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Why All The Hate On Nova?


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Tada, thank you. At high level it´s mostly the slowing down. I dont know about you guys but my Anti matter drop just insta flies off when i try to put damage in..

Quite frequently it bugs and moves slower then Frost Prime with a Hobbled key, I've done 135k damage with it in about 10 game metres.

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have nova, only using for hardcore clan / friend survivals, 


on public, i feel bad for the team whenever im spamming 4 with nova, i refuse to use her - she aint fun

i only use her only for high level stuff or quick alerts and farming. I play trinity 2nd most after that.

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Well, people cannot bear to see a Nova rip enemies apart before their precious 8 Formaed Soma, and complain about KS. In this co-op game.


Whats the point of playing if I can't kill anything. As soon as enemies arrive boom all gone it takes out all the fun.

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Nova's ult is annoying because it doesn't require intent. Every other nuker frame requires you actually intend to kill something. Nova can cast her ult and hit everything in a giant radius and go do her own thing, but indirectly kill all the stuff other people are trying to kill. Instead of me dealing with a group of creeps, nova incidentally kills them all with MPrime as soon as I shoot the first one, leaving me with nothing to do. It's not that we don't get XP or kills it's that we didn't cause the kills at all. For nova, causing the mprime chain is part of your ult, so you feel good about it and feel like you did stuff. For others, triggering the mprime chain feels boring because nova is the one who killed everything there and she isn't even nearby. If MPrime didn't have the explosion chain, I would have literally no problems with her. In fact, I'd be happy to see her because it meant that we're basically getting a damage buff :D

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Because early game Nova can easily take all the fun out of the game for other players by over using 4


Get past early/mid game and Nova Ult no longer one-shots everything insight or explosion range and starts being a incredible debuff


Early / Mid game Antimatter Drop Spamming is not very fun at all for the other 3 players

The still get EXP excuses is weak. You don't play for the EXP. You play to have fun / shoot stuff / use cool abilities / actually do damage and get EXP while you do it

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Her power can kill anything under level 30 in one hit. Her ultimate makes ITSELF stronger just by using it.


People who play as her mostly go crazy with using it and only use it, thereby taking the fun in killing enemies out of the game since there aren't any around to kill.

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I can't speak for other people but I don't like playing with Novas on my team because I like using guns like the sniper rifles and shot guns to use skill or run around plowing through enemies.  This is how I have fun.


When a Nova is on my team swoooooooooooooop boom all enemies are gone.  no fun left for me to have. 

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I tend to use Nova a lot and I loved seeing enemies explode. But back then I also learned that some of my friends got ticked off when I use it too much, and sooner or later I learned much about how Nova's AMD and MP tend to ruin others' enjoyment.


So I learned my lesson.


Nowadays you really just see me using MP/AMD when it's really needed/when asked, otherwise I uuh... I use Wormhole a lot.

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Why is everyone always bashing on Nova. Or asking for nerfs ETC? Snowglobe is too OP. That is too OP. My general idea of the game is playing it with 3 friends in a party chat and having fun and trying to beat high level stuff. Conclave isn't that fun or special in any form since you can instagib anyone with a modded gun.. So i'm curious why there are so many complaints about stuff being "OP" especially about Nova and being a noob when playing nova.. 

I love killing things, that's the reason I play this game, Nova kills everything instantly, it makes the game a lot less fun for me. That's the reason why I personally don't like her.

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Am I the only one actually thinking that nova is S#&$?

I don't know that I'd go that far, but, out of all of my warframes (Mag, Ember, Nyx, Oberon, Valkyr, Nova), I find Nova the least useful, the most fragile, and the one of the hardest to get kills with.

Hell, by the time I even try to fire off her ultimate, half the stuff in the room is dead anyway. Also her default forma slots are bad, and any of her good abilities chomp down on her energy something harsh. Max Streamline and Flow are to expensive for a practical build without forma. plus, everyone wants you to be there teleport monkey.

Or that's my experience.

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I don't know that I'd go that far, but, out of all of my warframes (Mag, Ember, Nyx, Oberon, Valkyr, Nova), I find Nova the least useful, the most fragile, and the one of the hardest to get kills with.

