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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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ITT: OP continues to prove they do not know how to play Nyx.

Oh lol, that's just what I'm thinking

Edit: also thinking he has never actually checked builds for her. Must've thought it was strength build, poor guy.

Edited by izzatuw
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You got it wrong too :P max absorb 50 meters mate


Maxed range out on Absorb, both range mods.


Barely goes past 20 in-game meters.


It's a very, very poor range for an ultimate ability. I would trade off its base damage to be weaker for a 35 meter range.

Edited by Etsoree
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Maxed range out on Absorb, both range mods.


Barely goes past 20 in-game meters.


It's a very, very poor range for an ultimate ability. I would trade off its base damage to be weaker for a 35 meter range.

Funny, I've nuked a T3 mobile defense with Absorb before Nova had energy to M Prime.


Literally nothing was alive.

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Maxed range out on Absorb, both range mods.


Barely goes past 20 in-game meters.


It's a very, very poor range for an ultimate ability. I would trade off its base damage to be weaker for a 35 meter range.

Do you know what you're even talking about dude?
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Do you know what you're even talking about dude?



No, he's right about the range. It maxes out at 10m range by itself, 25-ish with Overextend and Stretch.


But then again, no one carries as the main feature of their build.

I keep absorb for when I'm about to die or our main damage CC guy ran out of energy and theres way to many enemies around for Chaos to be extremely effective.

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allora non hai capito assolutamente un cazzo di nyx!! perchè è tutto il contrario di quello che hai detto e smettetela di dire che nyx e gli altri warframe sono OP altrimenti depotenziano tutto e non si fa più un cazzo quindi se volete depotenziare cambiate gioco e non rompete le palle!!!



LOL. stai diaccio è solo un troll....

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No, he's right about the range. It maxes out at 10m range by itself, 25-ish with Overextend and Stretch.


But then again, no one carries as the main feature of their build.

I'm talking about him underestimating it way too much. I use a proper Stomp build but it doesn't kill all the enemies in range in ODD and it has its limits. With Absorb there is none.
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Absorb bad?? :D I lol'd. Ever heard of "Fleeting Expertise"? (fyi: increases the power-efficiency and reducing power duration)

Take that + "intensify" (the new name for "focus" -> power strength) (+ streamline and flow if you want to spam it without end) and you have a little bit of a nuke-ability^^ yeah, other ultimates may do more damage and have more range (and are a little bit faster), but absorb is faaaaaaar from the worst ability in game (ever heard of "silence"? ;) )

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Honestly I can agree with you and disagree with you at the same time. I can disagree, because I think she's fantastic with CC and utility. That being said, she get's skills broken randomly in patches here and there that don't make sense or even just don't work like they should.


Take mind control for example, I love using that skill on heavys! The problem is De needs to keep patching the skill to make say leaders effects actually benefit you then that just being a thing from the get go. or how whoever you mind control (this applys with chaos) will in interception still turn against you and capture a point for the enemy regardless. Get's irritating when a fire leader can blast you off your feet through walls but other guys he's against stay standing (as far as i can tell, that fire Fx is ridiculous). Maybe if it could be recast in succession and control multiple people it wouldn't seem useless to the untrained eye.


Psychic bolt's I'm just gonna wait till they aren't junkie before I bother thinking re-slotting that in again, but to each his own.


Chaos I love for CC, you keep that duration in just the right time and nothing get's to fight you. That being said it's still buggy. I've chaosed enemies and still gotten shot at. Mind you, that enemy isn't exactly alone and I'm not near by to warrant being on par of the guy he's next to in terms of threat level. but it works enough to warrant plenty of merit. To bad killed enemies when under chaos don't give exp and that bugs me to no end. I still hope DE does something about that.


Absorb is a funny one in that I love to hate it and hate hating it as well. It's fantastic for say keeping a pod impervious to damage, or protecting a downed ally that's getting revived, but it's range and damage type just irk me to hell and back. That being said, it's in a much better place then it use to be. I hope it get's another improvement down the line, but i'm still very happy it's not garbage anymore.


