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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"For earlier? I... you know and the slave thing..."

"i cant remember you ever said something like this to me........" *she was pretty serious with the "new Start"*

Edited by Bachus
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After fixing the UI of the starchart on her ship, Miranda found herself with little to do. After a bit of dawdling she decided to remove her warframe and head down to one of the gardens, wearing clothing that marked her as a high class soldier though she only carried a utility knife. She sat by one of the koi ponds, closed her eyes, and allowed herself to become lost in thought as she recalled the various experiences of her life and their meaning.

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Miranda's head shot upwards. She knew that voice. She remembered that voice. She hated that voice. Ever so slowly, she turned herself. Liking up to see a Tenno in what appeared to be a Staljer warframe she silently stood up, looking straight into where his eyes would be with burning contempt.

"You... You have some nerve showing up here. After what you did. Do you even know where you are? There are hundreds, if nkt thousands if Tenno in this place. You will be imprisoned for what you've done. That is, once I'm done here." With a glimmer of metal she drew her knife and stepped forward, eyes burning in a mixture of rage and sadness.

Miranda's head shot upwards. She knew that voice. She remembered that voice. She hated that voice. Ever so slowly, she turned herself. Looking up to see a Tenno in what appeared to be a Stalker warframe she silently stood up, looking straight into where his eyes would be with burning contempt.

"You... You have some nerve showing up here. After what you did. Do you even know where you are? There are hundreds, if nkt thousands if Tenno in this place. You will be imprisoned for what you've done. That is, once I'm done here." With a glimmer of metal she drew her knife and stepped forward, eyes burning in a mixture of rage and sadness.

Edited by Alad_VI
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Miranda looked at the Stalker's Warframe. Unfamiliar. Not like the one she was so accustomed to.

But that was no excuse.

"EXCUSE ME?" Miranda shouted, indignantly rising even taller as she took another step towards the figure. "Are you PARDONING yourself? Even if there are several of you people, what you do is cruel and wrong. You DISGUST me!" Miranda took another step, pressing up against the figures chest. "You know what? F*ck you! You've caught me at a bad time but trust me, you won't last more than ten seconds the next time we meet." With that, Miranda violently shoved the man away from her and began to storm off, a light but unfocused breeze passing through the garden, disturbing the koi in the pond and rustling the bamboo leaves.

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Miranda paused for a moment. "How do you know my name?" Her voice was no longer angry. There was none if her normal sarcasm either. This was cold, repressed fury; a rage struggling against all of her will to stay contained. "Am I next on your list or something? Well go on," she walked back to the man, striding with efficiency and speed," just KILL ME!" She was just inches from his face at this point. "This is what you do. This is ALL you do. You take. You kill innocents, even heroes for a crime long forgotten. You aren't a judge. You aren't even an executioner. You're a..." Miranda paused, searching for the words. "You're a psychopathic vigilante, a serial killer masquerading as a protector, an avenger. But you know what, just kill me. Kill me!"

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Miranda was unflinching as the throwing blade traced her neck. She never broke eye contact until suddenly the blade was placed into her hand. There was a brief look of shock as the ex-Stalker claimed that he wouldn't kill her. When he finished speaking there was a moment of silence. Then, "So you believe that what you did was wrong?" Miranda's voice was soft, though still as cold as ever.

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A short and fierce, yet deceptively calm, "Good. Now I want you to think about how this feels. Sure, maybe the Tenno did something. Maybe we shouldn't have. But even if we did, we repented. This, my friend," she spat, "is what every Tenno you've ever touched has been out through." Miranda made a move to plunge the blade of the Despair into Echo's abdomen.

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As the throwing knife rolled out of Miranda's hand her eyes closed ever so slightly, her rage boiling just beneath her skin. But this was neither the time nor the place. Even if she had her weapons, he was wearing a warframe. It would be quick, and brutal.

"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But trust me, sir," she said, spitting the last word out with disgust. "I will make you suffer as much as you have made me." Miranda paused. "Maybe even a little bit more." She wheeled around and was heading for the exit as she paused. There was a look of sorry about her face.

"How do you know Crimson?"

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Miranda shook her head. "None of that means anything to me, I don't care. I just need to know..." Miranda paused and bit her lip, embarassed and ashamed of herself. "Will you hurt him?" Her voice this time was mellow and compassionate, worry ringing through it.

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The rage was no longer containing itself. Anger was practically seething out of Miranda's skin as she said, "Love is child's play. As such, I leave it to children. Is it so wrong to just worry about someone?" Miranda's face gained the slightest tinge of pink pigmentation.

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Miranda was flustered. She stuttered a bit before speaking. "Oh just," there was a pause. "Piss off!" Miranda made a shooing motion with her left hand. She then turned and collapsed by the koi pond, slouching as she took heavy breaths."

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Silently, Miranda stood up. She had endured this long enough. "Just leave me alone!" She shouted as her voice began to fall apart. She walked quickly, and in a highly dignified manner, out the door as she started for the hangar.

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Miranda stormed into her Liset, hung the sign, and sealed the door shut with a lock. From there, she redid the Orokin power core so as to be able to connect to more systems, added some tint to the viewport so as to reduce glare, replaced all of the lighting fixtures, and lubrjcates the motors of the door. When that wasn't enough she moved around some furniture, (OOC: remember, devs said that Lisets use Void magic to be bigger on the inside than on the outside. This is why I have to make my Liset TARDIS blue when U14 comes out) polished all of her weapons and swept the floor. When that wasn't enough she stepped back outside and redid the paint job to be the same design - slate black with red and gold wisps surrounding the word 'Glint,' - and painted the words, "Please knock" on the door as she removed the sign.

After all of this, Miranda found herself with nothing to do but an abundance of stressful energy so she got back into the Liset, shut the door, and got onto a treadmill. A significant amount of time later, Miranda looked down to see the number 71.5 next to the words Km traveled. At this, Miranda became aware that she was exhausted. Stepping off of the treadmill, she headed over to her bed, laid down, and began to cry.

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