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Tons Of Ideas


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Ok, I made a bunch of threads not knowing this was here. SO! I am putting everything from those threads here. Prepare for mass suggesting!


Clown Frame: A frame which uses circus tricks to entice and trick her foe into a false sense of security. (Totally didn't get the idea from Rima's Clown Drop from Shugo Chara, ahahahahaaa! Kisuke!)

        -Ability 1: Bam!: <insert name here> throws a random object at the foe, dealing a random amount of damage. Items can range from juggling pins to cotton candy to chainsaws.

        -Ability 2 (Idea 1): Ring of Fire!: <insert name here> throws a ring of fire which grows in size and burns anything that it touches. Warning: Do not use a hula-hoop. Could cause you to sneeze confetti.

        -Ability 2 (Idea 2): Cannonball!: <insert name here> summons a large cannon in which they fire themselves out of it at enemies. It can also be used for mobility. Fires in a diagonal upwards direction when on ground, and a diagonal downwards direction when in the air, which causes a quake, knocking enemies down.

        -Ability 3: Alakazam!: <insert name here> pops confetti, causing them to dissapear in the fury of colorful paper.

        -Ability 4: Final Act!: <insert name here> summons juggling pins in her hands, which dissapear and appear around all nearby foes, exploding and also causing blast damage which can hurt any enemies near the explosion.


Cowboy Frame: A frame which uses deadly accuracy and wisdom from the west learned from ancient texts of an old time on Earth known as the "Wild, Wild West".

        -Ability 1: Howdy: <insert name here> uses his trusty six-shooter to fire a high impact round which does great damage to enemies in its path.

        -Ability 2: Woah boy!: <insert name here> throws out a wire lasso which he uses to pull enemies near him, allowing for close range combat. Upgrading increases how many lassos can be thrown out.

        -Ability 3: Sandstorm: <insert name here> creates a sandstorm, limiting visibility for enemies. Team mates can see the outlines of enemies.

        -Ability 4 (Idea 1): Feelin' Lucky?: <insert name here> uses his trusty six-shooter to lock onto multiple enemies' weak points and fire round after round into their weak points, dealing massive damage to large numbers of foes.

        -Ability 4 (Idea 2): Wisdom of the West: <insert name here> pulls out a twin set of six-shooters, and uses his skillful aim to hit any enemies weak point, dealing massive damage, while at the same time <insert name here> becomes invincible.


Construction Frame: A frame which uses his large brain to build countless kinds of machines to aid him in combat. (Good for defense.)

        -Ability 1: Seekers: <insert name here> throws out a bunch of small robots which fly towards enemies and explode on impact, but only do minor damage because of size, mainly used for knocking down foes.

        -Ability 2: Sentry: <insert name here> throws out an ai-controlled sentry gun which locks onto targets and shoots with a massive fire rate.

        -Ability 3: Rocket Sentry: <insert name here> throws out a second kind of sentry which fires rockets instead of bullets.

        -Ability 4: It's alive!: <insert name here> uses his genius brain to create a large robot out of nearby scrab which aids its master by clobbering all foes in its path.


Seraphic Frame: A frame which uses holy power to smite unjust foes.

        -Ability 1: Holy Lance: <insert name here> summons light to her hands to throw out a lance of pure light. Can penetrate through foes and stick them to walls.

        -Ability 2: Holy Light: <insert name here> creates a bright light which blinds nearby foes. (Like Excal's Radial Blind)

        -Ability 3: Holy Flame: <insert name here> sets nearby foes on fire.

        -Ability 4: Heaven's Gate: <insert name here> unleashes all the powers of Heaven, spearing all nearby foes with Holy Lance's. (Not like Radial Javelin, she summons the lances at the enemies like my idea for the Ability 4 on the Clown Frame.)


Speed Frame: Uses her massive speed to break the light barrier and flash step around her foes.

