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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Annie gets up to watch him painting. "...Yah know, I never did learn how to do anything like that," She says, head tilting to the side. Lucifon for his part moves to stick his nose near the table to see what's going on. Pumpkin joins him, curling up by his feet but looking up at the same time.



"Yay!" Hitomi tries to set the pup in his lap. "You're welcome! Like we said, we have more eggs than we know what to do with so I'm glad to find a home for one. I don't know how big he's going to get but I do know that it's a Sahasa."

*Odin chuckles and starts to pet his new Kubrow.


"Heh. Feels like old times. Now I just need a name for you..."


*He gets back up.


"And that's why they call me a soft giant. I'll be right back, i'm going to go to my Liset and set it up for him."


*And with that, he walked off to the hangar to his Liset.

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((I think I'm going to try coloring speech text to see if I like that))


Larissa's helmet sparks again, and it suddenly shuts off, causing her to panic.


"AGH! Can't see!" she yells, before bumping into a wall. The helmet's HUD reboots shortly afterwards.


"Sorry to leave so suddenly, Arthas, but I need to find some tools and materials before my helmet dies again! Nice meeting you!" Larissa shakes his hand, picks up her Spectra and backpack, and speedily walks out of the room. She stops to open her backpack and find her dojo map. Once she finds it, she takes note of where a workshop might be, and begins walking there.

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As Belrev and Celorn talk, Kage and Nipsey sprint towards the sound of a impact on the wall. Belrev and Celorn could only groan, at they run after the kubrow pair. The kubrow pair stare at a Banshee user walking, Nipsey's purple eyes trailing after the Banshee. Meanwhile Kage just stares at the floor.

The twins finally catch up to the Kubrow's and picks them up. "Kage. Behave." Belrev said to Kage, as he holds the Kubrow under his arm. Celorn repeats the same action with Nipsey.

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Larissa sees the kubrows, and bumps the wall again, as she wasn't watching where she was going. The helmet goes offline again, and refuses to reboot. Her Energy Siphon has restored enough energy to fire off her personal Sonar once, so she does.


"Ow...Forget fixing this thing, I just need a new helmet entirely!" she says quietly to herself. She takes off her helmet again, revealing her dark purple, slightly longer than shoulder length hair and gray glowing eyes.


Larissa walks over to the kubrows and their owners to say hello.


"H--Hello!" she says to the two Excaliburs, somewhat nervously extending her hand for a handshake.

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*Odin comes out of the Hangar Bay, he also is seen with his brand new weapon, a Scindo Prime. Colored to match his armor. He starts to walk back to the group he was conversing with earlier when he found the two Excaliburs, and the Banshee. He quietly watches the Banshee bump into the walls, and chuckles to himself, but at the same time feeling bad for the poor Banshee.

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Celorn looks at Belrev, who is analyzing the Banshee's hand. Glaring at Belrev, Celorn waits for Belrev to do what he should. Belrev then shakes the Banshee's hand after a few seconds. Meanwhile Kage and Nipsey poke the Banshee's legs, analyzing her.

"Alright, Intro time. I am Celorn, and this is Belrev my younger brother." Celorn lightly said to the Banshee, nudging his brother in the process. Belrev turns his head slowly, and glares at Celorn, who replies with a cheeky smile. "You heard my imbecile brother. I am Belrev." Belrev added, in a low monotone voice.

"What is your name?" Both Belrev and Celorn asked at the same time, curious to know the Banshee's name. Unknown to the twins and the Banshee, a Tenno who arrived from the hangar appeared.

(Also to add for the twins appearance, frame wise.

Belrev: https://scontent-1.2914.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11025739_646820302119876_1070728984846048698_n.jpg?oh=48e3cf3d56aeac5113c1210b390a1e1b&oe=55E3B816


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Celorn looks at Belrev, who is analyzing the Banshee's hand. Glaring at Belrev, Celorn waits for Belrev to do what he should. Belrev then shakes the Banshee's Hand. Meanwhile Kage and Nipsey poke the Banshee's legs, analyzing her.

"Alright, Intro time. I am Celorn, and this is Belrev my younger brother." Celorn lightly said to the Banshee, nudging his brother in the process. Belrev turns his head slowly, and glares at Celorn, who replies with a cheeky smile. "You heard my imbecile brother. I am Belrev." Belrev added, in a low monotone voice.

"What is your name?" Both Belrev and Celorn asked at the same time, curious to the Banshee's name.

A bit intimidated by Belrev's monotone voice, Larissa says:


"I-I'm Larissa. Nice to meet you. Um...do you know what direction the hangar is? I need to find my spare helmet on my ship, because mine is broken and I can't see without it. Sonar helps, kind of, but I can't actually see without my helmet."


