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Warframe Concept: Eclipse, The Celestial Twin


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As Geminus was seen by many too complex and there is already an ice and fire warframe in seperate forms... so thus I have recreated and remade Geminus into my new creation: Eclipse.


Like Geminus, she is heavily melee based, but instead of fire and ice, she is of sun and moon. Also hopefully she is much more simpler and easier to read than Geminus was.






Changed her name from Moonsun to Corona. Hopefully it is a better name Siubijeni. ^^;


Also changed ranges on Solar Slash, Solaris' Wrath, Crescent Cutter and Lunaris' Judgement and mentioned damage calculations for Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter.


Also changed cost of the Solaris/Lunaris shift from 10 to 25.


Increased costs of Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter from 25 to 50.


Removed text where I mentioned passive damage auras as it would've been overpowered.





Changed her name (again!) from Corona to Eclipse. This ought to be the best name I can come up with. Thank you CoreBr3ak3r for this name suggestion. ^^ This will be my final name change.


Added further explaination to how Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter works in terms of damage.




By CoreBr3ak3r



Eclipse, the Celestial Twin

Themes:  Sun and Moon, Melee Specialist

Quote: "Eclipse is a Warframe possessing the power of both the Moon and the Sun and have the power to shift between these two celestial bodies at her whim. Where the Solaris form shines on her foes and burn the wicked, her Lunari form judges her foes and smites them with it's rays. She is also a specialist in using her melee weapons to best use and is a true force to be reckoned with, may be the searing sun or the gleaming moon."

Eclipse stats

Health: 100 (300 @ R30)
Shield: 100 (300 @ R30)
Armor: 55
Energy: 100 (150 @ R30)
Sprint speed: 1.2
Stamina: 90

Polarities: 4x Power (Scratch), 1x Attack (V) and 1x Tactic (Dash)

Aura polarity: Attack (V)

Warframe concept description

Eclipse is a Warframe who draws her powers from the Sun and the Moon. Though not as armored and durable as Excalibur, she is however speedy and have plenty of stamina to pull from, allowing her to speedily strike in and out of enemy groups and punish them if they take her lightly.

While in her Solaris form, she radiates Solar energies that empowers her melee weapons with Radiation damage (even stacking ontop of any mods you have on said weapon). Also her abilities in Solaris form are always widespread, large AOE attacks, though not super potent, but make up with hitting many instead of one.

While in her Lunaris form, her Lunar energies empowers her weapons with Magnetic damage instead (again stacking ontop of any mods you have on said weapon). In her Lunaris form, her powers and attacks are much more narrow focused and aims at strong foes and tight groups than at large groups unlike Solaris. Though it is possible to devastate large groups, it requires great positioning and timing to let Lunaris pull such a feat off.

Eclipse is all about melee combat, while empowering herself with the powers of the Sun (Radiation) and the Moon (Magnetic).

Eclipse is created to be very melee oriented, many of her powers suited for CQC combat with Solaris focusing on dealing damage to multiple foes while Lunaris aims at taking down the stronger foes or smaller, tightly grouped enemies, all while going all out with her melee weapons and dance around her enemies like the Sun and Moon dancing around the skies of Earth, slaying them.

Warframe abilities

Eclipse, Solaris form (default form)

[slot 1] - Lunaris shift

Cost: 25 energy

Eclipse shifts from her searing Solaris form into the gleaming Lunaris form. It is a simple form stance that allows her to shift between forms on the fly. Does not interrupt abilities, weapon charge or cause her to pause up. Has no animation, other than an energy brust that causes her to change forms.

Also when shifting to Lunaris, the weapons of Moonsun become empowered with Magnetic damage (stacks ontop of existing Magnetic combo and any other elemental mods if present) and lasts for 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 seconds.

There can only be one buff instance of either Solaris or Lunaris shift active at a time and if one instance is already active and a shift is used, the last instance is purged and replaced with the current instance (ie if Lunaris shift is active when Solaris shift is activated, the buff of Lunaris shift is removed and replaced with the buff of Solaris shift).

[slot 2] - Solar Slash

Cost: 50 energy

Eclipse powers up her melee weapon(s) and slashes outwards and widely (animation vary depending on melee weapon is equipped), causing a wave of sun energy to emit outwards and strike all foes caught in the slash up to 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meters away. The slash is in a big 180 degree arc.


