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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Remus forces a smile, since the Sanguinem Serpentium have high affiliations with the Red Veil. "Cephalon...interesting...interesting."

"Heh, I don't really care what Syndicates others are in. I just gather data, and make sure our servers don't explode....again. Not my fault, I swear."


So what Syndicate are you affiliated with?" she asks Remus.

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"The Serpentium is more tightly affiliated with the Red Veil. I guess you could say I'm part of them. I have just about the same job as you actually...gathering information, backlogging it onto a multitude of different servers so no one tries to blindside us."

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"The Serpentium is more tightly affiliated with the Red Veil. I guess you could say I'm part of them. I have just about the same job as you actually...gathering information, backlogging it onto a multitude of different servers so no one tries to blindside us."

"Heh, different group, same job description. My biggest concern is server overload and temperature. Twice now we've nearly had an overheat, and once the servers have actually blown up."

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Remus throws his hands in the air. "Finally! Someone understands! A lot of the Serpentium think I can just dump all the data and transfer it all like -that-, can't tell you how many times they've had server issues before I came along and taught them how to do it right."

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Remus throws his hands in the air. "Finally! Someone understands! A lot of the Serpentium think I can just dump all the data and transfer it all like -that-, can't tell you how many times they've had server issues before I came along and taught them how to do it right."

"We have a fairly bad shortage of Vaubans working on the servers, if you can call 'zero' a shortage. Apparently they'd rather run around throwing grenades at New Loka member's Kubrows than protect their own Syndicate. I had Suda personally teach me how the servers worked and how to keep them running. She's the reason I can fix anything at all. Of course I don't have any repair tools on me, which is why I had to have a Vauban here in the dojo repair my equipment from my last...accident."



As Celorn plays a game of poker, Belrev and Shay approach Larissa and Remus.

"Seems you two are getting along well."

"Yay for friendship. I am Shay by the way Banshee stranger."

"Hey Bel. How are things?" she asks before turning to look at Shay.


"I'm Larissa, nice to meet you, Shay." she says while extending her hand for a handshake.

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"We have a fairly bad shortage of Vaubans working on the servers, if you can call 'zero' a shortage. Apparently they'd rather run around throwing grenades at New Loka member's Kubrows than protect their own Syndicate. I had Suda personally teach me how the servers worked and how to keep them running. She's the reason I can fix anything at all. Of course I don't have any repair tools on me, which is why I had to have a Vauban here in the dojo repair my equipment from my last...accident."

"I always keep minor tools on me or have more advanced ones in my Liset at all times, just in case something goes fizzle crack boom when you -really don't want it to."

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"I always keep minor tools on me or have more advanced ones in my Liset at all times, just in case something goes fizzle crack boom when you -really don't want it to."

" 'fizzle crack boom' is actually the cause of my last accident. I kinda got Tonkor'd by an ally and it broke my...everything. Kinda hard for a blind girl to see without a functioning helmet to show me where to go. I keep a few tools in my Liset usually, though it wasn't near enough to repair my equipment."

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" 'fizzle crack boom' is actually the cause of my last accident. I kinda got Tonkor'd by an ally and it broke my...everything. Kinda hard for a blind girl to see without a functioning helmet to show me where to go. I keep a few tools in my Liset usually, though it wasn't near enough to repair my equipment."

Remus frowns slightly. "That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that...glad you got it fixed at least." He then gives her a small smile. "Do you think you'd mind joining me for perhaps a drink or two...maybe talk more about the lack of stability of data servers and so on? The drinks would be on me of course..."

Edited by OrlockCedar
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Remus frowns slightly. "That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that...glad you got it fixed at least." He then gives her a small smile. "Do you think you'd mind joining me for perhaps a drink or two...maybe talk more about the lack of stability of data servers and so on? The drinks would be on me of course..."

"Thanks for the concern. It was just an accident, however. Though that particular ally died during that mission, while covering my crawl away to my ship. Drinks you say? Sure, I'll happily join you."

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"You two do that. We on our end will be with Cel." Belrev smirked, as he leads Shay into the casino table to watch his older brother.

Cut to a few minutes later, Celorn leaves the casino table with a bag of creds. He leads his brother and Shay to the bar, and each of them sit on a stool. "Woooo! I won!" Celorn exclaimed, promptly getting smacked in the head by Belrev.

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"Thanks for the concern. It was just an accident, however. Though that particular ally died during that mission, while covering my crawl away to my ship. Drinks you say? Sure, I'll happily join you."

Remus nods and offers her his hand or arm or something...trying to be a gentleman but most likely failing at it. "After you."
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Remus nods and offers her his hand or arm or something...trying to be a gentleman but most likely failing at it. "After you."

Larissa smiles at Remus and takes his hand. She begins walking towards the bar.


"It's this way, I think." she says.

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Larissa smiles at Remus and takes his hand. She begins walking towards the bar.

"It's this way, I think." she says.

