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Hardly Able To Complete A Mission In Two Days Due To Ce-34878-0

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Seriously - every time I start a mission in Mimas or ODS I crash within 10 minutes - if I'm lucky. This is especially frustrating because I purchased both of the resource drop modifiers for 7 days each and now it's looking like they're doing me almost no good. I've crashed three times in ODS and about 5 in Mimas. I've also had about 3 other misc. crashes on other missions. During all this time I've been able to complete a few other missions.


It's bad enough when the game crashes because I feel like I've wasted my time, but now I also feel like I wasted my money because of those stupid boosters.


Sorry, I'm venting.


Actual Info:


I've noticed no recurring themes as to what's going on - I've been playing Trinity using the Drakgoon, but have also crashed as Nova once or twice. I've had all kinds of different frames in the groups that have crashed, so I see nothing to make me think it's localized to a specific frame.


Almost all of my crashes have been on Mimas or in ODS. I have noticed that the crashes only really started after I completed the event - for whatever reason I was able to go to 30+ minutes on Mimas on Thursday, but the second I hit 50 Oxium I started having problems. Probably just coincidence, but something I noticed so I thought I'd mention.


During missions I have experienced random bouts of slow play, but nothing too out of the ordinary. This also does not seem to coincide with crashes - in fact crashes usually occur when the game is otherwise running great.


I've noticed other people 'disconnecting' and assume they've been crashing as well. Either they disconnect in the middle of a match and I get the popup notification or the game has to change hosts because the host is the one who disconnected. This makes me think that it's not something like the old Vauban issue which was one frame causing all other clients to crash - people who are crashing are completely at random.


Sorry if all of this is worthless information, I know there's way more going on behind the scenes that's probably more relevant than what I'm posting, but I figure the circumstances surrounding the crash on my end could be of use. Let me know if there is anything else that would come in useful, aside from that though I guess I have to stop playing the game for now - quite literally the last five missions I've tried to play (2 today, 3 yesterday) have resulted in my launching the game and crashing in the first mission I try.

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It's really kind of pathetic that this game still has chronic crashing problems after 3 updates. I've had 5 survival crashes in 2 days since U 12, and 2 Tower MD crashes as well. To date, Warframe is the only game that has crashed my PS4, and I have sent in what must be between 30 and 40 crash reports since launch. Rubber banding isn't fixed either, neither is the horrible dojo host migration system, nor is the frame rate problem in towers. Plus I suspect Zephyr's tornados are the new Valuban Vortex, meaning they were not optomized and will result in crashes if too many are laid down, and this will have to wait for a patch.


You know, it's often said in this forum that we on PS4 are lucky because the PC community has been beta testing aspects of the game before we get it. Unfortunately, unless PC gamers are dealing with frequent crashes in certain modes, rubber banding that pulls you backwards when you jump over things, or constant host migration in their dojos, I think the benefits are a myth. None of these things have changed in 3 updates.

Edited by (PS4)MatangoMushrooms
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Honestly, up until the most recent update, I wouldn't consider most of the issues I've had to be that bad. Yes I've had a few crashes, probably around 6-10 but that's over the course of 300 hours. I can accept that. Rubber banding I can accept. The Vauban issue sucked because I really liked Vauban, but it was one of those things that only hurt a portion of the game (don't play this class and have problems only if you encounter someone who doesn't know and doesn't listen). This issue has literally made the game unplayable for me though. And even that I could accept if not for the fact that I have boosters that I paid for being wasted by my inability to make use of them.

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@OP, pretty sure the crash issue is caused more by the DRAKGOON, than the Trinity warframe. Been playing a lot since U12... As soon as I made and started using the Drakgoon my friend or I would crash in 5-10 mins of starting any mission (using any frame). So I stopped using the Drakgoon and we would get a CE crash or two daily. Yesterday I tried the Drakgoon again; my friend crashed in less then 5 mins; I crashed on the next mission in 8 mins; took it off again, no one crashes...  

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My theory is that the crashes have to do with the in game alert notifications. When u12 first hit I would crash at least once a session. Ever since I started opening the chat thread and letting them load before I play I have had no crashes. Ever notice how the game lags when you first opened any chat thread, especially the general chat tab? The in game alert notifications show in these threads. If you're in a match and the game is accessing these threads for the first time I can see a game crashing from the amount of info trying to be loaded. It would also explain why nobody's experience with the crash are the same. The crash only occurs when an alert shows in game, and you won't see the alert notification because you crash the same time it loads.

my theory.

I'd love someone else to test this out. I've been fine for a week now with no crashes. Made a 40 minute survival earlier today too.

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Playstation sent out a tweet of how this problem can be fixed, I don't have the actual tweet, but it says to first save your save data to cloud (or whatever the online storage is), or to a usb, then reinitialize your ps4, I did it, and it works fine now, however, i must warn you it does not work for everyone, and you have to redownload all you have >.<

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the OP , Im using a Trinity as well , and most of my crashes have occurred on Mimas as well.


Mimas is a problem. I've stopped playing there altogether. Not a trinity, but I've played there with multiple frames, and a crash is almost guaranteed everytime

Edited by (PS4)iAvernus
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I have deleted Warframe and the save file on HDD, re-downloaded Warframe, and I still crash. The other day I had an amazing 45 minute run, had about 6 Orokin cells, and tons of EXP for some gear I was leveling. The group and I should have known better - lost it all.


I have been suggested to "initialize the PS4" (format it), but I think that's a cop-out. If you just do some researching about the error code you'll find it affects all PS4 users for almost any game. You will also find people that have reformatted their PS4s and report nothing fixed. I am pretty sure this is a Sony issue, but I'm sure there is some tweaking DE could do to help stop it.


All I know is, Suvival is my favorite game mode, and it scares me to play it nowadays. Void missions as well, regardless of the type, usually crash for me.

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