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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(OOC: back for a few minutes, finishing the simulation scene)

The Stalker raised his jet black scythe, and Miranda found herself forced to stop her advance by the threat of being impaled. As she attempted to strike the figure, her arm was deflected and she was kicked backwards, skidding on the floor. Suddenly, the voice of the simulator spoke up. "Would you like a weapon, miss?" Miranda pushed herself backwards as the blade of the scythe planted itself in the floor in between her legs. "No thank you! Now will you please shut up?!" Miranda shouted, hoisting herself to her feet. She immediately, however, had to arch backwards as the blade swept in from her right. Skimming her chest. Upon standing back up fully, Miranda noted that the stalker had taken a step back. When he lunged to hit her with the outside arc of the scythe, the Stalker's attack was met with the force if Miranda's palm, reinforced by a layer of pressurized air in between the Hate and her hand. The fallen Tenno took a step back in surprise, and swung the scythe behind himself. He then lunged forward, the blade arcing over his head to land of the Zephyr's. An elegant hand motion, a gust of wind, and the scythe missed it's mark, implanting itself by Miranda's left foot. The Zephyr wound up before releasing a powerful kick, and the Stalker was sent back several meters. Miranda took the scythe in her own hands, the edge glowing a blinding red as she channeled all of her remaining energy into the weapon. The Stalker tried to evade the scythe as it swung up towards his head, and succeeded. But it was hardly a success. The Stalker fell instantly as the blade buried itself in his neck, severing his neck and spine. The blade was released, and he fell to the floor, disappearing into red particles. The simulation was over. As the room returned to it's normal grey, the governing program congratulated Miranda.

"Well done miss. You've set a new personal tone record for defeating the Stalker. And unarmed? This is truly something to be proud of." Miranda said nothing as she threw open the doors and reenterred the Dojo. On her way back to her Liset she practically ripped off her helmet, taking deep breaths. During this time she passed an all-too-familiar Valkyr, though because the helmet had been obstructing her vision she did not notice.

Edited by Alad_VI
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Miranda paused. "You what? You WHAT?! What were you about to say? You emotional whelp! You are the essence of the very pathetic, hormonal weakness that we as warriors are supposed to drive out! And here you are, demonstrating just how, how... Disgusting you are! Fool! Never see me again!" With this closing remark, Miranda went back to her Liset, kicking the door closed behind her though forgetting to lock it.

Edited by Alad_VI
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"If you can hear me Miranda... I love you and you do aswell..."

Miranda heard a faint voice from beside her. She looked over, seeing that it originated from her helmet. Putting it back to her head, she replayed the audio. "Huh. Must have turned the comm on accidentally when I took my helmet off." She opened a voice channel so that Crimson could hear her. "You know what sicko, you almost had me. Really, you did everything right. Pulled some heart strings by reminding me of a dead friend, matched my personality pretty well, even put up with my sass. But now you tell me how I feel about you? Idiot! What if I just TOLD you that you were afraid of pigeons?! It'd be ridiculous, and more than anything insulting. So good job, you colossally f*cked up the scrap of a chance you had. I'm turning the comm off now, and I swear to god if you show up at my ship I will kick your head off!" With that, Miranda disabled the comm and ripped off her helmet. She then headed to the armory of her Liset and proceeded to beat the living sh*t out of a punching bag. Edited by Alad_VI
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A trinity and a soldier entered to Dojo's entrance. "Hi. Can we enter to Dojo?" Trinity said and showed her ID card there reads Mihya. Soldier gave his card Manteas Garenger. "I am just her body guard in case there is some hostility. She hasn't bee trained even if she has Trinity armor" Manteas said. He has mixture of steel plate and leather armor worn. Mihya has stock Trinity armor. There is some kind of emblem on helmet what Manteas has. Emblem has three letters DoC same emblem was imprinted on both shoulder plate armors.


And carries Light machine gun and handgun. Man looks extremely tough and experienced.

Edited by Revel72
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"How would I? That Valkyr Lys and... That Zephyr..." Echo looked surprised. "Whoa Whoa. Lys? Who's Lys?" Crimson looked at Echo with a serious look behind his helmet "Some Valkyr I know in this place. I think her number was 8..." Echo grinned. "I know her. That's who I'm waiting for." Crimson gave him a thumbs up. "Good for you..." Crimson started to get annoyed. "What about Rose? She's good looking." Echo said with a small laugh. "I guess... I like her alot aswell. The most cheerful person I've ever seen but I need to see whats happening here first."

*meanwhile Lys reached one of the many gardens where she sat on a stone near a small river starring into the water*

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*meanwhile Lys reached one of the many gardens where she sat on a stone near a small river starring into the water*

*a few moments later she forgot every word she spoke with echo it was a safety reflex back in the labs that always kicked in when Lys felt uncomfortable*

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Crimson started to rage "YOU DO HOW DOES HE KNOW?!?? " His voice boomed through the whole dojo making Echo jump. Echo ran back to where Crimson shouted "What the hell Crim... Oh hi Lys."

"uhm...hi and you are?"

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"Well if you want to wake him up and have a little romantic chat..." He put his foot on Echo's chest "Here you go!" He walked out the room.

"A******" she shouted after him going to the stalker checking if hes alright*

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