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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Ha you say that now." Eir says closing the chamber after him.


"Definitely worth it." Katsuki says looking up at Oberon's face laughing. "I was expecting an old monk or maybe a grizzled face, but still one which matches your personality." Katsuki says smiling gently. "Though you should smile more it'd probably suit you better then the stern look you're giving me sir monk." Katsuki says continuing to laugh. 

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Kuranaii, still in the same slumped position in the booth, glanced over to a passing waitress. Her right hand waved at her and she called out for the waitresses' attention.

She came on over, a woman wearing a thin white apron with red robes beneath and flowing dark red hair; she had smiled at the group in the booth before pulling out a notepad and pen. "Can I help you guys?" The waitress asked bluntly.

Kuranaii nodded her head gently, finally scooting her sitting posture to sit herself normally in the booth, crossing her right leg over the left.


She pulled along a menu into her right hand, "I think we're ready to order;" She finally announced, "I'll be having the Uramaki,

Kuranaii looked up at Krelon then looked back at the menu. She then pointed at Halcyon, "He'll have the Futomaki and Ebi Nigiri,"

Her point averted to Krelon, "Hes going to have the Temaki..." She placed the menu down slowly and glanced at Gynx; whose tummy was audibly rumbling.

Gently sliding the menu over to her, "What'll you have, Gynx?" She chirped, tapping the menu which had now been put infront of her.

Edited by Y0she
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Halcyon was frozen looking at Kuranaii,

"You look so beautiful when you sit straight," he said softly, only now struck by the thought.



Krelon looked at Halycon in an instant. "You finally got the courage hm?"


Kuranaii glanced at Halcyon and flustered,

"Oh, heh.. thanks Halcyon." She said softly. Her palms brought around her Iliac Syandana onto her lap and casually carressed it. Kuranaii's gaze was rather fixed on Halcyon now, her head at a slight tilt.

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Krelon chuckled with slight annoyance. "Hm... When's the food ready?" He asked.


In cue, the waitress came over with everyone's food and placed them down before the rightful owners. Kuranaii took her dish and peered at it curiously, before rising her palms to her helmet and allowing it to unfold from her head.

She shook about her navy blue hair with orange stripes, which matched her color scheme, and glanced back at her food with her bright orange eyes. Along her cheeks were minor technocyte marks that were shaped to be wind symbols and others just general marks. Her palms clapped and rubbed together, "Let's tuck in!" She chirped.

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"Courage isn't a factor when one is seeing directly what's in front of you," Halcyon said, shaking his head slightly as he blinked, "I don't quite know how long the food'll take, but patience is a virtue, so I'll give it it's due time." He said, and looked at Gynx, "So what do you already know?" He asked, surprised as the food arrived. "That can wait, let's eat," he said, looking at his own food.

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Kuranaii was pretty much first to finish up, patting her stomach. She had almost eaten all of the meal, a sigh of relief coming from her faint, navy blue lipsticked lips. "That was delicious. Good choice, Krelon." Kuranaii slowly leant on Halcoyn's side and smiled faintly.

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Halcyon smiled at Kuranaii leaning on him, but shifted uncomfortably at Krelon's question,

"I don't want to shove my way into a relationship, but I'd say it's safe to say we're at least together..."


Kuranaii's head perked up. "Wait, we are?" Her cheeks flushed.

She then flung her left forearm around Halcyon and hugged him with the single arm,

"That's good!" She chirped.

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"I have to come with you, you know." Gynx interjected.


Kuranaii averted her gaze and looked at Gynx, nodding in acknowledgement. "Of course, Gynx. It's not a brilliant idea just to leave you alone." She had nodded again, looking inbetween Halcyon and Gynx.

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Kuranaii averted her gaze and looked at Gynx, nodding in acknowledgement. "Of course, Gynx. It's not a brilliant idea just to leave you alone." She had nodded again, looking inbetween Halcyon and Gynx.

Halcyon shrugged,

"She can already use some Frost ability to an extent, and I trust her, which reminds me." He said to answer Kuranaii remark,

"Hey Krelon! That duel? I'm not really feeling it, but if you're up for it..."

Krelon got up and walked out the restaurant and towards the hotel.

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The Oberon can't help but smile as she laughs, an old reflex that's usually easy to resist, but in this case is harder to resist, since they're in such close proximity. "I'm glad it was worth it, then. I wouldn't have wanted to have sent you into a wall just for you to be disappointed..."

Edited by Darkshifter98
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Halcyon shrugged when Krelon didn't answer, standing and brushing himself off, offering a hand to Kuranaii.


Kuranaii gladly took Halcyon's hand and brought herself to a stand aswell. Once lifted to a normal stand she looked at Halcyon and smiled warmly at him, her helmet still off. "Where to?" She asked softly.

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Halcyon dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a napkin, putting it on his plate and shrugging,

"We could head back to the apartment, or to one of the gardens, Gynx seems to want to start her training and I know a garden perfect for it." He offered.

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Halcyon dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a napkin, putting it on his plate and shrugging,

"We could head back to the apartment, or to one of the gardens, Gynx seems to want to start her training and I know a garden perfect for it." He offered.


"You and Gynx's choice then." She chirped, looking between Gynx and Halcyon.

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The Oberon can't help but smile as she laughs, an old reflex that's usually easy to resist, but in this case is harder to resist, since they're in such close proximity. "I'm glad it was worth it, then. I wouldn't have wanted to have sent you into a wall just for you to be disappointed..."

"I was right, you see smiling much better!" Bouncing to the bed she sits down, "and don't worry too much about the wall no body seems to have noticed so its fine." she chuckles a bit while she says this.

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