The damage is based on the strength of your melee weapon's combined damage (including buffs and mods) from NORMAL swings and is multiplied by x2.

[slot 3] - Sunlight's Protection

Cost: 75 energy

Eclipse is given a boon by the sun and boosts her defence (armor) greatly while also making her immune to status effects for 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 seconds.

[slot 4] - Solaris' Wrath

Cost: 100 energy

Eclipse summons the wrath of the sun around her body and then unleashes it upon her foes, creating cracks in the ground around her and the sun shine punishingly over that area, causing enormous Radiation damage-over-time aslong as the enemies remain in the afflicted area. The radius of this ability reaches 5 / 10 / 20 / 30 meters and stays for 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 seconds.

Eclipse, Lunaris form

[slot 1] - Solaris shift

Cost: 25 energy

Eclipse shifts from her gleaming Lunaris form into the searing Solaris form. It is a simple form stance that allows her to shift between forms on the fly. Does not interrupt abilities, weapon charge or cause her to pause up. Has no animation, other than an energy brust that causes her to change forms.

Also when shifting to Solaris, the weapons of Moonsun become empowered with Radiation damage (stacks ontop of existing Radiation combo and any other elemental mods if present) and lasts for 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 seconds.

There can only be one buff instance of either Solaris or Lunaris shift active at a time and if one instance is already active and a shift is used, the last instance is purged and replaced with the current instance (ie if Lunaris shift is active when Solaris shift is activated, the buff of Lunaris shift is removed and replaced with the buff of Solaris shift).

[slot 2] - Crescent Cutter

Cost: 50 energy

Eclipse strikes with her melee weapon(s) (animation vary depending on what kind of melee weapon is equipped) and causes a narrow cutter wave to emit from her slash/strike and goes in a straight line, cutting through enemies and dealing massive Magnetic damage.

The cutter wave reaches up to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters away and pierces and cuts through all enemies caught in it's narrow line of 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 meters and the more center to the blade the enemy is, the more damage it deals.


The damage of the attack is based on the strength of your melee weapon's combined damage (including buffs and mods) from NORMAL swings and is multiplied by x2.5.

[slot 3] - Moonlight's Grace

Cost: 75 energy

Eclipse is blessed by the moon and grants her faster movement and attack speed for 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 seconds.

[slot 4] - Lunaris' Judgement

Cost: 100 energy

Eclipse powers up her body with the energies of the moon before unleashing it, creating a large area that 'judges' any enemy that dares to enter the sanctified grounds of Lunari, automatically causing 'Weakened' status to be applied to them. Moonsun also leaves behind moonorb floating at the center of the affected area, this orb periodically fires out a moonbolt that targets a random enemy in the sanctified area and strikes the enemy down for a hefty admount of Magnetic damage aswell as causing knock down automatically.

The radius of the sactified ground is 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters and lasts for 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 seconds, the Moonorb fires a Moonbolt every 3 seconds.



The Q&A section

Q: "What happened to the old Geminus?"

A: Due to complaints about it being too confusing and appearently too complex, I have decided to scrap him in favor of a whole new concept. Hopefully, Eclipse is a much better character than the Geminus I attempted to create.

Q: "So... no more super complex mumbo jumbo?"

A: Correct... Eclipse is much more simpler (I hope!) and has only two forms, but no real stat changes between them other than damage output. However she is much more melee oriented than even Geminus, who also were able to power up his ranged weapons, Eclipse can only power up her melee weapons.

Q: "Will you still TL:DR?"

A: I am making my concept as short as I possibly can right now, if you still ask for a TL:DR... then seriously, dont try to read at all and leave this thread. :/

Edited by Mothy
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Do you have an idea of what the appearance should be like or what you would like it to symbolize? Any links to anything you'd like for appearance?


Well.. what I wanted with Moonsun is that in her Solaris and Lunaris forms, she represent the sun and the moon very respectively and have a the symbol of the sun and moon being prevalent on her respectively. Being sun, she represent power and strength while being the moon she represent speed and cunning.


As for the closest visual references I can give... this piccy do come very close to what I want with her appearance: http://cms.battleon.com/aqw/images/NewYearsArmors2.png


Additional pictures that inspire either form for me right now are:















This is the best I can really give at this time. Again im no artist so I can't draw even if I did try. :( Nor do I have the money to commission an artist to attempt a sketch concept of her forms.

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No need for money for commission, it keeps me busy. I'm not official so i can give you black and white drawings but I'll provide some work for you. 


