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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Gladis sighed and her right hand went to run through her own hair. Soon after that the Nyx Prime went back to embracing Elith, seemingly reassuring herself by having someone to hug.

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Kuranaii grunted and led back down in bed.

"It's okay." She said with a sleepy voice. Eventually she got herself out of bed and trotted quickly to the dressing room.


Back out in a few minutes in her warframe, she collapsed on her couch, the Tengu helmet unfolding to reveal her face once again.

"You hungry?" He asked, frying some synthesized eggs.

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"You hungry?" He asked, frying some synthesized eggs.


Kuranaii shrugged her shoulders.

"I might just go back to sleep or something." She stated, her right hand running over her face.


*Smiles sadly as she takes a seat across from the sick girl on the med table, taking the nyx into her arms again to comfort her.* "Do you need anything dear?" *She asked Gynx* "Some food or something to drink?"


Gladis was brought to sit on Elith's lap slightly, so she had to squirm a little bit to get comfortable. Eventually she just laid back in her arms meekly and held onto the Trinity.

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*Elith winces a bit* "Sorry dear, you can't sit there, it's a bit sore" *She says gently helping the girl back beside herself*


Gladis nodded, speaking slowly, "S-Sorry." She stood up beside Elith; she found the seat weird anyway. Her arms cradled her stomach as she glanced about the room while the two chatted.

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"Alright, Halcyon shrugged, "I'm gonna go check on Gynx, if you feel up for it, I've got some thing pretty cool to show you later." He said, wolfing down breakfast and chugging his coffee, cooled by his touch, he stretched, and tipped an imaginary cap, heading out the door to look for his 'niece'.

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"Alright, Halcyon shrugged, "I'm gonna go check on Gynx, if you feel up for it, I've got some thing pretty cool to show you later." He said, wolfing down breakfast and chugging his coffee, cooled by his touch, he stretched, and tipped an imaginary cap, heading out the door to look for his 'niece'.


Kuranaii nodded, waving him off, "Bye-bye." She then took a quick nap on the couch, stretching out her limbs beforehand.

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Orlock basically bolts from the Foundry to his ship with his new Warframe. He put it into the last free compartment, and stands on the platform to remove the Excalibur Warframe, and put the Limbo Warframe on. In moments, he was stepping out of his ship fixing his hat. He twirled the his Kraken before holstering it again. He would keep the eyelets of the helmet open as he looks around. He takes his hat off, tosses it in the air, and puts it back on his head.


((http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/307/a/c/warframe____uchiha_limbo__by_ptcrow-d857pyh.jpg except the eyes would be green.)

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Gladis, the Nyx Prime, slowly departed from Gynx and Elith, exiting the medical bay and onto a small tile street. She sighed as she cradled her stomach uneasily; Elith had helped battle her tears, but not permanently.


She sighed, beginning a wander through the Dojo.

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Gladis had retraced her steps back to the hangar.

With a sigh through parted lips, she glanced about at the parked Lisets; a particular one catching her emerald eyes as she saw a Limbo exiting his ship with a trill of excitement.

Just seeing this happy Limbo was enough to make a faint smile form on her depressed lips; she wished she could be as happy.

There, leaning against a wall, she continued to watch the Limbo from afar.

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Halcyon stepped from the hotel room, activating his helm and heading down the hallway, his respirator releasing cleansing agents into his mouth, the Halcyon equivalent of brushing his teeth, the 'toothpaste' being filtered out as he walked, coughing slightly. He looked to his map for Gynx' location, heading quickly towards her. Getting a message as he went.

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Gladis had retraced her steps back to the hangar.

With a sigh through parted lips, she glanced about at the parked Lisets; a particular one catching her emerald eyes as she saw a Limbo exiting his ship with a trill of excitement.

Just seeing this happy Limbo was enough to make a faint smile form on her depressed lips; she wished she could be as happy.

There, leaning against a wall, she continued to watch the Limbo from afar.

Orlock walks toward the Nyx Prime. As he got closer, he did a quick spin then a bow in a very gentlemanly manner, removing his hat as he did.
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Orlock walks toward the Nyx Prime. As he got closer, he did a quick spin then a bow in a very gentlemanly manner, removing his hat as he did.


Gladis stared a little at the Limbo, her lips still in a faint smile.

With a few moments silence she softly began to clap her hands, hoping her washed out makeup didn't make her look appalling.

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((... Just because it's a wall of text doesn't mean people are battling to the death in a legendary duel of legendary legends of legend. They're flying... in space... technically that isn't flying, since that usually involves flapping (Which is totally possible by pressing Ctrl and Space repeatedly)

And Tuckr... I've got my eye on you, and not like a lover. More like a man who despises inconsistency and tends to kick arse for the Lord))"Obie, you have officially won this race, life and the universe!... oh, and if it's not too much to ask, mind giving me a bit of a boost?"


Meanwhile, on the recently scraped New Loka ship...

"Sir! Why are you on your knees?"

"I can't stop saying motherf*cker either, motherf*cker!"

"Sweet Jesus on caramel pudding! He's a carrier... of MEMES!"

"BullshihslluB!" A major garbled, twitching as he lied on the ground.

A minute of silence, and the Leader lifted his grand gaze that made female ovaries explode. "It can only be nanomachines, son. They spread..."

"Through mental trauma!"

It is no small coincidence that one of the privates had decided it was a good idea to spike the ship's supply of food with some mindblowingly bad acid.

((Woah damn lots of things happened))

The Oberon would jerk his head towards the sound of the voice, gliding towards it in a gentle and cautious manner. Upon finding the source, he crosses his arms as he slides to a stop in front of the presumably immobile Mirage, cocking his head to the side. "A boost, you say?" He says, a deep, rich chuckle resonating from his throat.

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He quickly stands straight from his bow, a little too quick perhaps. He loses his balance and wobbles before falling backward onto his rump. He thanked the stars he was wearing his helmet as he felt his cheeks burn out of embarrassment.

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