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Weapon Idea: The Instant-Status-Gun


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I was playing with the Tysis for a while now and noticed, that the 50% Status chance is really good.

You can buff it up to 92% (so says the Warframe Wiki, I only got it up to 88,8% for now)

So what I did was putting Radiation Damage on it and using it, to confuse enemies into killing their allies.

Now here is where my idea began.


How about a Gun that doesn't crit and doesn't do damage but instead is only used to apply a Status effect?


So my first thought was "It has to be a secondary. Nobody wants such a specific strategic weapon as their main weapon."

So it's a secondary weapon, but what about the stats?

Here are my ideas so far:


Fire Rate: Doesn't matter, you'll see why.

Accuracy: 100? The more accurate, the better. Also it may be good, if the weapon would have a better zoom than most Pistols.

Maybe the Zoom of the Seer, maybe less. It's your choice.

Magazine: 1. Yes just 1 Bullet in the Magazine.

Reload Speed: It shouldn't be to fast, so that it still feels like a single-shot weapon... but it also shouldn't take to long so it's not frustrating. Also one of the Status Proc Mods also gives you more Reload speed, so it should be balanced around that.

Damage: 1 Radiation. Yes also just 1. This gun is NOT about dealing Damage.

Crit Chance: 0%

Crit Damage: 0%  Again. No Damage.

Polarities: Maybe none, but maybe a V or - Polarity, so that you can easily add the Status Proc mods.


Status Chance: Now... here's the thing...

Not everyone has 'Pistol Pestilence' from the Event, so they already don't have the 60% extra Status Proc...

But I still want the weapon to do 100% Status Proc.

Now here is the Problem... I don't know what happens if the Status chance goes above 100%.

Does it simply apply the effect twice? So if I add my 85% bonus Proc, does it add the effect and then has a 85% chance to add it again? How would you see, that it adds it again?

That's one of the Problems that I still don't have an answer to, but maybe the devs do...

So the Status Proc should definitly be around 100%, even without Pistol Pestilence.


The Projectile & The Look:

Here are the other 2 important things.

What does it look like and how does it shoot?

So the Tysis uses bolts and I don't want to just copy it, so no small Crossbows or Bolt-Shooting-Tentacle-Things like the Tysis (seriously... what is that thing? It looks like a tumor on your hand ._.)

So my next idea was "How about just Bullets?" But what kind of a gun only has 1 Shot in it?

Maybe a scoped 1-Shot-Revolver? A Pirate Flintlock Pistol? Yarr!

Those are some ideas, but here is a more interesting one...

How about a Flare-Gun-like Weapon?

It fires a Capsule that still has a lot of speed, but also has travel time and flies in an arch.

It could explode and add the Status effect to multiple enemies...

But I can't really decide if it should be a Pistole or a Capsule-Shooter.

Also I still don't know who would use such a weapon... the Tenno? Maybe... definitly not the Grineer... they are just about doing damage and adding Slash to everything. (Btw thanks for nerfing the Evicerators, DE ^^)

The Corpus only use energy weapons and I think if it would be an Infested weapon, it wouldn't shoot a Capsule but instead a little Parasite thingy.

But I guess in the end, it would be DE's Choice ^^


The Strategy:

So this weapon fills a very specific role... and obviously not everyone will understand it right away...

Basically what it does, is applying a Status effect to an enemy (or multiple enemies if it becomes a capsule shooter).

It already has Radiation "installed" but if people use the Pistol Pestilence Mod, they will have Radiation and Poison (which will do almost nothing, because the Weapon only does 1 Damage...)

So the best things to do with it are:


a) Use it to hit a heavy unit surrounded by weaker enemies, so that they attack that heavy unit and kill it (or the Heavy unit kills the weaker enemies. That's fine too.)


b) Add Blast to it, so you can throw a really dangerous enemy to the ground for a few seconds.

Can be used to run away from Ancient Infested or just to stop those nasty Napalms from shooting.


c) Add Viral to cut the health of an enemy by half. I don't know if it works on bosses though... may be a little bit OP if it would...


d) Add Corrosive or Magnetic to reduce shield or Armor. Though if you want to reduce armor, the Tysis may be better for that, because when it adds a Status effect, you can be 100% sure that it will be Corrosive.


e) What most people will do when they don't understand this weapon's usefullness... level it to 30 and sell it.

That's OK too, I guess ^^'



So these are my ideas, what do you think?

