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Just One Of Those "small" Things That Matter


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Greetings Tenno..


So today I will be just talking about one of the few things I think of that could just be "one of those small things" that complete the game in a whole.. 

Well, as you know the Melee 2.0 is right around the corner and with Parkour 2.0 around the quarter we have a few things we would like to see. 


As for me, here is one thought I had yesterday about the knockback system and how that could be improved for a better experience, not only for me as a Veteran in this game, but also for the newcommers that we see every day. 

One of the things that annoy me the most, is the impossibility of not being able to cancle out a knockback from a "heavy" for example. Lets say, with Melee 2.0 and Parkour 2.0 (this could even work now with current system and coding i presume) That would be a complete of this thought, and more of it is to be seen.


As for the knockback, there is ways of "ignoring" or getting over the knockback ofcourse but imagine this:


Here is a sketch I made in paint (im not very precise drawer with the mouse) and I do apologize if it is unable to understand.



Mastery Points counting towards this kinda stuff in the future? Might be a bad thing, but also a encourgement to do them more, and more and MOAR! 


Thanks for reading through, and if you like the idea, why not give it a like? =D 



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Not gonna happen. Adding a recovery move would &!$$ off the hardcore elites and would make our frames more ninja instead of arthritic grandmas. This is bad btw. In the mean time can I suggest you some rare lazy band-aids like 



Edited by WhisperByte
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Not gonna happen. Adding a recovery move would &!$$ off the hardcore elites and would make our frames more ninja instead of arthritic grandmas. This is bad btw. In the mean time can I suggest you some rare lazy band-aids like 




I know it might be frustrating for the hardcore formad ultra ninja space knockdown resisters. But with the fact that Tenno is ninja, I feel like it would be a nice future for 2.0 or later in the future. I fully agree on the statement you made, because I frankly forgot about these mods for a sec. I thought of the future, but that might be just me sometimes.




While looking at this... I thought to myself, forget about the idea, make the idea into something that already is... An idea. The thing I would like to see if this is a factor for the players. Make it a Mod! A mod that applies to the knockback effect, with these mods already here for "Knockback" RECOVERY, make a mod that applies to being able to execute this ability mid-air while knockback. Why, you ask? Well, these other mods are for knockback "recovery" and not really interfearing with that idea. So why not? =D

Edited by Cpt_Atroxium
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