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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"To put it bluntly. No. When he was imprisoned, he had to kill the Tenno who fought him. When he and Arvia escaped and destroyed the prison, they found at least TEN Tenno who actually sided with the Grineer, and brang some of the captives to the prison." Celorn said with raw anger and anguish.

"My brother. My own younger brother had to kill them."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Well at least he has you. The only Tenno companion I had left is dead, just like the others."


Her armor emits a somewhat larger flash from sparking. Larissa screams, and then the suit stops sparking.


"OKAY, that was the most painful thing I've ever felt! .....AGH. That seems to have completely broken my aura and my Sonar...Can you get my helmet from the table for me? I can't see. I also really need a tech, because this armor won't last another minute."

Edited by Kaiczar
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She feels around until he hands meet the helmet, and she puts it on.


"Ahh...thanks. I hate my blindness. Some Banshee's aren't even blind..."


She stops talking for a moment before resuming.


"Sorry for derailing the conversation..."

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((I just realized that "Larissa" is spelled with an E, not an A. It should be "Lerissa" but screw it, I like the A more.))


"Hehe, don't overeat, Odin. Might get sick!"


Larissa glances at Belrev for a moment, concerned, then back to Odin.


"I still need to test out my weapons to see if they work, and I still need to get my suit fixed. Anyone want to come with me to a firing range? I can't test channeling on my Sheev, because part of my Systems in my armor broke entirely, but I can still test my Spectra."

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Celorn sits back down, and looks at his younger brother. An idea pops up in his head, and he smiles. "Bel. Want to spar in the dueling room? Just our hands and feet." He asked. "If you want you two can tag along." Celorn added in, looking at Odin and Larissa.

At the mention of this, Belrev smirks. "I'm up for it."

"First we should accompany Larissa." The twins said, nodding to Larissa.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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((I just realized that "Larissa" is spelled with an E, not an A. It should be "Lerissa" but screw it, I like the A more.))


"Hehe, don't overeat, Odin. Might get sick!"


Larissa glances at Belrev for a moment, concerned, then back to Odin.


"I still need to test out my weapons to see if they work, and I still need to get my suit fixed. Anyone want to come with me to a firing range? I can't test channeling on my Sheev, because part of my Systems in my armor broke entirely, but I can still test my Spectra."

*Odin stands up and stretches, and pops his knuckles.


"Yea I am up for some of the firing range!"


*Odin places a small credit tip on the table.

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"Cool, let's get going if you're all done!" she says, walking to the door and waiting there for the others. She draws out her Spectra, gives it a few taps on the battery, and holsters it again.


((dammit, one day I'll remember to put an end quote on the FIRST time.


But that day is not today.))

Edited by Kaiczar
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"Cool, let's get going if you're all done!" she says, walking to the door and waiting there for the others. She draws out her Spectra, gives it a few taps on the battery, and holsters it again.


((dammit, one day I'll remember to put an end quote on the FIRST time.


But that day is not today.))

huh...fancy meeting you here

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huh...fancy meeting you here

((you participate here? 'Sup?))


"Oh, crap!" she says as she rushes back to the table to give the Frost a tip.


She walks out the door, gesturing for the three to follow.

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((you participate here? 'Sup?))


"Oh, crap!" she says as she rushes back to the table to give the Frost a tip.


She walks out the door, gesturing for the three to follow.

(nope,just saw your post as the latest post in the extras,just pleasantly surprised that you rp)

(if i must partake i'll be a creepy person sitting at the corner of the room observing others,trying not to get noticed)

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(nope,just saw your post as the latest post in the extras,just pleasantly surprised that you rp)

(if i must partake i'll be a creepy person sitting at the corner of the room observing others,trying not to get noticed)




Belrev and Celorn follow Larissa, each twin doing something. As they walk Belrev looks around the halls, and Celorn plays Wyrmius on his white holograph projector.


"Alright i'm coming." He says to her, accompanying her.


The group soon reaches one of the weapon practice rooms.


Larissa pulls out her Spectra, aims at a target, and much to her surprise, it fires diagonally facing downward. It burns a hole the table separating the group from the targets.


"Operator, your weapons appear to be functioning incorrectly. I thought you should know." says her cephalon, through her radio.


"Yes, I'm aware." she responds.


((edited because FRIGGIN' END QUOTES))

Edited by Kaiczar
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