Would you use such a gun?

Would you prefer the Pistol Version, that has no flight time and instantly adds the effect, or rather the Capsule shooter that applies the effect on multiple enemies?

And who do you think would create such a weapon?




Found this picture in the Art Gallery in the Codex.

It would be perfect for the Capsule shooter, don't you think?


Edited by DaSxBaDOS
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If you had multiple stati on your weapon, such as putting both magnetic and radiation on, does it proc both, or choose randomly from between them? Maybe that would be a use for above 100% status chance? A chance to proc both at once?

As I said, I put Radiation on my Tysis, which does Corrosive Damage already. If you shoot an enemy with it, it chooses a Status effect by random.

So I guess with a chance of over 100% you could technically get either twice the effect or two effects. But I think the Devs would have to confirm that. ITM the highest Status Chance you can get is 92% with the Tysis. So nobody really knows :I

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OP, you should note that there are already guns that have a guaranteed status proc (a recent example would be castanas which will always proc the electric effect).


But, I wouldn't be opposed to your idea as we can't change the element in which weapons like castanas will proc. At the moment such weapons will have their guaranteed element effect as well as any other element gained through modding (except added elements won't have a guaranteed proc).

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OP, you should note that there are already guns that have a guaranteed status proc (a recent example would be castanas which will always proc the electric effect).


But, I wouldn't be opposed to your idea as we can't change the element in which weapons like castanas will proc. At the moment such weapons will have their guaranteed element effect as well as any other element gained through modding (except added elements won't have a guaranteed proc).

Never used the Castanas before, so thanks for sharing that knowledge with me ^^


it should be a flare gun looking thing but it doesnt have an element it just has whichever one you put on it

That wouldn't work, because it would need a base damage... And we can't just use Slash/Impact/Puncture, because then it would Proc Slash/Impact/Puncture :I

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There would be one major flaw with this entire idea.

You cant get experience with a weapon unless you kill something with it, or another player kills something.

Therefore, it will completely alienate the solo players, as they will literally be unable to level this weapon. Not to mention leveling it would be slow as hell for everyone.

Otherwise, I like the idea.

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how about an impact based hand cannon? (not brakk/detron handcannon btw)


it would function similar to the Penta but with a timed detonation instead and would only use impact damage on both the hit and explosion, both adaptable with elemental mods.


and please don't make the dmg just 1 as the elemental mods only use an percentage of that damage. I'd suggest something between 30 and 75.

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There would be one major flaw with this entire idea.

You cant get experience with a weapon unless you kill something with it, or another player kills something.

Damn, you're right :/

That really would be a problem...

I actually haven't thought of that, because I am ALWAYS playing with my clan ^^'


and please don't make the dmg just 1 as the elemental mods only use an percentage of that damage. I'd suggest something between 30 and 75.

You obviously didn't read my Post... I already stated "This weapon ist NOT about dealing Damage!"

I know that elemental Damage scales on the Base Damage... and thats exactly why it should be 1, so that it never EVER does any damage even if you throw 8 Damage Mods in it.

I say it again... this weapon is NOT about killing stuff, it's about debuffing the enemy so that you can kill them easier with your Primary, or they kill each other because of the Radiation Proc.




Seeing these two Posts I ask myself a question...

Which gun get's the EXP, if the enemy kill each other because of Radiation Proc?

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It wouldn't work to put on radiation because then i'm pretty sure you couldn't make any other effects on it using fire or electric-If you put on electric damage it won't do electric proc it will just add to the radiation damage of one.  Please tell me if i'm wrong.   

If a Gun already has a double-element, you can add a single element to it. For example, the Tysis (yes the Tysis again ^^') already has Poison + Electricity, but you can still put a mod in it to add Poison or Electricity on their own. But if you add both Mods, it will become Corrosive again and add to the natural Corrosive damage.

The funny thing about weapons that already have double-elements as their base element is, that you can have 3 double elements on them.

For example the Penta has Blast (Fire + Frost). If you add a Frost, you get Blast and Frost. If you add Electricity then, you get Blast and Magnetism. Add another fire and Poision Mod and you get Blast, Magnetism AND Gas. That way you have 3 combined Elements on your gun.

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You obviously didn't read my Post... I already stated "This weapon ist NOT about dealing Damage!"

i did, just trying to fix this issue:


There would be one major flaw with this entire idea.

You cant get experience with a weapon unless you kill something with it, or another player kills something.

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