is a bit masks off right now" Damascus said as slowly took grip from his helmet "If it is fine to you. We haven't seen each other face to face yet" Damascus said Rota was able to see his eyes only currently.

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"I had once already said to myself that it is time to move on and find new road to walk on my life" Damascus said he let go from Rota's hands "I think it is a bit masks off right now" Damascus said as slowly took grip from his helmet "If it is fine to you. We haven't seen each other face to face yet" Damascus said Rota was able to see his eyes only currently.

"yes of course its fine with me it makes things more personal" *she waited patiently since her helmet was already off*

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Echo looked at Rota. "Remember me? The Excalibur who you thought would kill you?" He asked as he gave Lys' dress to her. "Take it. Continue her legacy... She will get what she wanted." He said to Rota and walked to the hanger.

"uhh...wh....what? what do you mean im...im confused...what did he mean?" *she turned to damascus*

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Echo looked back at Rota and then back at the hanger doors. "I'll be leaving now." He said as he approached the doors.

"h..hey could you wait? why are you even leaving? i mean im sorry i acted like i did but....youre not a bad person .....why are you leaving?"

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"I feel like this place saddens me." He looked back at Rota. "That Valkyr who saved you wore that dress..." He said.

"i dont care......you should join a team and bring safety to this universe maybe if you were in a team with said valkyr things may had gone different!"

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"Don't mention anything about her... I need to let her go. You are not helping..." He said as he walked back to Rota. "I must say... You look nice for a Nova." He said.

"quit it im trying to make a point here .....if you feel like making something better then grow some balls and join a team bring peace to this galaxy and take this stuipid dressb back" *rota breathed deeply from all the anger she let out*

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Echo widened his eyes. "Woah... You're a fiesty one... I may have already grown some balls if I was a Stalker..." He said as he aimed a Despair at Rota's neck aim then put it in the wall. "I won't kill you don't worry." He said as he chuckled to himself.

"you disgut me all you do is whining about things but you dont do anything about to make it better "

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Echo put the knife closer to her eye. "Do I need to do this? You said I need to grow some balls." He said as his knife was about at touching her eye.

yes you need to whining about the situation is just downright stuipid if you have the stregnth to make it better"

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Echo let go of the knife. "I... I'm sorry. Life's been hard for me recently. I just seem lonely ok?" He said. "Ok? I'm sorry."

"dont be sorry change something....if life puts you down you have to get up again and continue the fight.....do you understand?"

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