Hell, by the time I even try to fire off her ultimate, half the stuff in the room is dead anyway. Also her default forma slots are bad, and any of her good abilities chomp down on her energy something harsh. Max Streamline and Flow are to expensive for a practical build without forma. plus, everyone wants you to be there teleport monkey.

Or that's my experience.


And least fun: Press 4 - Shoot - Press 4 - Shoot - Press 4 - ...

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I haven't seen the Nova abuse yet, so I still like her. I use her, but I don't spam powers on any WF, unless I'm totally surrounded and feel I need to. I use MP if there are a lot of enemies near me, but I don't get the complaints - Whenever I see someone in the middle of enemies, they hit 4 and kill everything too. I guess Nova's 4th is faster, and so people don't like it? It's true that some 4th are slow like Mag...she picks them up, then someone else hits 4 and kills them all in the air, lol.


We all share XP, so I really don't care at all. My friends think it's funny to try to kill all the enemies I pick up, before Mag finishes crushing them :P I usually use Nova because I like her 1st ability - I use the 4th only when I feel I need it. I also don't use Nova over and over though, I swap around my various Frames usually every other mission (unless leveling a Frame).


Wouldn't Saryn's 4th be worse? Isn't that basically an instant kill? Or does MP just have more range? I'm missing some of the mentioned mods in earlier posts, so maybe that's why I don't get why MP is so amazing.

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Wouldn't Saryn's 4th be worse? Isn't that basically an instant kill? Or does MP just have more range? I'm missing some of the mentioned mods in earlier posts, so maybe that's why I don't get why MP is so amazing.

Saryn's is only a near-instant kill with Fleeting Expertise to push the duration down.  But yeah, it's the range factor.  Really, most of the complaints about M-Prime would disappear (or shift to just being about ultimates in general) if she didn't have that huge radius.


Beyond the radius factor though, there's some other factors:

1.  Nova is faster than Saryn.  Being at the front of your group tends to be the big factor in who does the damage.

2.  It has additional effects, with the slow and double damage.  A major source of damage also being a great debuff...

3.  Saryn really wants that Fleeting Expertise, otherwise stuff takes longer to die, and therefore people get to shoot stuff.  M-Prime = boom with or without it.

4.  Saryn's other abilities are a bit more muddled, and she gives up some power for survivability.  So you see a lot more Novas than Saryn's.


There's probably a psychological component as well.  When I use Miasma, stuff is dead, gone.  With M-Prime, it's there, tantalizingly close, that group of mobs just waiting for you to shoot it.  But then you so much as sneeze on one and poof, all gone.


Mostly though, radius.  If Miasma had the same insane radius as M-Prime, people would be complaining about it as well.

Edited by Axterix13
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People hate the people that spam her ult, max energy efficiency lets nova spam the s*** out of it non stop so all you do in a mission is try to keep up and watch the firework show. But it's the same with people doing perma invincibility on trinity and then spamming ogris or penta, requires no skill and takes all the fun out of the game.

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What I don't quite get is why nova.  The issues nearly everyone has listed in this topic are not exclusive to nova.  Rushers who want to be door heroes will do it on any frame.  Vanguard Rhino's dashing ahead, stomping, and then leaving the rest of the group to clean up so he can only stomp again at the next wave of enemies 2 miles ahead.  Mag, even if she's at the back of the group, can pull everything in a room behind her, and if that doesn't kill it her shield polarize will.  Saryn can clear a crowd nearly as quickly as Mprime.  Really, any frame with a decent AoE damage ability can accomplish the same effect until you start going up past level 30ish, which even molecular prime starts to fall off at too.


The only valid things I might suggest would be that Molecular Prime could do with a modest nerf to its range and a "power in use" for when there are primed enemies left.

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Seems silly to me. I love having novas around, and I love it even more when they take all the kills.

Kills I make myself only go to my warframe, or my weapon (depending on what I used to kill things.)

But kills from other people feed ALL my gear, so I don't mind novas at all.


Some people will pick just about anything to whine about...

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People hate the people that spam her ult, max energy efficiency lets nova spam the s*** out of it non stop so all you do in a mission is try to keep up and watch the firework show. But it's the same with people doing perma invincibility on trinity and then spamming ogris or penta, requires no skill and takes all the fun out of the game.

As opposed to the high levels of skill this game requires normally.

I understand a lot of people think that pointing at an enemy and pressing the left mouse button equals leet skills, but I don't really agree.

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