Overall she just still seems buggy at times and not at the same time, I think she just needs a little more love in the coding department. Since her chaos nerf long ago she's always felt wanting though. Still love her.

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It' s italian , i just saying to keep calm becouse this post is a kinda of troll ^^ or made by some1 who have played warframe like 1 hour or something like that.


Being a Grandmaster, I think I've played a little more than just an hour. Pay attention, please.

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I think in defense, right now, Nyx is the better frame to use than most others. In high level survival or nm missions, Nyx's chaos is invaluable. Her ulti is situational, it may need upgrading but she is not the worst warframe in the game. Frost is.


I'll point out that psychic bolts is imbalanced in pvp right now, not that warframe is a pvp game but still - pressing a button to get rid of one enemy no matter where is rather imbalanced.

Edited by Celseus
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I think in defense, right now, Nyx is the better frame to use than most others. In high level survival or nm missions, Nyx's chaos is invaluable. Her ulti is situational, it may need upgrading but she is not the worst warframe in the game. Frost is.


I'll point out that psychic bolts is imbalanced in pvp right now, not that warframe is a pvp game but still - pressing a button to get rid of one enemy no matter where is rather imbalanced.


Frost is better due to the fact you can RECAST it without having to wait for the effect to wear off, or all enemies under the effect to die.


Chaos can easily, easily be replaced with other powers and far more useful 'Frames. As I have stated before, not all of the enemies under Chaos attack other members of their own faction, making it not a 100% CC ability.

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Frost is better due to the fact you can RECAST it without having to wait for the effect to wear off, or all enemies under the effect to die.


Chaos can easily, easily be replaced with other powers and far more useful 'Frames. As I have stated before, not all of the enemies under Chaos attack other members of their own faction, making it not a 100% CC ability.

The only skills Frost has that scales infinitely is Freeze and Avalanche.


Avalanche's animation lasts longer than its CC. Freeze is single target and it ends the second they get damaged.


Nyx has 3 skills that scale infinitely. I'm sorry, but you really have no idea how to play Nyx.

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Frost is better due to the fact you can RECAST it without having to wait for the effect to wear off, or all enemies under the effect to die.


Chaos can easily, easily be replaced with other powers and far more useful 'Frames. As I have stated before, not all of the enemies under Chaos attack other members of their own faction, making it not a 100% CC ability.

You're trying to compare apples to oranges.


Frost use to be about defense now he's kinda in limbo. Nyx has always been about CC, she got nerfed with it to a degree because it was just too fantastic. They have nothing in common since the avalanche "bug" fix.

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You're trying to compare apples to oranges.


Frost use to be about defense now he's kinda in limbo. Nyx has always been about CC, she got nerfed with it to a degree because it was just too fantastic. They have nothing in common since the avalanche "bug" fix.


It was stated as a bug, so it was a bug: no quotations needed.

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Frost is better due to the fact you can RECAST it without having to wait for the effect to wear off, or all enemies under the effect to die.


Chaos can easily, easily be replaced with other powers and far more useful 'Frames. As I have stated before, not all of the enemies under Chaos attack other members of their own faction, making it not a 100% CC ability.

Because being able to recast Chaos would be game breaking and would need to be nerfed. Snowglobe's completely different and is sometimes bad if you're in a group with a Penta guy. I have both Frost and Nyx. Snowglobe HAS to be recastable because one isn't enough to do a T3. A Nyx with max eff and a spamable Chaos would make the forums mad and happy for some.
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Because being able to recast Chaos would be game breaking and would need to be nerfed. Snowglobe's completely different and is sometimes bad if you're in a group with a Penta guy. I have both Frost and Nyx. Snowglobe HAS to be recastable because one isn't enough to do a T3. A Nyx with max eff and a spamable Chaos would make the forums mad and happy for some.


Chaos is still inferior due to the fact that it does not provide 100% protection while using it, so it's not a good CC ability. Snow Globe, on the other hand, DOES, so long as it lasts.

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