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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Endymion downed his ninth tequila shot and slammed it against the wood table before picking up a tenth and downing the glass and allowing the drink to burn his throat. "How much are you at, Cassie," He slurred a little. He was a little buzzed but not even close to flat out drunk. "Twelve," She replied, without even a hint of drowsiness. They had given the bartender a deposit of 2000 credits, which meant they were allowed to have 200 shots each. Endymion quickly downed another three shots, fighting back the nausea that came with them. "I'm not going to lose to you, not here, not now." He said before starting his fourteenth. "Shut up, Endy," Cassandra replied, knocking back her fifteenth, "We all know that you can't handle your alcohol. Remember the time when you passed out at the officer's ball after like three glasses of wine?" Endymion frowned and knocked back his fifteenth shot. "That was three years ago. I've been practicing since then," he said before consuming another shot. "We'll see hun," Cassandra replied before downing another shot.

Edited by nooshroomerplus
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Miranda finished off her beer, ordering a glass of amontillado to finish her off. "Dying is the most embarrassing thing a human can endure, it's the one time in your life where you have no control over your actions and you know that you'll never be able to be forgiven for them. Dying makes you desperate, pathetic. You go through all of the Kübler-Ross model stages of grief except for acceptance. The worst of yourself comes out." Instead of drinking, Miranda looked into her glass and swirled the rust coloured liquid inside, staring at nothing.

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Miranda sipped from her wine glass, and then looked into it again for a moment before downing the entire brandy. "Tender! Forty shots please, something strong." When the bartender returned with a tray of shots containing a clear liquid, Miranda thanked him and divided the shot's into two sections, one for Crimson and one for herself. "Bottoms up."

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Endymion took his 25th shot, his stomach beginning to feel a little queasy, which wasn't helped by the adrenaline in his system or the spinning in his head. He glanced back at the two at the other end of the bar, both taking tequila shots. "Hey Cassie, I think those two are moving faster than you are, ya done already?" He asked, being just loud enough so that the other two could hear him. "Just getting warmed up, ya big oaf," Cassandra grumbled before downing shot #26. "There's the fire I love," Endymion replied downing two more tequilas in quick succesion.

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Miranda shrugged. "Fair enough." Ten more shots and she paused again, but then there was that couple again, just fueling her competitiveness. Taking some from Crimson's stash, taking two more. "Twenty seven," she said somewhat loudly as she gripped her forehead.

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"Thirty one," Cassandra said as she grimaced. The burning feeling in her throat was making it a bit difficult to talk. "Come on, Cassie," Endymion egged her on, "We've done free falling at 300m/s before! Through a dimensional rift! Is this REALLY the best you can do?" "I can keep going," Cassandra croaked out before downing another three shots, when suddenly she let out a giant burp, echoing across the now sparsely populated bar. "That's better," she grinned before downing another 2 shots.

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Pilot arrived to bar and his sound vizier informing him about that Miranda had drank herself over the counter. He walked to Crimson "Well sounds like somebody could use good long night sleep and a lot of water" Pilot said.

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Miranda stood pridefully. "What are you gonna do now?" She fell into leaning on the bar counter for support. In doing so, he eyes passed her half empty amontillado glass, which she promptly finished in a single gulp, splashing some onto her face.

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