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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"So you're with the Perrin Sequence then?" Orlock now gained a slight interest in the Corpus.


The crewman shrugged his shoulders softly, but kept up a composed demeanour.

"I have considered it, applied for it; I even agree to their ways." He said confidently, "But as of the moment I work independently, selling my finds at a fair price."

His palms went to his abdomen and brushed off non-existant grime.

"I do the odd trade or two with the Corpus and the Tenno. I rarely trade with the Grineer; you know how xenophobic those bastards are." He said, and although the Vauban couldn't see it, smirked briefly behind the square helmet.

Edited by Y0she
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The crewman shrugged his shoulders softly, but kept up a composed demeanour.

"I have considered it, applied for it; I even agree to their ways." He said confidently, "But as of the moment I work independently, selling my finds at a fair price."

His palms went to his abdomen and brushed off non-existant grime.

"I do the odd trade or two with the Corpus and the Tenno. I rarely trade with the Grineer; you know how xenophobic those bastards are." He said, and although the Vauban couldn't see it, smirked briefly behind the square helmet.

"I have an idea on it." He grins slightly under his helmet and lets out a rather amused huff.

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"I have an idea on it." He grins slightly under his helmet and lets out a rather amused huff.


The crewman stepped up beside the Vauban and glanced up at the Archwing mounted to the Liset.

"So, what is that?" His head nodded to the mounted Archwing.

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"That, is an Archwing." He folds his arms over his chest once more.


"An 'arch wing'?" The crewman stated, "I have heard rumours of such acquirments but haven't seen one in person." His right hand tapped the chin of his squarey helmet. "Humm..."

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"OK then." Gynx replied, sheathing the dual fang primes in her gauntlet and following Halcyon. 



Halcyon stepped into the snowy garden, grinning at the winter wonderland. He turned and looked back at, Gynx.

"alright, so what can you do so far?" He asked, his boots crunching slightly in the snow.

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"An 'arch wing'?" The crewman stated, "I have heard rumours of such acquirments but haven't seen one in person." His right hand tapped the chin of his squarey helmet. "Humm..."

"Sartoris, release the Archwing again." Soon enough the Archwing was released, and his hit the floor with a small thud. Orlock then picks it up once more and puts it back on the platform. "Last fight with the Grineer was almost a doozy. Lots of repairs to do."

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"Sartoris, release the Archwing again." Soon enough the Archwing was released, and his hit the floor with a small thud. Orlock then picks it up once more and puts it back on the platform. "Last fight with the Grineer was almost a doozy. Lots of repairs to do."


The crewman nodded his head and inspected the piece of equipment up close. His right fingertips trailed along the design and soon he retracted.

"Interesting. This allows personal flight in space?" The Corpus individual asked.

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Gynx readied the gauntlet and began forcing energy through it, and a fist-sized amount of snow began forming on her hand, the snow coming from the ground around them. Once finished, she threw it at a nearby barren tree, the projectile shattering into a star-shaped form of ice on contact. She then raised a large amount of snow, the green turf underneath beginning to show, and re-arranged the particles to become a shield of ice as tall as she was and 3 feet wide. Once she was done, she collapsed onto the green turf, the snow machines on the roof already beginning to replenish the missing snow. She panted quite hard, not used to the exertion of using her powers to this extent.

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"Hmm have something fun in mind?" Curiosity flashes through her face and a spark of energy comes from an implant in her head. "Ok I'll bite, Eir release the archwing." Katsuki starts heading for the exit.


"Right away operator." Says Eir an audible clunk is heard from the outside as the archwing is deposited under the ship.

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Halcyon nodded,

"I'd say that's pretty impressive, you could say I was born with my abilities, but it would be more like built, in either case, this will be a learning experience for both of us, and you will come out all the stronger for it. To start with, that's pretty amazing, but complete mastery of ice is the best way to go, not only it's harsh, coldness, one must also represent it's delicate side," he said, creating a relatively perfectly spherical snowglobe, mirror like in the smoothness of it's outer layer. "Ice reflects light, conducts electricity, so too will you have to be in adaptability, after mastery, you decide who you want to be, but if you truly want to be a Frost, you must embody it completely."

Edited by ultimatumcore
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((Also it is mathematically and statistically impossible to make a perfect perfect sphere, especially as nonchalantly as Halcyon did. Not calling you out on this, but still worth mentioning.)) 


Gynx was still tired and on the floor. "That's cool" She said, looking at the opaque orb in Halcyon's hands. She attempted to recreate it, but all that came out was a lump of opaque ice, still cut in a way that made the translucent object sparkle as it moved, but was still mediocre compared to the orb that her uncle created.

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Halcyon raised his eyebrows,

"Good, good, take a moment to regain your strength, and try again, slower this time, ice likes to take it's time, but is unstoppable once it get's moving." He said, referencing the ice bergs of Europa and Pluto.

((They have water and ice, I'll assume they've got icebergs too))

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The Oberon watches her leave, the front parts of his helmet folding mechanically back over his face, clicking together with a soft hiss as his Warframe becomes pressurized. He follows her out, stepping down the ramp.


"It was just a thought, I'm uncertain how lenient the staff would be at letting two Tenno fly around the Dojo in archwings." He steps into the hangar, looking around as he continues to speak. "I'm not even sure what'd we do, maybe a race around the Dojo? Or perhaps we could due-" He stops short, spotting something unfamiliar a fair distance away. It was hard to tell from where he was standing, but the top of the figure looked too geometric, too square, too shiny to be a Tenno. He saw it next to what appeared to be a Vauban. He tilted his head, craning his neck while trying not to draw too much attention to himself.

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After hearing Oberon Katsuki becomes incredibly exciting energy sparking and pulsing from her implants, "That sounds amazing.... and its a good thing even though this thing provides life-support i don't really have my armor..." Katsuki stops short spotting the Corpus excitement quickly turning to rage more energy and killing intent radiating from her. Stiffly Katsuki turns to Oberon with a murderous smile, "excuse me while i get my Dakra and impale an eye sore" she turns to return into her ship. 

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The Oberon stares at the figure a moment longer before what Katsuki said to him clicks. His head perks up slightly as he makes his way towards the two, trying to appear expedient while not trying to look like he's about to run the poor crewman down. Once within earshot, he raises his voice loud enough for the crewman to hopefully hear him. "You, crewman!" It sounds less like a bark and more like a stern command, more level, almost calm. Almost. 

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Gynx furrowed her eyebrows and tried again. She forced more energy through the practice gauntlet and attempted to create another sphere. It started small, as a diamond shape, but eventually grew, faster and faster until it was the size of her fist. She then tried to manipulate the snow into forming a sphere around it. When she finished she was sweating in her shirt, her pink and white hair plastering itself to her forehead. She presented it to Halcyon for inspection.

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