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[Warframe Concept] Zamorit - An Infested Warframe


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First of all, why...?
- I don't know man... The shower is a mystical place of knowledge...


Anyway, Zamorit is a Infested warframe. The Tenno, himself isn't Infested, but the warframe has a "colony" of infested on it.
Anything with a * is susceptible to change





                               [unranked]   [Rank 30]

Health:                    [    150     ]   [    500   ]

Shield Capacity:     [     50      ]   [    125   ]
Energy:                   [    100     ]   [    150   ]
Armor:                     [               20             ]         [Depends on area]*

Sprint:                     [              .95             ]      







-The Infestation on Zamorit's frame gains 80/120/160/190 armor.

-Initially grants Fossilized's Weaknesses and Resistances
-Using 4th skill on grineer changes this skill.
   -Increases armor gain from 80/120/160/190 to 85/130/175/210
    -Grants Ferrite/Alloy-based health points based on enemy consumed.



-Zamorit lets out a blood-curdling scream; terrifying nearby enemies.

-Causes nearby enemies to enter into a state of panic.
   -Lasts for 3/4/5/6 Seconds.
   -Affects enemies within 5/10/15/20 Meters
-Calls all enemy agro to you.
-Reduces enemy attack damage.
-Costs 25 Energy.
-Keep in mind that multiple casts on enemies that were in the same room has reduced effects, until effects are almost non-existent.


-Deals 100/200/300/400 damage to your selected foe.

-Increases max health by 100/150/200/250.
-Gives health regeneration; regenerating 20/35/50/70% of your max health over time.
   -Grineer and Corpus grant extra armor/shield, but less health.
          -Grineer's cloned flesh and armor, grant 20/30/40/50 armor 
          -Due to grineer detoriation, however, it only grants; 70/120/150/180 Bonus Max Health
   -Corpus Machinery grant 50/100/150/200 Max Shield Capacity.
          -Though increasing shielding, Corpus machinery does not grant max health.
          -Corpus crew men still gives 100/150/200/250 max health, but reducing shield capacity gains to 25/50/75/100.
-Like the 4th skill, gains CAN be shed off by excessive enemy fire.*
-Regeneration might be able to stack.





- Zamorit "consumes" an enemy/group of enemies.

- Consuming enemies increases stats.
      -Grineer increases Armor.
        -Resistance to damage, which are effective against cloned flesh, decreases.
      -Corpus increases Shield Capacity.
        -Resistance against damage, which are effective against robotics, decreases.

           -Resistance decrease to robotics damage only applies if the majority of consumed enemies are robotic.

      -Infested increases Health.
        -Resistance to damage, which are effected against Infested Flesh, decreases.

- All 3 stats can't increase at the same time on one cast.

     -Stat increase depends on the majority of enemy type consumed.
- Each cast of Strávit changes appearance. (Requires that you consume at least one enemy)

- Cast consumes 100 energy and 80 stamina.*

- Keep in mind that taking enough damage removes assimilated parts, effectively removing the stats they give.

-Changes 1st skill's armor gain.

-Stacks with 3rd skill's health and shield capacity gains.




(/o.o)/ Appearance \(o.o\)



- Zamorit's head is similar to the Ancient's head, with tentacles. It, however, has warframe elements to it's appearance.
   -The head's appearance changes upon strávit's first cast.
     -Consuming Grineer gives the Grineer's skull like mask and the bio-luminescence of the tentacles turn yellow, similar to the Ancient Healer's tentacles.

     -Consuming Corpus gives the Iconic crewman's helmet and the bio-luminescence of the tentacles turn red, similar to the Ancient Disruptor's tentacles.

     -Consuming Infested gives you the ancient's "halo" sort-of-thingy. It also gives you green bio-luminescence, similar to the Toxic Ancient's. Consuming Infested also "overrides" all warframe elements of the appearance.



- Zamorit's body has IInfestation clinging on his body, but not entirely covering it. It is more akin to the Leaper's appearance.
  -The body's appearance changes upon strávit's second cast.
    -Grineer gives chunks of their armor, maybe giving you shoulder pads, random parts, or one of their masks on a random place.
    -Corpus gives different alterations depending on which enemy you consume. Crewmen don't give much, maybe a hint of their uniform or helmet. Moas give your torso a more robotic feel, maybe with a turret on your shoulder. Ospreys make you more robotic, like the Moas, however it is different enough from the Moa's alterations to be unique. Ospreys may give their wings/engines, sadly their are non operational and do not glow; preventing you from flying around. D:

    -Infested simply overrides warframe elements from your appearance. They may, perhaps, give you bio-luminescence, feelers, and gas sacks. (They are moving aesthetic parts and are not static.)


