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How Would You Balance Trinity?


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In a pvp game yes. In pve yes as well but to a much lesser degree. Blessing allows non skilled players and under-geared players to see content while invulnerable it hurts but not as much as playing with an ultra nuker like nova or saryn there's little to be enjoyed after being completely rendered useless by map clearing ultimates.

Trinity's blessing isn't a huge issue as much as the core issues that allow it to last as long as it does being mods but mods apply to everything and you've pointed it out before. Just saying singling out frames one at a time doesn't solve crap.

Also what does blessing actually trivialize blessing isn't and automatic win button in any mission (except deception/spy which need to be reworked anyway) on its own? If you can not kill fast enough you're almost just as screwed as before.

Well, being immortal allows a certain degree of freedom in killing everythhing. Like rushing into a crowd for better application of ability, or using melee for quick CC. It isn't an "I win" button for sure, but it makes content rather trivial, removing (to a certain degree) the danger of failing because of death of all or some players.

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