Remus lets her lead and walks next to her. "So...wonder why no one seems to be able to come up with more stable servers. You'd think they would make it more of a priority." They'd most likely make it to the bar.
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Remus lets her lead and walks next to her. "So...wonder why no one seems to be able to come up with more stable servers. You'd think they would make it more of a priority." They'd most likely make it to the bar.

The two enter the bar and Larissa sits down in a booth, waits for Remus to sit, and then speaks.


"Yeah, it's a fairly big issue, server stability. If proper servers was a higher priority, we could have less people sitting in a room all day repairing them, and more people in the field collecting data. At the very least, they could give us better cooling systems for them..."

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The two enter the bar and Larissa sits down in a booth, waits for Remus to sit, and then speaks.

"Yeah, it's a fairly big issue, server stability. If proper servers was a higher priority, we could have less people sitting in a room all day repairing them, and more people in the field collecting data. At the very least, they could give us better cooling systems for them..."

Remus sits next to Larissa. "Right? We always get whatever hilljacked crap the Red Veil. It's gotten so bad we've actually had to branch out to other means to get better parts for our data servers. It's why we have so many backup servers. If one goes fizzle boom, then we didn't lose all that valuable data, then I have to travel to every one to make sure their working and some moron doesn't screw something up."
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Remus sits next to Larissa. "Right? We always get whatever hilljacked crap the Red Veil. It's gotten so bad we've actually had to branch out to other means to get better parts for our data servers. It's why we have so many backup servers. If one goes fizzle boom, then we didn't lose all that valuable data, then I have to travel to every one to make sure their working and some moron doesn't screw something up."

"Speaking of morons, half of my team working on the servers doesn't know anything about them, and constantly break more than they fix!"


She waves to the bartender, signaling that she would like a drink.


"I'm getting tired of training new workers. A few people end up liking the job and staying, but the majority ends up leaving, hoping for more field work. Personally I'm done with field work for a while, because of...ya' know..."

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"Speaking of morons, half of my team working on the servers doesn't know anything about them, and constantly break more than they fix!"

She waves to the bartender, signaling that she would like a drink.

"I'm getting tired of training new workers. A few people end up liking the job and staying, but the majority ends up leaving, hoping for more field work. Personally I'm done with field work for a while, because of...ya' know..."

He nods. "Yeah...I know how you feel actually. I'm a tech yet they always seem to like to put me on spy or assassination operations. I've been trying to scoring up the credits and trying to find the parts for a Vauban, since it's so expensive to flat out buy one. I've made all my weapons since it's cheaper that way. Although it takes longer." He shrugs slightly. "It works out in the end." He orders himself a drink as well. "Kind if glad to see I'm not alone on the boat of struggling with tech work." Edited by OrlockCedar
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He nods. "Yeah...I know how you feel actually. I'm a tech yet they always seem to like to put me on spy or assassination operations. I've been trying to scoring up the credits and trying to find the parts for a Vauban, since it's so expensive to flat out buy one. I've made all my weapons since it's cheaper that way. Although it takes longer." He shrugs slightly. "It works out in the end." He orders himself a drink as well. "Kind if glad to see I'm not alone on the boat of struggling with tech work."

"Indeed. Our jobs can really suck sometimes, but at least it's something I like to do...and hopefully you as well. I have a couple of friends in the Perrin Sequence who supplied me with my Spectra, and I got my Sheev from participating in stalling Vay Hek during Gate Crash. I didn't do much fighting, but I helped organize squads for the duration of the event. Though I did build me a backup helmet out of spare parts in case mine ever breaks, as I'm completely blind. My helmet's HUD helps me get around, and when I don't have my helmet, I can use my Sonar to see. My Sonar doesn't function like it does with most other Banshees. Instead, mine is only used for helping me see. Like this: "


She takes off her helmet, and looks at Remus, which shows him her gray-glowing eyes. They visibly change to a purple glow as her Sonar kicks in, as an indicator of the power being active.

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"Indeed. Our jobs can really suck sometimes, but at least it's something I like to do...and hopefully you as well. I have a couple of friends in the Perrin Sequence who supplied me with my Spectra, and I got my Sheev from participating in stalling Vay Hek during Gate Crash. I didn't do much fighting, but I helped organize squads for the duration of the event. Though I did build me a backup helmet out of spare parts in case mine ever breaks, as I'm completely blind. My helmet's HUD helps me get around, and when I don't have my helmet, I can use my Sonar to see. My Sonar doesn't function like it does with most other Banshees. Instead, mine is only used for helping me see. Like this: "

She takes off her helmet, and looks at Remus, which shows him her gray-glowing eyes. They visibly change to a purple glow as her Sonar kicks in, as an indicator of the power being active.

He nods slowly. "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job. I mean nothing helps the blood flow than stopping a server from near overheating in your face. Took some severe over heat exhaust from one of our servers to the face. Fortunately we keep medical staff on site at all times. They were able to repair most of the damage, but not all of it." He turns his head slightly to show some nasty burn on the side of his neck. "Eyes didn't survive the exhaust so I had I get mechanical prosthetics. Help a lot more when I'm making repairs."
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