~Lower Half~

- Zamorit's lower-half seems to be one of the most infested parts of his body, it is almost completely covered by Infestation. However, there is a glimpse of the warframe beneath.
   -The lower-half's appearance changes upon strávit's third cast.
     -Grineer simply gives your legs chunks of armor.
     -Corpus alterations, again, differs depending on unit. Crewmen don't really give much, however there is a notable change with crewmen characteristics. Moas and Ospreys gives the legs a robotic touch. Moas give your legs a similar appearance to theirs, only Infested. Ospreys might give you their wings/engines.




Some Specifics?


  Now, you all know that Zamorit's frame is Infested, but what if he takes damage? Damaging Zamorit visibly removes chunks of Infestation, which open up weaknesses where you have considerably less armor. However! Unlike other warframes, Zamorit has health regen. The health regen kicks in when you are out of combat for quite a bit of time, but health regen lowers the effectiveness of health orbs. Health regen automatically kicks in after attacking with your 3rd skill activated. Not only does your 3rd skill automatically activate your regen, but it also boosts it. Your boosted regen plus the 3rd skills Life Steal might be OP, but keep in mind that you take ENORMOUS amounts of damage while your 3rd skill is active due to a huge drop in armor (Almost non-existent on some areas)


   Now you might have noticed that in the appearance department, that his appearance changes with the use of his 4th skill. I must inform you that this change is not only aesthetic! Yes, consuming enemies increases your stats on a whole, but on certain areas there are different effects. Let's say you consumed a Grineer on your first cast, a Corpus on your second, and an Infested on your third. This means that the head-to-shoulder area of your warframe has the ressitance and weaknesses of Grineer armor (Depends on consumed units), your shoulder-to-waist area has the resistance and weaknesses of Corpus units, and your waist-to-feet are has the resistance and weaknesses of Infested (Depends on consumed unit.).


Specifics on Resistances and Weaknesses on 4th Skill
(Susceptible to Change)

How it works:

-After consuming, lets say, Grineer; you will gain stat boosts and gain their respective strengths and weaknesses. But what if their strenghts and weaknesses overlap?
Well... let's say you got boosts that both increase and decrease your resistance to impact...
One increases resistance by 50% and the other decreases it by 25%
Well, it's simple math! 50 - 25 = 25
So this means you only receive a 25% boost.
But be warned; negatives also overlap, meaning that two -25% puncture will decrease puncture resist by 50%!


Cloned Flesh


-25% Impact

-50% Gas


+25% Slash     

+25% Heat     

+75% Viral


Ferrite Armor


-15% Slash 

-25% Blast


+25% Toxin

+50% Puncture


+75% Corrosive



Alloy Armor


-25% Toxin

-25% Viral

+15% Puncture

+25% Cold

+75% Radiation



-25% Toxin

-25% Viral


+25% Impact

+50% Electricity

+75% Blast




-Everything here might, and will, change.
-Feedback is accepted, both positive and negative.
-Yes, the frame might be imbalanced, but that's what I'm counting on you guys on!
-Please note that this is my first time trying to make a frame, and that I only had 5 minutes.

Edited by (PS4)AFI-kun
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I am in love with your stats, its so hard to find a fan made frame that has balanced stats

Haha, thanks! :P

Is it really that hard to find a fan made frame with balanced stats? I found it quite easy...


Anyways, did you find anything unbalanced about it that might need tweaking?

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Update Log!
3/9/14 1:27 AM

-Added Grineer consume resistance increase and decrease.

-Right now it's simply a copy paste from the Damage 2.0 Table.
To be added next edit:
-Corpus and Infested resistance Tables.
-Fixing resistance table to scale depending on how many you've consumed



-Machine based units only give half, perhaps only a quarter, of their resistances.
-This is due to Infestation "Failing" to assimilate it.


3/9/14 9:45 AM

-First, second, third skills have been changed, opting for sustainability and acting as a "bullet sponge" for team mates.

-Resistance tables are still being worked on.
-Special thanks to Sasoka for the skills!

To be added next:
-Resistance tables and how they scale.
-Minor tweaks throughout!

Edited by (PS4)AFI-kun
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Haha, thanks! :P

Is it really that hard to find a fan made frame with balanced stats? I found it quite easy...