       -Ability 1: Flash Step: <insert name here> moves quickly, breaking the light barrier and appearing to teleport in the direction she's facing a short distance. (Upgrading increases the distance she can teleport, and Stretch would help as well.)

       -Ability 2: Flash Dash: Boost your speed for a short amount of time to cover a long distance. (Like Volt's Speed, but only affects you and allows you to move much faster.)

       -Ability 3: Flash Blaze: <insert name here> target's an enemy and quickly begins landing heavy blows on them from multiple directions by moving at immense speeds.

       -Ability 4: Ultimate Flash: <insert name here> unleashes her speed upon the world around her, slowing down time (including for other frames) and allowing her to continue moving at normal speeds while at the same time being able to land devastating finishers if she gets near an enemy.


I might think of more crazy and fun ideas, but I think we need more variety than just combat oriented-frames. We need frames that aren't just meant for killing things and being entirely ninjas. We need fun! It IS a game after all. Anyways, comment on your thoughts. :D


-Alternate Armor: Ok, we have alternate helmets which can give us alternate abilities, but why not alternate armors as well? Maybe give Excal the design of Hayden Tenno's armor, or make it so Trinity looks like she isn't wearing a skirt, but a tighter armor with a design to it or something. Possibly give Ash an actual kimono (or put that in my clothes idea above *wink wink* *nudge nudge*). It would help us stand out in a crowd, and standing out in a crowd would make it a lot more fun, so we can do such things as a fashion show! Swap your armors, helmets and clothes (from idea above) and let's see if you look cool enough to win cold hard credits (or platinum if the host is really rich ;P).


-Removable helmets: Many of us have made concept art, and are pretty much dying to see what those Tenno look like under the armor, so why not make helmets able to be hidden so it shows an actual face and hair. Maybe even give Vauban a Cuban cigar. He sure looks like he'd smoke one from that helmet design. If we can interchange helmets, why not make it so we can remove them? They're able to be removed somehow since the Warframe is needed to help with the powers unless you follow the lore of Dark Sector where they are mutated from the Technocyte Virus and get powers from that mutation, in which hey, why not be able to remove all the armor and just wear clothes like mentioned above, although then we wouldn't be able to use mods. It didn't really alter Hayden that much besides build the armor around his body, and he was able to disable the helm so his face could be shown, and he looked perfectly human. If this isn't what happened to him (with the armor, not the helm, because I know the helm can be dismantled by the armor since I saw it on a video), someone please correct me.


-Clothes for the Tenno: The Warframes are cool and all, but come on, they're so boring. Everyone who has the same Warframe practically sees the same thing, all that's really changed are the colors and the head. So why not go even further than syandanas? Why not allow us to purchase bps (or use plat) to buy outfits for our Tenno. Dress up our Warframe to make them really stand out in the crowd! I want to get my boy Ash a hooded robe so I can color it white and pretend he's an Assassin from Assassin's creed! Or dress up Excal with a trench coat so he looks cool while slicing others to little tiny pieces. Get some boots, pants, and fingerless gloves. He will look kickin'! Dress up my Trinity with a nice red dress or skirt to accent her already beautiful armor. Or give Vauban a sweater with a sleeveless jacket and rugged jeans to make him look like a lumberjack, with boots and all! Come on, we need more ways to look unique in this game. Don't tell Nekros but I'd love to see him in a clown outfit.


A few things I'd like to see are:


-Sign Decorations: It would be nice to be able to make signs that we can put text on to show which rooms are what since it's a pain to tell which labs are which in the Dojo. I'd also like it to be able to make a sign for my next idea vvvvvv. Make it be able to hang on walls or be on a pole where you place it. It would make the Dojo a bit more organized imo. Just make sure to put a word limit.


