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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Damascus accidentally arrived to garden where Rota was calming down. He decided to wait since he doesn't have a ship anymore. (Looks like that she is having time either for herself to find the peace or she is paying respect to the person who rescued her) Damascus thought as kept looking towards Rota from the door. He looked at the garden from the door thinking a moment to settle down somewhere himself too.

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"No need to pay attention to me. Just spend your time how you want. Besides you seemed have engaged something really important to think about no need to say what it is. We all need some time" Damascus said (Why I can speak something like this when I can not spare even a second for myself to calm down for a moment?) Damascus thought his helmet was hiding behind his worried face from both Rota's condition and about the mission ahead of him and Rota. His voice however didn't give away anything.

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"So you are going to deny the fact that as you watch something your mind doesn't wonder on thinking about something? That is a question what you don't need to answer though. Have you thought about having some sleep?" Damascus replied and walked to Rota staring at her same time having ears open for anybody else entering to room. Getting information what Damascus doesn't want to leak to others.

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"Why don't you sleep then dear friend?" Damascus asked as walked next to of her and laid his hand on Rota's shoulder. "Or do you still feel that unsafe for some reason?" Damascus asked as looked behind him quickly then to another door. (I love the silence gives space to think about things) Damascus thought as looked back on Rota again.

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"Why don't you sleep then dear friend?" Damascus asked as walked next to of her and laid his hand on Rota's shoulder. "Or do you still feel that unsafe for some reason?" Damascus asked as looked behind him quickly then to another door. (I love the silence gives space to think about things) Damascus thought as looked back on Rota again.

i just cant sleep thats all.....everythings ok *she forced a smile to damascus

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"Brave is that who speaks. Wise is that who knows about what this is going to speak about and to who this speaks. This place doesn't really fit for what I have said because anybody can pop up suddenly and hear what is bothering you. So I think we should seek a more private place so you can express your thoughts" Damascus said and scolded Rota's cheek. "Do not lie to somebody who cares about you much as from itself" Damascus finished and pulled his hand away.

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"If you say so" Damascus said as pulled his hand away and walked towards the door to the hotel where Tenno are living. He waited by the door (It is either jealousy towards her friend that it has something what she doesn't or something what I have said) Damascus thought as his helmet fold back revealing his neutral face telling nothing else than that he waits.

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Damascus waited for a while and started running towards the water as he was about to hit the water he switch teleported with Rota. Making Rota to fall on the small pond of water and Damascus staring at her saying no words just looking down on her. (This should get her mad at least slightly) Damascus thought.

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Damascus waited for a while and started running towards the water as he was about to hit the water he switch teleported with Rota. Making Rota to fall on the small pond of water and Damascus staring at her saying no words just looking down on her. (This should get her mad at least slightly) Damascus thought.

h...hey...what aaahhhhh.....why....WHY DID YOU DO THAT???

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(She raised voice more than I thought) Damascus thought "Well maybe a warm shower could help you sleep? Perhaps I might be wrong too or it is just me wearing Loki Prime" Damascus said and walked closer. "Besides I don't think it would be easy to in here at garden to fall asleep" Damascus said and waited Rota to stand up on her own feet or stay at the pond. Are his thoughts what Rota might do.

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