Anyways, did you find anything unbalanced about it that might need tweaking?

not yet its a lot of reading and picturing in my head to see how it works

edit: ok so your first ability while it doesn't make to much sense it seems pretty good but you can easily turn down the energy cost to 25 without the loss of health also just a tip because I make a few frames myself setting up stats that work like this (see bottom) helps a lot for level of the ability, most ability costs, if not all, work like this 25 50 75 100 but because yours takes some health you can probably lower the cost and one thing I found with stats you gave him low shields and armor which is a really bad combo armor only goes on health so lower leveled armor generally rely's on a big shield buffer and because its infested based you can make it ancient infested were they have armor and health in fact now that I mention it you could make your 1st ability take health energy sort of like an ancient to make it more interesting

example for leveling abilities 75/100/125/150

Edited by Sasoka
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not yet its a lot of reading and picturing in my head to see how it works

edit: ok so your first ability while it doesn't make to much sense it seems pretty good but you can easily turn down the energy cost to 25 without the loss of health also just a tip because I make a few frames myself setting up stats that work like this (see bottom) helps a lot for level of the ability, most ability costs, if not all, work like this 25 50 75 100 but because yours takes some health you can probably lower the cost


I see...

Thanks for the tip!

I'll work on this after I get some sleep.

I'm working on the basics for the 4th skill mechanic then going to sleep. :/

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ok so for ability number 2 its sadly a lot like the 1st one that one would need some change maybe this one or maybe even the 3rd one could be made into something that turns an enemy into a charger that fights for you so would blow up right in the middle of a crowd of enemies staggering them or you could, like in the 3rd one, give yourself melee damage buffs but along with it have like run speed have health regen so your like the phorid almost but its meant to help you survive and fight not tank or anything. 4th ability is pretty interesting but not really ult feel behind it I have some ideas for it but will wait for what you think so far for my review on this

Edited by Sasoka
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ok so for ability number 2 its sadly a lot like the 1st one that one would need some change maybe this one or maybe even the 3rd one could be made into something that turns an enemy into a charger that fights for you so would blow up right in the middle of a crowd of enemies staggering them

I'm thinking of changing the abilities soon; mainly with focus on sustainability and acting as a sort of "bullet sponge"

Truthfully I want him to be a tank/support, however, with his current abilities I don't think he fulfills this role. Looking back he seems to be more of a DPS right now, I WILL change his abilities soon though.

Current Skills will be archived in case they are needed.

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ok so for ability number 2 its sadly a lot like the 1st one that one would need some change maybe this one or maybe even the 3rd one could be made into something that turns an enemy into a charger that fights for you so would blow up right in the middle of a crowd of enemies staggering them or you could, like in the 3rd one, give yourself melee damage buffs but along with it have like run speed have health regen so your like the phorid almost but its meant to help you survive and fight not tank or anything. 4th ability is pretty interesting but not really ult feel behind it I have some ideas for it but will wait for what you think so far for my review on this

I can't really think of new ideas for abilities right now, but they might change.

Well, my logic for the abilities are as follows:


1st Skill:

This skill was supposed to help you if there multiple enemies; knocking them down and dealing some damage. Though not made for damage, it was supposed to help you survive multiple close range enemies.


2nd Skill:

There was one thing that I forgot to mention above; the spore debuff has a chance to spread. Now, the ability itself deals toxin or viral damage to nearby enemies, but it doesn't have a 100% chance to debuff. If a unit gets infected, however, chances increase. Infected units have a chance to infect their nearby allies, with infection chance increasing per unit infected.

It would progress something like this:


Player                      5%


1st Enemy Unit        15%


2nd Enemy Unit       25%


3rd Enemy Unit        35%


Keep in mind that infection chance caps at the 3rd infected unit. Infection chance might be able to be influenced by mods, but this might be able to allow players to just walk around killing everything that goes near them.

(Looking back, this might be a bit strong? :(   0


3rd Skill:

This skill is supposed to help you survie, sorta. While giving you increased melee damage and some lifesteal, it lowers your already low armor and decreases the 1st and 2nd skill's HP. (2nd skill's HP was already low to begin with)

The idea was that it allows you to survive in melee if swarmed.

"But Afi! Wouldn't they attack you while you cast?!"

Well, that's what terrify is for, and why it's a "maw" The idea is that the image of a maw terrifies them, this also opens up a 3 second time period to dispatch nearby enemies while they are terrified.

If you're low on health and use this on the terrified grineer. you'd definitely get back a good chunk of health!


4th Skill

This skill basically just allows you to deal high damage to nearby enemies. It increases your stats regardless of if you kill the enemies.

And this basically lets you increase your low armor and shield capacities, WHILE increasing your already high health.

Also, it is affected by range and power mods.


Future ideas for Abilities:

-Infest - Change Grineer to chargers and Corpus to leapers. Terrifies nearby enemies while their allies transform.

              Mechanical units don't terrify units and, instead, instantly attack previous allies.

-Disrupt/Heal Pulse - Basically Infested Ancient Skills.


I can't keep doing this, I'm going to bed.

