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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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The Oberon watches the graphic display of carnage stoically, he doesn't seem to make any signs of being overly interested and intrigued. He crosses his arms as the Vauban stands within the middle of the arena. He notes the flickering of his frame and shoulder, but makes no move to assist. He assumes its best for the Vauban to calm down before trying to help any further. 

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The Oberon would uncross his arms. The fact that the Proto-Excalibur had to disguise himself as another warframe is disturbing in it of itself, even more disturbing is its coloration and choice of weapon. Even if the Excalibur isn't actually who he thinks he is, the Oberon would draw his Dex Furis, better to be safe, and begin to make towards the door. Hoping that the Excalibur had forgotten about him.

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The Oberon stops, raises his Dex Furis. He's near the door, but not close enough to trigger it to open. His fingers tighten around the grip, forefingers resting on the trigger. "Explain yourself, Tenno..." He says, his voice echoing throughout the room, bouncing off against the walls.

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The Oberon stands taller, and fires his Dex Furis a few steps in front of Orlock. The rounds would punch into the floor harmlessly, wisps of fire burning at the sites where the bullets left tiny craters. "I said explain yourself!" He says, raising his voice, the echo effect intensifying. 

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Gynx took the hand, standing up and facing her palm in front of her. She materializes a trio of shards, intending to send them out in a calculated blast, but they end up scattering and flying wildly.

Halcyon nodded,

"Excellent first attempt, be sure to focus on an exact point, try aiming at the same point where you sent the first projectile at the tree, also, bracing your one arm with the other can help when trying to keep steady." He said, pointing at the ice still attached to the tree.

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The Oberon keeps his Dex Furis trained on Orlock. At the same time, he's accessing his comlink via his HUD. He configures his comm to send out a radio pulse to everyone within a Warframe within a set radius, containing the Tenno equivalent of a distress call. He sets the distance to as high as possible, without compromising his systems. He sends the message, the pulse would spread over the section of the Dojo the Oberon is residing in, namely the room he's currently in, the nearby hangar and nearby gardens. The Oberon would stiffen his stance, knowing Orlock would be one of the first to get this message.

Edited by Darkshifter98
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The Oberon keeps his Dex Furis trained on Orlock. At the same time, he's accessing his comlink via his HUD. He configures his comm to send out a radio pulse to everyone within a Warframe within a set radius, containing the Tenno equivalent of a distress call. He sets the distance to as high as possible, without compromising his systems. He sends the message, the pulse would spread over the section of the Dojo the Oberon is residing in, namely the room he's currently in, the nearby hangar and nearby gardens. The Oberon would stiffen his stance, knowing Orlock would be one of the first to get this message.


One of the least expected individuals to arrive through the door behind the Oberon was the independent merchant from earlier on.

He froze in his walking as he saw the Oberon point his Dex Furis at a Proto-Excalibur.

By the look of the merchant's posture and emotions, it was clear he walked in accidentally.

Edited by Y0she
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Halcyon stepped into the room, looking at the other three people around, seeing the Dex Furis that matched his own,

"Guns away, fighting is not confined outside the duel rooms, and I'd rather not be forcibly chucked into space." He said calmly, stepping between the proto-Excalibur and the Oberon, a wall of ice forming behind the strange looking Excalibur so he couldn't run away.

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The Oberon cocks his head to the side slightly, the merchant now in the corner of his eye, his shoulders slouch ever so slightly. "I hope those suits are more sturdy then they look..."


The Oberon turns towards Halycon, nodding humbly as he stowed his Dex Furis. He would gesture towards the Proto-Excalibur. "He was disguised as a Vauban, it would of have been less disturbing were it not for the coloration of his suit and his weapon of choice." He would gesture towards the Hate the Proto-excalibur is holding/on his back/ on the floor ((forgot where the scythe went in all this bro-ha-ha)). "Were it not for those factors, I would of been less alarmed."

Edited by Darkshifter98
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Orlock looks to the Corpus and suddenly lets out a wheezy laugh, and points at him. He would stand slightly hunched over. "Your buddy...oh your buddy thought it was a good idea to try and rip me up and us me for one of his experiments...oh he got a fine look at what's up here." He taps his helmet. Then, when the Tenno released me, I taught his men some very valuable lessons on human anatomy." He twirls his HATE.  

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Halcyon turned to look at the Excalibur,

"And you can put that away, have some respect for your weapons, they are tools, not toys, now, who are you, how can we help you? Why were you disguised when we came here?" He said, still emenating tranquility.

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"Why do you think I was disguised!? Look at me!" He would look himself up and down before dropping his scythe, and ripping off his helmet. His hair was cut to the point he looked bald. "And you can start by trying to take these out without causing me serious mental damage." he points to the several neural implants in his head, put in random places. 

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Halcyon's helm deactivated, and he raised an eyebrow, pressing a button on his left shoulder plate, that part of his warframe folding down to reveal a cybernetic arm, he pressed another button on that to have the place where it attached fold back, revealing infested skin, isolated, but still there, the cells merged with his own,

"You, will die, your torment will eventually end, I have to live with this for the rest of existence itself, it wouldn't be so hard to remove those, and it's not like you need to show people your face, just don't mask your warframe, that simple," He said, relocking the arm in place and reactivating the warframe pieces. "Now, how can we help you?"

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"It makes no difference if I show my face or don't...These...things are have destroyed me...the screaming in my head is unbearable, and I...can't keep control." He would sound almost frantic, tears welling up in his eyes slightly. "Do you understand how hard it is to, when you someone causes a wound that draws blood, you turn into a blood-crazed killing machine who rips anything to ribbons?"   

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