She seems to have no reaction to the kubrows poking at her legs.

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"Follow." Belrev simply said, his low voice softening slightly. All Celorn could do is facepalm himself, as he once again sees his younger brother close off. "Bel. C'mon be kind." Celorn groaned as he walks beside Belrev holding the kubrow's, as Belrev himself motions Larissa to follow him into the hangar.

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"Follow." Belrev simply said, his low voice softening slightly. All Celorn could do is facepalm himself, as he once again sees his younger brother close off. "Bel. C'mon be kind." Celorn groaned as he walks beside Belrev holding the kubrow's, as Belrev himself motions Larissa to follow him into the hangar.

Larissa takes note of the remaining duration of her Sonar, and her energy, and then begins to follow Belrev.


"I appreciate it."she says.

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"Noted." Belrev replied, walking forward with his brother on his left side. "So. Larissa. How did you get here?" He asks as he walks, his tall frame moving with the signs of a shadow warrior that he is and always will be.

"Yeah how'd you get here Larissa?" Celorn asked immedianlty after Belrev, putting Nipsey on his back harness that holds her to his back, then resuming the action of carrying Kage under his arm.

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"Noted." Belrev replied, walking forward with his brother on his left side. "So. Larissa. How did you get here?" He asks as he walks, his tall frame moving with the signs of a shadow warrior that he is and always will be.

"Yeah how'd you get here Larissa?" Celorn asked immedianlty after Belrev, putting Nipsey on his back harness that holds her to his back, then resuming the action of carrying Kage under his arm.


Nervously, she explains:


"I came here after a Sabotage mission out on Neptune. I had one teammate with me, who was a Chroma. When we reached the objective, his Tonkor misfired and hit me instead of the reactor, which almost broke my helmet and armor. Now the helmet is completely broken, which is why I need my spare from my ship. Unfortunately the spare helmet isn't that great quality either, so I'll need to find or build a better replacement eventually."


"Oh, and about that Chroma...he died. He left his Effigy to cover one door while he covered another so that I could crawl back to my Liset. We had initially agreed to meet here, but he never made it here. I was testing my Spectra to make sure it still worked when my helmet died. Another friendly Excalibur fixed it up, but the helmet is just too poor quality for it to have lasted. I don't have the resources to build new equipment, though I can probably buy a new one if there's a Tenno here selling some helmets."


Her Sonar wears off, and she panics a bit and trips on her own feet.



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Belrev immediantly helps Larissa up, pulling her up gently. "You are Welcome." Belrev flatly uttered, with a growing smirk. That specific smirk is unerving to most people, as Belrev rareley smiles or shows emotion. After hearing the story of the Chroma's tragic death, Belrev looks downwards.

"We all die. I have many times." Belrev whispered to himself, referring to the various traumatic experiences he has endured. Celorn heard his younger brother's statement, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We pulled through Bel. You escaped those situations." Celorn solemnly said to Belrev.

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Belrev immediantly helps Larissa up, pulling her up gently. "You are Welcome." Belrev flatly uttered, with a growing smirk. That specific smirk is unerving to most people, as Belrev rareley smiles or shows emotion. After hearing the story of the Chroma's tragic death, Belrev looks downwards.

"We all die. I have many times." Belrev whispered to himself, referring to the various traumatic experiences he has endured. Celorn heard his younger brother's statement, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We pulled through Bel. You escaped those situations." Celorn solemnly said to Belrev.


"Thanks... I'm out of energy now so I'm completely blind until I get my helmet....Are you guys okay? That sounded important." she asks.

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"Yes." Belrev replied, his voice a little shaky. "If you want. I can tell you what I have been through. After you get what you need from your ship."

"Sure thing. How close are we, do you think? It's hard for me to tell."

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Looking ahead, Belrev points to an array of Liset ships.

"Close enough."

"My Liset...won't be easy to miss. It's a Prisma, and depending on the lighting in the hangar, might just be glowing brightly."

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Looking for a bit, Belrev and Celorn spot a Prisma skinned Liset. "Don't fall." Belrev bluntly said with a hint of a smile, as he guides Larissa to the Liset. Standing outside of it, Belrev and Celorn look at Larissa.

"We will wait here. Get your item. Try not to fall again." The twins simotameously said, chuckling.

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Looking for a bit, Belrev and Celorn spot a Prisma skinned Liset. "Don't fall." Belrev bluntly said with a hint of a smile, as he guides Larissa to the Liset. Standing outside of it, Belrev and Celorn look at Larissa.

"We will wait here. Get your item. Try not to fall again." The twins simotameously said, chuckling.