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I'm thinking of changing the abilities soon; mainly with focus on sustainability and acting as a sort of "bullet sponge"

Truthfully I want him to be a tank/support, however, with his current abilities I don't think he fulfills this role. Looking back he seems to be more of a DPS right now, I WILL change his abilities soon though.

Current Skills will be archived in case they are needed.

OK right now I will post a tanking 4 set ability for you and see if you like it I have a lot of darksector knowledge and know things about the infested

1. Hardening - increases your armor by 90/130/170/200

2. Screech - lets out a giant screech doing a small dot of 10/15/20/25 and calls all agro to you

3. regrowth - eating away at a foe, growing in size your flesh regenerates increasing your max health by 100/150/200/250 and gives you health regeneration and regenerates 20/40/60/80% of your max health and doing 100/200/300/400 damage to your selected enemy

4. We consume all - all around you, you infest and consume your foes, every enemy you consume gives your 5/10/15/20 health 5/10/15/20 health regen and 5/10/15/20 armor along with that the dead enemies become infested and fight for you, grineer will become chargers equal to the level of the dead enemy corpus will become leapers and runners and infested will become the enemies they died as any heavy unit like napalm and techs will become ancients leaders will also become ancients just so its not to OP with you getting leaders that fight for you with their abilities

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That sprint speed needs to be lowered by a lot. Throw maxed rush on Loki and you are flying at speeds that make the games animations look hilariously comical, anything faster and it is game breaking in terms of balance (yes that actually matters in a PvE game).

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OK right now I will post a tanking 4 set ability for you and see if you like it I have a lot of darksector knowledge and know things about the infested

1. Hardening - increases your armor by 90/130/170/200

2. Screech - lets out a giant screech doing a small dot of 10/15/20/25 and calls all agro to you

3. regrowth - eating away at a foe, growing in size your flesh regenerates increasing your max health by 100/150/200/250 and gives you health regeneration and regenerates 20/40/60/80% of your max health and doing 100/200/300/400 damage to your selected enemy

4. We consume all - all around you, you infest and consume your foes, every enemy you consume gives your 5/10/15/20 health 5/10/15/20 health regen and 5/10/15/20 armor along with that the dead enemies become infested and fight for you, grineer will become chargers equal to the level of the dead enemy corpus will become leapers and runners and infested will become the enemies they died as any heavy unit like napalm and techs will become ancients leaders will also become ancients just so its not to OP with you getting leaders that fight for you with their abilities


Those are pretty good!

Please don't mind me if I use them, but with a minor tweak.

I can't decide about what I'll make him, but for now I'll settle for the original Tank.

That's it. Last post. For realz this time.

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Because I dont want to quote that whole giant post and take up to much room on this topic ill post without it.

IC the first abilities logic is nice 2nd one if its going to infect enemies its a good thing to have a cap at a low leveled ability if not switch it with the 3rd one if the 3rd one is suppose to be for surviving then its a good idea to make it easier to get to, remember that the polarity matter for new players


That sprint speed needs to be lowered by a lot. Throw maxed rush on Loki and you are flying at speeds that make the games animations look hilariously comical, anything faster and it is game breaking in terms of balance (yes that actually matters in a PvE game).

woops forgot about that yeah its to high I thought loki was 2.25 and forgot loki is only 1.25

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That sprint speed needs to be lowered by a lot. Throw maxed rush on Loki and you are flying at speeds that make the games animations look hilariously comical, anything faster and it is game breaking in terms of balance (yes that actually matters in a PvE game).


Didn't realise that...

Original sprint speed was .95, it must have been a typo.

Should the Sprint speed be low or average? 

I was thinking of making it slow, because, let's be honest, you're just walking around with huge heavy chunks of flesh.


Edit: Sprint Speed typo is fixed.

        My inability to not respond and go to bed hasn't


Real Final Edit: Changed 3rd skill's energy cost to 25, still thinking about the health cost. Had to change it because it was                                         bothering me.

                          Also, I think I'll get the sleeping pills.

Edited by (PS4)AFI-kun
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Didn't realise that...

Original sprint speed was .95, it must have been a typo.

Should the Sprint speed be low or average? 

I was thinking of making it slow, because, let's be honest, you're just walking around with huge heavy chunks of flesh.


Edit: Sprint Speed typo is fixed.

        My inability to not respond and go to bed hasn't

lol I so now that feeling just shut your computer down and dont look at it and leave whats going on in the forums a mystery if not you'll end up pulling an all-nighter when all you did was make one more post then make one more post then make one more post

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not going to be mean or anything but this:



this wasn't something new, but your ideas are getting extremely close to Red's here. I don't mind a new set of features, but please just make sure you don't copy someone else s ideas. The concept of the one ability is an extremely detailed version of Red's ability (he has his generalized) for interpretation up to DE.

Edited by EMagnolo
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