-Locked Doors: What I mean by this is that it would be neat to be able to lock certain doors so only certain ranks can go through. I was hoping to get this because I wanted to build a second floor for just me and my other commanders so we can just hang out without all the hussle and bussle of all the members down below (we aren't a large clan, so that isn't a problem... yet). Maybe have our own "Officer Discussion" tab which could allow us to talk. Sure we can talk using Steam chat but since we can't do shift+tab to bring up the Steam menu and chat on there, we have to alt tab out to check the chat, and it's a pain in the neck.


-Party Room: Everyone likes a party with dancing and music. So why not have a humongous room where you can play music throughout it, and even have a dance animation depending on which Warframe you are wielding at the moment. Would be much better than tea bagging the ground, I assure you. I'd love to see Nekros do the Thriller dance, or Volt do the Electric Slide, and can my boy Frost get a dance for Ice Ice Baby? And as a stupid crazy idea, add party cannons where we can shoot ourselves out of to try to hit a target to earn points. And disable Valkyr's abilities, that's cheating! ;3 Another cool thing, a dart board with the Stalker's head as the background! >:3 Add any other things that you devs like Megan and Rebecca can come up with considering their most recent party on the game.


-Dojo Reset: Mentioned a couple times in other posts, I'd like a Dojo Reset function. I have tons of things wrong with my Dojo and I want to rebuild it from the ground up. Make it more concise for people so they can access the features much more easily. Refund all room and decoration funds, and keep research. We needs our research now, y'hear?


-Diner/Relaxation Room: Our Tenno have been working ever so hard keeping the peace in this universe, they just need to sit down and rest. Why not make a room that has seats you can sit in or couches to lay on? Maybe even remake that cryopod barracks into a room with a bunch of interactable beds that you can lay down on and rest on. It's tiresome standing around all day and shooting things, and sitting down on a floating symbol in space is not a way to rest.


-Workout Room: The Tenno need to stay in shape! Okay maybe not since they're super human, but still! Add a room in the Dojo that has such things as treadmills, stationary bikes, and other things. Even add some music to play while working out. Then after that, head to the break room (from idea above "Diner/Relaxation Room"). Just watch out that you don't get burned from Ember while she works up not just a sweat, but a flame! And make sure to wear deodorant, compliments of the Lotus. That means you too, Nekros! I don't care if you're already pretty much dead! You're still gonna stink!


-Training Room: Create a room where you can select what kind of training you want, such as:

       -Stealth Training: Sneak through vents, around enemies, and on girders to reach the goal in the shortest amount of time. Powers are disabled so Warframes like Ash and Loki don't use cloak.

       -Weapon Training: Fight off crowds of enemies with as much firepower as you can muster! Slaughter your way through waves of enemies and see if you can beat the most waves before you get overwhelmed and defeated! Don't worry, they're just holograms, so you want die. Hey, what's that Charger doing in he-AAAAAAAAH!! AAAAAAAH!!!! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME! -gunshot is heard- How did it get in here? We're in a building in SPACE! It's impossible!

       -Range Training: Test out your skills in the firing range! Moving targets and popping targets are only a small amount of what you will see in here. Are you able to shoot a dead shot on a target 1000 feet away... with a pistol? Don't run towards it, that's cheating.


I know I suggested a ton, and I will likely come up with more later, but I just couldn't help it, I would love to see a ton of stuff! :D


-More redesigned models for weapons: Why not go back to our roots and use the glaive from Dark Sector (as a skin for the regular glaive)? Or turn that Vasto into an old school Western revolver? It would be nice to see the Skana and some other longswords get skins of katanas and things, and even make the Galatine look like either a claymore or great sword. Let's see that Ballistica get turned into a modern day (our modern day, not theirs) one handed pistol crossbow. I'd also love to see the Lex and Aklex made into M9A1s or some other form of pistol like a Desert Eagle. I know this will probably be hard, but it would be pretty cool.



Edit: Btw, yes, I come up with crazy and kooky ideas because they sound like fun. It is a video game after all, fun is a part of it.

Edited by ShiningArmor
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