P.S. isn't that last image one from Prototype, the first one? Alex Mercer's Shield forme?


Another thing, rather than spikey armor, would you like a more sleek appearance or bulky?


Physical type, athletic or slim?

Edited by CoreBr3ak3r
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This is a lot better than your old Geminus concept, but that's not to say there aren't a few things that are a little iffy.


First off, you might want to rewrite the part of your description where it talks about her damage auras. It makes it sound like it is a passive effect, which would just be ridiculous. But then when I actually read your ability descriptions, it's clear that it's actually a buff ability, which is ok--except that 10 energy is way too cheap for the switch to be accompanied by a damage effect that is anything but trivial. I would encourage you to look at other dual-frames if the balancing aspect is difficult for you--for a quick example, my Twinframe uses the "ultimate" to switch forms, which costs 50 energy and is accompanied by a decent effect. FuryEnder's Ma'at also uses the "ultimate," but his is structured more like a first ability--it costs 25 energy and is accompanied only by a very minor stun.


As for the actual abilities:

For Solar Slash, that range is simply absurd. Radial ultimates average a 20 meter range, and you've doubled that in a basically first-level ability. You haven't addressed the damage of the ability, either--if it does the same as your melee weapon that's probably too powerful. With that range, it would really need to have a pretty low flat damage to be balanced. Most room are smaller than 40 meters, too, which means the ability would be half-wasted with every swing--unless it went through walls, which is again just too powerful.


Sunlight's Protection... actually, no complaints. Pending on the boost, you might need to nerf the duration a bit. But yeah.


Solaris' Wrath... 80 meters? As said before, ultimates average 20 meters. The top ones right now are 25 meters, and those tend to be the selective target ones, like Zephyr's Tornadoes and Excal's Javelins. If it lasts a full minute at that range, the damage would have to be miniscule to be balanced. Not "enormous." If you're going for a damage over time effect, look at Volt and Banshee's ults as a basis. Both have a 20 meter range for their ability. Banshee does 200 damage per second for 6 seconds, and Volt does 225 per second for 4 seconds--with an additional 250 per overloaded device. You seem to want a longer effect, but the longest I'd go would be 20 seconds--and at that duration, you'd only be dealing 50 damage or so per second, to be roughly equal. It would of course have a chance to be proccing radiation that whole time, though.


Crescent Cutter... you have again not mentioned what you want the damage based on. Is it flat, or based on your weapon damage? It makes a huge difference. Either way, I don't think you appreciate distances in Warframe. 120 meters is a simply absurd range, and if the ability can hit that many people from so far away it would have trivial damage--particularly since it only costs 25 energy.


Moonlight's Grace is fine. Like the other aura, depending on the exact magnitude of the effect the duration might take a hit... but that's depending.


Lunaris' Judgement is a very interesting idea, and probably the one least affected by your apparent misunderstanding of distances. If you reduce the radius of the effect to 20-25 meters, that's probably the only adjustment needed. Even at 60 seconds, the orb would only fire 20 times... which means it could have decently high damage without becoming too overpowered...not too high, though. The weakening and knockdown utilities would be the main use of the ability, which is a nice touch.


Other than that, looks good.


EDIT: Well, actually, one other thing that bugs me... don't you think the name "Moonsun" is a bit... corny? If you want to approximate that reference, I'd change it to Monsoon--the moon and tides have enough to do with those that I think the name still fits well enough. Otherwise, Corona is a good name... or there are plenty of others. Just... Moonsun is a little cheesy.


EDIT2: @CoreBr3ak3r, yeah that is indeed Mercer's armor form. It's sick. Loved Prototype. 2 wasn't as good though :(

Edited by Siubijeni
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This is a lot better than your old Geminus concept, but that's not to say there aren't a few things that are a little iffy.


First off, you might want to rewrite the part of your description where it talks about her damage auras. It makes it sound like it is a passive effect, which would just be ridiculous. But then when I actually read your ability descriptions, it's clear that it's actually a buff ability, which is ok--except that 10 energy is way too cheap for the switch to be accompanied by a damage effect that is anything but trivial. I would encourage you to look at other dual-frames if the balancing aspect is difficult for you--for a quick example, my Twinframe uses the "ultimate" to switch forms, which costs 50 energy and is accompanied by a decent effect. FuryEnder's Ma'at also uses the "ultimate," but his is structured more like a first ability--it costs 25 energy and is accompanied only by a very minor stun.