"Thanks," she says, letting out a soft laugh. She walks in, and her cephalon helps her get into her new helmet.


She walks back outside.


All better. Thanks for the help. Now, about that story?

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As the twins wait outside, they spot a figure running into the hangar. Belrev clenches his fists, and Celorn has his hands at his Kunai pouches. The figure shows a Tenno outline, and the twins sigh a breath of relief.

* Odin stops jogging and notices the same two Excals and the Banshee. from a few moments ago he does a friendly wave and a nod.


"Gentlemen and lady." He smiles to them being friendly.

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(Prepare to read)

Belrev exhales before starting his story. Celorn looks downwards, his red eyes seething with intensity, as does the Kubrow's.

"I have been through many things. Horrible things. I have seen our own Father die in front of me, with our third brother Denger the Rhino. His name was Izalus. He was a Excalibur Prime user, and Celorn, Denger, and I were his sons. Denger and I both saw him die. It changed me." Belrev explained, before taking a breath. He continues.

"My father was killed by a group of Rogue Tenno. Denger had to literally choke me out, so I wouldn't murder them. They killed our Father. I tracked them down, and went in their base. They have killed so many of their own Tenno, it makes me wish I ended them. I infilitrated their base alone, with Denger protesting against it and Celorn being MIA at the time. I took out the members of the group non lethally, leaving them without the ability to hurt and destroy families. Everyday I still see visions of my Father. Everytime it happens... I slowly lose my sanity."

"Before I immobilized the group, they kidnapped Denger, my love Shayde, and Myself. They beat me in front of them. Shayde and Denger were helpless, as they were forced to watch me get beat. Their leader the Rhino. He was the one who ended our Father's life. He was the one who then picked up my beaten body... and broke my back over his knee. They left us to die. They didn't count on Shay and Denger breaking out of their bonds, and leaving them to die instead. They carried my limp body to our Liset, and I was out of commision for a while." With another breath, Belrev continues.

"After the whole ordeal, I got kidnapped again. I was stripped of my Warframe, my weapons, and my pride. I was kept in a cell for months. I did not know that in my Liset, Shay, Denger, and Celorn were searching for me. Any sign of me they searched through it. Celorn was growing more and more violent during my missing in action status. Shay was going insane over her fear of losing me, becoming true. Finally my oldest brother Denger, went wild and Interrogated every single being that ever harmed me. I had to fight for my life, against fellow Tenno. It was a hellhole. I saw the most horrendous things down there. Ranging from the Grineer captors executing Tenno, to even going as far to torture them.

"I escaped, bringing along an imprisoned Red Veil female operative named Arvia. She was there for me during my stay in that pit of suffering, and she is still by my side today. We both escaped, and then we realized something. All these Tenno and Syndicate Operatives are trapped in a life of misery. So Arvia and I took over the prison. We freed every single captive there. The fight was long and brutal, as the Grineer captors brought in backup. It was not enough to stop me. Although I still have the scars from that abomination of a place, all littered on my body, it taught me something. It taught me the lesson, the lesson of believing that you can save everyone and everything. When I returned to duty, I was cheered by many Tenno. As they knew I took down the group that terrorized them, and demolished the prison that ended so many lives. All these horrible experiences changed me. For the betterment of Myself and Others."

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-a tale of woe-

((gotta go pass out now, be back on in a few hours probably))


"That's terrible...but at least you still have your brother here, and your kubrows."


"That reminds me of a somewhat less sad, but still sad story."


"My friend Ara and her sister were on a civilian space station near Mars, trying to get Ara's Obex fixed after a battle. They ended up meeting an Ash there that they made friends with. At some point during their stay, a bounty hunter had come to the station to kill the Ash. Ara and her sister had both decided to help him defend himself from the attacker."


"Ara was using a highly experimental explosive weapon, watching the building that the others were in from a nearby rooftop. The weapon's unstable explosives detonated in the weapon while Ara held it, which severely damaged her Zephyr Warframe. I only even know about this from the few records of the incident kept on the station, as well as the small amounts of data stored in her suit...or what was left of it.


"When I reached the station to see if they were still there, all I found was a destroyed building, a beat up rifle, and a discarded Zephyr Warframe. I never heard from Ara or her sister again, so I can only assume they both died."


Larissa pointed to a corner inside her Liset. An unrecognizeable, greatly beat up helmet, and parts of a battered Zephyr Warframe.


"*sigh*...That's what's left of her armor.



* Odin stops jogging and notices the same two Excals and the Banshee. from a few moments ago he does a friendly wave and a nod.


"Gentlemen and lady." He smiles to them being friendly.

Larissa looks over to see the man waving at them.


"Hello. We were just sharing a few stories around my Liset. What brings you here? She asks.

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