As for the actual abilities:

For Solar Slash, that range is simply absurd. Radial ultimates average a 20 meter range, and you've doubled that in a basically first-level ability. You haven't addressed the damage of the ability, either--if it does the same as your melee weapon that's probably too powerful. With that range, it would really need to have a pretty low flat damage to be balanced. Most room are smaller than 40 meters, too, which means the ability would be half-wasted with every swing--unless it went through walls, which is again just too powerful.


Sunlight's Protection... actually, no complaints. Pending on the boost, you might need to nerf the duration a bit. But yeah.


Solaris' Wrath... 80 meters? As said before, ultimates average 20 meters. The top ones right now are 25 meters, and those tend to be the selective target ones, like Zephyr's Tornadoes and Excal's Javelins. If it lasts a full minute at that range, the damage would have to be miniscule to be balanced. Not "enormous." If you're going for a damage over time effect, look at Volt and Banshee's ults as a basis. Both have a 20 meter range for their ability. Banshee does 200 damage per second for 6 seconds, and Volt does 225 per second for 4 seconds--with an additional 250 per overloaded device. You seem to want a longer effect, but the longest I'd go would be 20 seconds--and at that duration, you'd only be dealing 50 damage or so per second, to be roughly equal. It would of course have a chance to be proccing radiation that whole time, though.


Crescent Cutter... you have again not mentioned what you want the damage based on. Is it flat, or based on your weapon damage? It makes a huge difference. Either way, I don't think you appreciate distances in Warframe. 120 meters is a simply absurd range, and if the ability can hit that many people from so far away it would have trivial damage--particularly since it only costs 25 energy.


Moonlight's Grace is fine. Like the other aura, depending on the exact magnitude of the effect the duration might take a hit... but that's depending.


Lunaris' Judgement is a very interesting idea, and probably the one least affected by your apparent misunderstanding of distances. If you reduce the radius of the effect to 20-25 meters, that's probably the only adjustment needed. Even at 60 seconds, the orb would only fire 20 times... which means it could have decently high damage without becoming too overpowered...not too high, though. The weakening and knockdown utilities would be the main use of the ability, which is a nice touch.


Other than that, looks good.


EDIT: Well, actually, one other thing that bugs me... don't you think the name "Moonsun" is a bit... corny? If you want to approximate that reference, I'd change it to Monsoon--the moon and tides have enough to do with those that I think the name still fits well enough. Otherwise, Corona is a good name... or there are plenty of others. Just... Moonsun is a little cheesy.


EDIT2: @CoreBr3ak3r, yeah that is indeed Mercer's armor form. It's sick. Loved Prototype. 2 wasn't as good though :(


So other than ranges and name, she seems to be all fine? Lemme see what I can do then.



Finished it a good 20 minutes ago;




That looks good.. I think.. Though symbols of sun and moon could be a good thing too. :3

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So other than ranges and name, she seems to be all fine? Lemme see what I can do then.

Yeah, the problem is mostly the ranges. In that one case, though, it's the energy cost (it needs to be higher than ten, especially if you want to keep the damage bonus) that needs adjusting. So don't forget that.

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Yeah, the problem is mostly the ranges. In that one case, though, it's the energy cost (it needs to be higher than ten, especially if you want to keep the damage bonus) that needs adjusting. So don't forget that.


Ok, ranges have been changed, energy cost raised and name changed. I have put the Changelog at the top of my post, just under my opening words.

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I'll work on the sun and moon symbols :)


Wait, I have to edit this; Which kind, the alchemical symbols for sun and moon? i.e. Sol and Luna? or just a flat out sun on one form and a moon on the other? Also where would you like the symbols to be located on the body for each?

Edited by CoreBr3ak3r
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I'll work on the sun and moon symbols :)


Wait, I have to edit this; Which kind, the alchemical symbols for sun and moon? i.e. Sol and Luna? or just a flat out sun on one form and a moon on the other? Also where would you like the symbols to be located on the body for each?


The symbols of sun and moon could be flat out sun on Solaris form and moon on the Lunaris form... :3


And I was thinking where it would be profound, like the chest, stomach, forehead and/or back.

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Ah, yes, these new ranges are much better, and with that most of my concerns have been addressed.


Also changed ranges on Solar Slash, Solaris' Wrath, Crescent Cutter and Lunaris' Judgement and mentioned damage calculations for Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter.

However, there is one more thing, now. Since you've addressed the damage basis for Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter, one question: is that based upon charge damage, or normal strike damage? It makes a huge difference, because you have to take into account the radical differences in damage. If it's based upon normal damage, I have no problems with the ability, because there isn't really a normal-strike weapon that is overpowered (some people scream Orthos Prime, but that's iffy). But if it's based upon charge damage... imagine what a Galatine-wielder could do with this ability. The potential damage far outweighs its 50 energy cost. If the damage is based upon your charge attacks, I would suggest limiting--or even completely removing--the damage multipliers.


Changed her name from Moonsun to Corona. Hopefully it is a better name Siubijeni. ^^;

Well, it was one of the ones I suggested, so obviously I think it's at least tolerable :P It's more of a sunlight-oriented name, but since moonlight is just reflected sunlight it works. It can be hard to come up with a name that combines aspects of both the sun and the moon without getting a little... eccentric. I know my tastes can sometimes be a little weird, but Corona seemed like a safe bet.

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Ah, yes, these new ranges are much better, and with that most of my concerns have been addressed.


However, there is one more thing, now. Since you've addressed the damage basis for Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter, one question: is that based upon charge damage, or normal strike damage? It makes a huge difference, because you have to take into account the radical differences in damage. If it's based upon normal damage, I have no problems with the ability, because there isn't really a normal-strike weapon that is overpowered (some people scream Orthos Prime, but that's iffy). But if it's based upon charge damage... imagine what a Galatine-wielder could do with this ability. The potential damage far outweighs its 50 energy cost. If the damage is based upon your charge attacks, I would suggest limiting--or even completely removing--the damage multipliers.


Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter is based on the maximum damage your NORMAL swings can do, with elemental damage included, though all this damage is converted to either Radiation or Magnetic damage, then the multipliers at put into effect... I think this is the best way to balance those two abilities.


Also Orthos Prime slashes FAST, hence why some scream it's OP.. XD I mean one swing, probably not much, but muli-swings and suddenly you are a living, walking buzzsaw. XD



You could call her Eclipse, due to the fact that there are Solar eclipses and Lunar eclipses. Just a thought though.


Heeey... That is not a bad name. Eclipse works. Changing name now.

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You could call her Eclipse, due to the fact that there are Solar eclipses and Lunar eclipses. Just a thought though.

Heeey... That is not a bad name. Eclipse works. Changing name now.

Nope, it certainly isn't a bad name. I rather like it. I had thought of it, but decided against suggesting it because the vast majority of eclipses don't involve the moon at all--on that note, though, I probably shouldn't have dismissed it because every Eclipse we on Earth actually experience does involve both the sun and the moon. Also on that note, if your frame had been a guy I totally would have suggested Syzyzgy, just because it's a totally funky name XD


Solar Slash and Crescent Cutter is based on the maximum damage your NORMAL swings can do, with elemental damage included, though all this damage is converted to either Radiation or Magnetic damage, then the multipliers at put into effect... I think this is the best way to balance those two abilities.


Also Orthos Prime slashes FAST, hence why some scream it's OP.. XD I mean one swing, probably not much, but muli-swings and suddenly you are a living, walking buzzsaw. XD

That's good, then ^_^ And Orthos Prime isn't that fast, certainly not compared to dual-wield weapons, lol. I still don't think of it as overpowered.

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Nope, it certainly isn't a bad name. I rather like it. I had thought of it, but decided against suggesting it because the vast majority of eclipses don't involve the moon at all--on that note, though, I probably shouldn't have dismissed it because every Eclipse we on Earth actually experience does involve both the sun and the moon. Also on that note, if your frame had been a guy I totally would have suggested Syzyzgy, just because it's a totally funky name XD


That's good, then ^_^ And Orthos Prime isn't that fast, certainly not compared to dual-wield weapons, lol. I still don't think of it as overpowered.


Syzygy... lol XD What kind of name is that for a celestial twin? But yeah, an Eclipse involve both the sun and the moon, which makes good sense on this character as she can shift between Sun (Solaris) and Moon (Lunaris) at her whim, like a moon moving over the sun and then away from it again.


And... yeah. Orthos is good, but each weapon is more or less good in their own right.


Im very happy that Eclipse is approved of, even if took a few tweaks to make it more balanced. ^^

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